
21. Step By Step.

I sat on the toilet and cursed out loud in very colorful words and thought, how in the hell I make this work? The little strip in my hand showed me I was indeed pregnant, and I was in the middle freaking world-saving tour and it was not the best time to have babies. I had no idea how long my pregnancy would be and I had to re-organize fight clubs at this time, or at least when this was in the future. It might not be the best time to go into a fight club belly full of babies. I hoped I would not make litter, but just a few and maybe I could get them into the magic house soon.

But I had no change but to move on, and do what I could, and Colin was less impressed about this. And he was quite freaking concerned about how in the hell I am going to pull this through, but I had to just believe that everything happen for a reason, so my mystery pregnancy would have an explanation, other than my weirdness.

This was a long and hard gig and me being a parent same time, well, things would get more interesting. But I had a lot of support and Alaric promised more or less to be there for babies and he could care for them at times, if needed. He had loved to be the father but his daughters, corrupted by Hope Michaelson, well, he killed them himself. Just as Nick killed his Hope. 

I knew my babies would not be corrupted by evil. No, the biggest threat to them was the pack's lust usually, but I knew I was no longer part of the pack. I was no longer married to anyone, nor no one was my guardian. I was again as independent as possible. And I had no time to think about my situation more or less because I had to fight clubs for two weeks in a row and after that. I had free time from them but a long and hard sniping list.

I groaned in my mind. Well, now I would get to experience how hard it would be to try to sniper a target while pregnant. Not so easy, probably trying to be in a position with a pregnant belly in a way. My life and its challenges. Things just could not be easy for me. Not at all.

I had gotten a few symptoms earlier, like morning sickness, and little alarm bells had made me take the test. I was trying to organize my life. Despite our not-so-ideal situation, I could not worry too much as Colin was actually happy same time and worried too. He was going to be the father. He was pretty sure that pack would move on, forget me and my babies and I was, too. I was also prepared for it. It was just time for me to see what my life would be like. 

Of course, as these had been present when my four babies had been born too, they knew what it would entail and they hoped I would not make too big a litter, as those four had been all day consuming project. As I told them I could put babies into the magic house when needed, Colin was not so sure nor Wulfe too. It seemed that he was planning to more or less live with me, not in the magic house. 

I had to keep my mind on this world-saving mission all the time, but then again, this was a whole new experience for this part of the group. Meaning I was not in the lead. I had to write pretty damn carefully everything in paper and Wulfe had taken the entire tour from my mind into his as well, so he was directing this as well. It was not mine to direct.

It was ours and since there were now ten of us, me, Alaric, Wulfe, Dexter, Magnum, Murdock, Taylor, Dresden, Higgins, Constantine, and Giselle. We had our team, and Giselle was very excited about my twins. She told me I was expecting very special twins who would have their duty in fleas. Really. They were twins of salvation, or liberation, depending on what text to read. They had been prophesied a long time ago. 

It was not easy for me to obey, and with no questions but when an ancient creature like Wulfe told you to do something, you do it, or he made you do it and it is not so nice but he was determined to keep me safe and healthy, meaning he had taken a lot more ways to use make me obey. I had little time to focus on my work when there was always someone coming, taking my papers, taking over whatever I was doing. 

My sniping with Murdock, again, he liked to rip me a new asshole if I was sloppy or even thought of playing with my victim. Meaning not to kill it instantly. And he would tell Magnum who would pretty much take me to the gym, rage control until I was focused and not let my dark side or my rage dictate my actions. I was under control and I had no choice but to behave.

There was no use for me to misbehave, try to shout, or do anything much. Wulfe had a wide variety of spells in his use and I was frozen in my place, unable to speak or move if I tried to be too naughty. I just had to learn that I had my new pack, one who really cared for me, and my mate, who loved him. I seemed to collect men who had had nasty experiences in love and healed them.

Magnum and Alaric were quite good with finances, so my money affairs were being handled as well. It was fun to be Springcove again. Nothing was binding me to Damon. Well, except for these two babies inside my belly, but it might be that they would have children of their own and Damon might not want to be the father of these. I was not sure what to write on the birth certificate, but Colin told me not to fret about that yet. My pack, my new pack wanted to have a christening for these too but after world saving gig. Much depends on what my ex-pack would do or not do when and if they would return. It might be that they would continue to live there in their perfect life.

Sark and other nasties were quite damn active, so I had my hands full. I had to do my fight clubs, my sniping, and as much as possible flea work. there was just so much work to be done. But now I could get none of my ten to go anywhere else than be near me. I had my bodyguards with me as Sark had once again up the ante to catch me, meaning he had plenty of sarks on the move, ready to snatch me, plus fear demons, and other mercenaries. 

When I went to the fight club, Magnum was with me, making sure that I was not shooting after sarks, as they still showed in my dark finder radar. He escorted me more or less to the cage. Then either Dresden or Constantine were with me too, making sure that no fear demon could attack me. They had come to a spell that shielded me from their attack as I was fighting.

After the fight club was done, Wulfe or Murdock were taking me out, and I had to keep my rage in the bundle. Wulfe had a few nifty rage resetting spells and Murdock had a syringe full of sedatives that would knock me out despite my rage. Courtesy of Colin's leprechaun, he kept his mate safe, even though she was stubborn as a mule. 

So I was under control more or less the whole time. We moved from house to house and Wulfe had put our portal, so traveling was easier. All of my cars were checked by Magnum, Dexter, Murdock, and Colin, and they were used during this mission. Much of the time, at least my five slept in my houses or our houses more or less, and they even made a few rooms here and there. It was a stressful time for me, a control freak to have more people fixing my houses and not asking about me. 

I learned a lot about teamwork. No more Miss Manager, who makes all the decisions, not at all. We made them, and they might be fully different than I would have done, but as we discussed, we learned things. It was so much different in my life and so much changed in my life that it made me a little nervous, as change is something that I have struggled with the whole time. 

I was in a fight club in Germany. This was one of the fucked up clubs, damn hard and as this was again an all-over-the-world mission, meaning I was jumping all over and not going country by country, this took some planning. I was nearly in the term but my babies shrank themselves when I went to fightclub then when I needed to do sniping; I had a baby bump, and it was not easy to snipe with it. I was just taking a breather, meaning wiping my face when they dragged the carcass out when I glimpsed into the audience. A torrent of curse words escaped to my lips.

Harrison. He looked straight at me. God damn it. I was in the middle of world-saving if the government was again after me, because of the project omega, well it was just an added complication. I had to make a few decisions soon, meaning should I tell my five about that? Will it endanger them and can they do anything to it? The best-case scenario would be me taking Harrison out. No problems with that. But as I have my bodyguards with me, they won't let me do anything extra. All the weapons went to our house and Giselle would come, look at them, and usually take them with her. 

I focused on my fight, trying not to fret, and knew that Wulfe would keep me safe, and Dresden was on duty here as well. But this goddamn secret had so profound effect on my life even if it had been a century since it happened or maybe more even but some secrets when it is time when some individuals can live much longer than normal humans, has still their own grip on me. I was trying to rack my brain on what to do but for now, nothing, yet. Let's try to continue and make this damn mission and have these babies, let them fulfill their purpose, and let's be again mothers. I can be a mom, no problem, none, but this time I would not have the luxury of being home and taking care of them. 

These babies will be born when I have been on this mission for seven months. Time flies when I have a world to be saved. Meaning it could be anytime now. My body has a mind of its own and since it is just two babies, I could give birth to them, but I have no idea what my dear mate/ doctor has decided on this matter. He is now my medical guardian and Wulfe had a few times flashed the option that he and Magnum could be legal guardians. Thought that made me groan in my mind. 

I like to keep my independence and my decision-making ability to myself. No need for legal guardians. It is fun to have my own panels back to me. Helps me keep my body in shape. I am still a very strong alpha female, whether I have an alpha male or not. Let's just say that Magnum had a few times looked at me quite heatedly as well as Colin but not bed things yet. I am soon mommy and we have the world to save, but one can never know what the future brings. 

I had to give my sniper work to Magnum and Murdock as my belly was big enough to stop me from doing that. But fight clubs beckoned, flea work, planning took time, and other parts of the world saving mission kept me quite damn busy. I had almost my due date when Colin coldly knocked me out and took my twins out with a cesarean; he did not want potential complications or something else that could go wrong during birth. This was the fastest, safest option for us all.

Jack and Jill were born into this world via operation and they were both in good sized, loud as hell and my milk production had been curbed. So it was feeding formula or frozen milk that I had in my freezers. They were pretty perfect. Both of them had violet eyes, meaning they were witch and wizard. Pretty astonishing considering that I was not a magical creature, and it usually takes a wizard and witch to have babies with violet eyes. I had no idea had Mariella and Damon had ever gotten babies with violet eyes. 

I was up and running the same day and I had to go to the fight club. No rest for the wicked, but I would have time to be with my babies later on. For now, most of what they did was sleep and drink milk. I had my focus on, and of course, Harrison was in the audience again. He had been there every time now when I had the club and his expression was not friendly. Fine, it might be that I would have to deal with this thing at some point to myself. Meaning get the government or whoever the hell was after me back the hell off. Not so easy. And not workable while saving the world. 

I had to go to gigs as well. We were short-staffed, and I was needed for blasting gigs, saving gigs, and whatnot. World saving was about a little over halfway done and we had quite many people doing things some time, so it might move on faster too. Jack and Jill were easy babies. They slept and their powers weren't bound as they would need them.

I would have to take them to missions, specifically liberation missions and they would take care of liberation, meaning victims would die off peacefully, and permanently. It seemed cruel to put innocent babies to do something like that but Dresden, Constantine, and Wulfe explained it to me it was their magic, their purpose and it would do just as good for them to do their job, they were protecting me too, so I would not have to kill, they would do the work for me. I had no choice but to let my little killer babies do their thing when we got the liberation gig. How appropriate, the killer, assassin, and sniper mother gives birth to two little killers who start to take lives before walking. 

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