
A Desperate Moment

The city was bathed in the warm glow of a sunny afternoon, its bustling streets a testament to the vibrant pulse of urban life. People from all walks of life hurried about, going about their daily routines with a sense of purpose and belonging. The air was filled with the hum of traffic, the chatter of pedestrians, and the wail of sirens in the distance.

Amidst this backdrop of normalcy, a towering skyscraper stood out, its sleek design and gleaming windows a beacon of modern architecture. The building seemed to touch the sky, its peak shrouded in a thin layer of clouds, giving it an otherworldly aura.

But without warning, the tranquility was shattered. A deafening explosion rocked the top floor of the building, sending chunks of concrete and twisted steel bars crashing down onto the panicked crowd below. The screams of those trying to escape were drowned out by the cacophony of destruction, as the very ground beneath them seemed to tear open, unleashing even more devastation.

Panic set in as people scrambled to get away from the building, their faces etched with fear and confusion. Some stumbled and fell, while others trampled over them in their desperation to escape. The air was thick with dust and debris, making it hard to see or breathe.

Sirens pierced the air as police and fire department vehicles screeched onto the scene, racing to rescue those trapped in the mayhem. The officers and firefighters leapt into action, their training and adrenaline kicking in as they battled to contain the chaos.

But before they could even begin, a figure emerged from the billowing smoke, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly intensity. The police instinctively trained their guns on the mysterious figure, their fingers tense on the triggers, ready to fire at a moment's notice. But before they could react, a dark, metallic extension burst forth from the figure, tearing through multiple police cars and sending them up in flames.

As the chaos raged on, one police officer managed to catch a glimpse of the creature that had attacked them. It was a terrifying sight - four arms, each coated in black metal, and a skull-like head with no flesh, but glowing red eyes that seemed to burn with malice. The officer was paralyzed with fear, his last words a terrified yell of "Nightmare!" before the creature grasped his arms and began stretching them out like rubber, while simultaneously tearing into his ribcage with its other arm.

The scene was gruesome and horrific, and the officer's colleagues immediately opened fire on the creature. But to their shock, their bullets seemed to have no effect - the creature ignored them, its wounds healing at an alarming rate, faster than they could inflict damage. Finally, the creature ripped the officer's arm clean off, let out a deafening roar, and leapt into the building.

At the other end of the city, Captain Levy was indulging in a cone of ice cream, attempting to engage the vendor in a conversation about the meaning of life. "So, my friend, have you ever stopped to think about the purpose of our existence?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.

The vendor, a gruff-looking man with a thick beard, raised an eyebrow. "Uh, no. I'm just trying to make a living here."

Captain Levy chuckled. "Fair enough, fair enough. Well, in that case, can I at least get a sprinkle of existential dread on top of my ice cream?"

The vendor shook his head. "Sorry, Captain. Just plain old chocolate and vanilla today."

Undeterred, Levy took a lick of his ice cream and closed his eyes in bliss, savoring every drip. Suddenly, he paused, looked at his ice cream, and thought aloud, "Wait, do I have somewhere important to be right now? Like, say, being at a very important place?" He chuckled to himself, shrugged, and continued licking his ice cream, completely absorbed in the sweet treat.

Just as he was getting to the good part, a loud explosion echoed through the air, making him turn towards the commotion. With a raised eyebrow, he mused, "I wonder what that could possibly be... probably just another day?" He took another lick of his ice cream, and strolled off towards the explosion.

"Hey captain!", the vendor calls out.

Levy turns his head round sharply, "Don't worry about me, I'll be safe".

The vendor looked at him in confusion, rolled his eyebrow and said, "What the hell you on about? You didn't pay for that ice cream".

"Oh", Levy said, reaching into his pocket for the money

Commander Gerald grabbed his walkie-talkie, his voice firm and urgent. "All units in the area, we need backup ASAP. We've got a critical situation here and we need all hands on deck, over."

One of the officers beside him, looking nervous, spoke up in a hesitant tone. "Sir, I don't mean to question your judgment, but shouldn't we consider contacting Nightcore HQ for support? We're dealing with a Nightmare, after all."

Gerald's glare was piercing. "Just one Nightmare, and you want to call in the cavalry? What will the people of this city think if we can't even handle a single creature? We'll be seen as incompetent."

The officer looked down, apologetic. "I understand, sir. I just wanted to suggest—"

Gerald cut him off, his eyes fixed on the burning building, its flames licking the sky. "I don't need anyone's help. I'll take care of this myself." His mutter was barely audible, but his determination was clear.

Just as Commander Gerald finished speaking, the building's top floor erupted in a massive explosion, sending massive chunks of debris crashing down towards the police officers below. Officer Gerard's eyes widened in horror as he stared up at the falling pillar, its trajectory unmistakable. It was headed straight for him, and he knew he couldn't escape the incoming casualty.

Commander Gerald's voice pierced the air, shouting orders to his team. "Get back, get back! Take cover!" But Officer Gerard couldn't tear his gaze away from the falling pillar.

"Oh, for fuck's sake!" he cursed, frozen in place, his mind racing with the inevitability of his fate. He tried to move, but his legs felt like lead, refusing to budge.

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