
12. Good girl

After removing her makeup and changing into her daily clothes, Winona Ryder left the independent makeup room and returned to her producer's office. Pouring herself a glass of water, she sat behind her spacious and luxurious desk, appearing relaxed and content.

The project "Soulful Lady" was her brainchild and a great opportunity for her comeback. She wouldn't allow anyone to steal her thunder. The few scenes that were cut had been discussed with the screenwriter and others; they were minor roles that highlighted the supporting characters without significantly impacting the story.

As a producer, as long as the other producer, Georgia Kennedy, remained silent, Angelina Jolie was powerless to fight back.

The sound of hurried footsteps approached from outside, followed by a knock on the door. Winona Ryder called out, "Come in," and her assistant rushed in.

"What's wrong?" Winona Ryder furrowed her brows slightly.

The assistant seemed out of breath from running and said, "Angelina and that man are here."

"Oh?" Winona Ryder raised her eyebrows in curiosity, "What are they here for?"

"Could it be..." the assistant whispered, "Trouble again?"

Winona Ryder pondered for a moment, then shook her head slowly, "If it were trouble, Angelina would come alone."

Then, she considered another possibility, a hint of anticipation appearing on her cold face, "Could Angelina be here to plead for that man?"

The assistant nodded, "It's very likely! I heard from Rubin that Vanessa was instructed by Angelina to specifically greet him when he joined the crew."

"If that's the case..." Winona Ryder's anticipation grew stronger, "What should I do?"

She suddenly hoped Angelina Jolie would hurry up and arrive.

In the office corridor, Matthew followed Angelina Jolie reluctantly toward the office they had visited at noon.

"You're both big stars," Matthew didn't want to go at all, "I'm just a small supporting actor, maybe I shouldn't come."

Angelina Jolie glanced at him, "Your role was taken by her. Don't you want to get it back? Don't you want to see if she can keep her cool?"

Matthew did want to see that, but he was hesitant to confront Winona Ryder directly.

"Hmph," Angelina Jolie snorted, then said, "Without a witness like you, do you think she would be threatened by me? Do you think you'll get better jobs?"

Originally, Matthew had considered approaching Winona Ryder himself, but recalling some experiences he had witnessed at the bottom of society, he believed it might be more effective to ally with someone more influential. Given the vast difference in status between himself and Winona Ryder, she might resort to unexpected measures.

Powerful people had many ways to deal with insignificant individuals.

He speculated that Angelina Jolie might have realized this and, despite not wanting to let go of the opportunity to strike at Winona Ryder, she didn't want to miss out on the chance, so she dragged him into the situation, preventing him from hiding behind her.

Although he had reservations, Matthew came anyway. Now facing various dilemmas, he urgently needed to change the situation.

Approaching the door of the office, Angelina Jolie pushed it open and walked in. At this point, Matthew couldn't retreat either, so he followed her into the office.

"Do you need something?" Winona Ryder's cold voice rang out.

Angelina Jolie looked at Winona Ryder's assistant, "I'd like to talk to you alone."

Winona Ryder didn't hesitate to refuse, "There's no need for that."

She first glanced at Angelina Jolie, who no longer looked as arrogant as before, then at the tall young man beside her, whose handsome face bore a gentle smile.

"It seems these two are here to ask for my help," Winona Ryder concluded, a hint of pride appearing on her fair and cool face.

"I think we should talk alone," Matthew felt that with more people involved, there would be less room for maneuvering, "Miss Ryder, would you mind asking your assistant to step out for a moment?"

"No need," Winona Ryder waved her hand casually.

Angelina Jolie urged Matthew, "If that's the case, go ahead and speak."

Matthew thought for a moment and didn't speak directly. Instead, he calmly said, "Miss Ryder, a few days ago, I saw you at the bookstore outside the cinema."

Winona Ryder put down her glass, a blush appearing on her fair cheeks, "What bookstore?"

"The one outside the cinema," Matthew looked at Winona Ryder's assistant, "Near the tourist area, there's a bookstore."

Winona Ryder suddenly felt her heart pounding in her chest and also looked at her assistant, "You, go out and close the door!"

The assistant hurriedly left and closed the office door behind him.

"Ha..." Angelina Jolie suddenly laughed, and Winona Ryder's heart beat faster, "Why are you laughing?" she asked.

"You..." Angelina Jolie took a big step forward, looming over Winona Ryder sitting in the chair, "Who would have thought that the famous Hollywood star Miss Winona Ryder would be a thief."

"Don't slander me!" Winona Ryder retorted.

"It's not slander!" Angelina Jolie approached Winona Ryder menacingly, "You know it deep down!"

Winona Ryder naturally wouldn't admit it, "If you keep slandering me, I'll sue you for defamation!"

"Is that so?" Angelina Jolie, tired of Winona Ryder's attitude these past few days, leaned on the desk with both hands, staring at Winona Ryder menacingly, "Should I call my lawyer?"

Winona Ryder stood up abruptly, glaring at Matthew behind her, "You, get out!"

She gradually realized the danger and decided to first dismiss the onlookers before assessing how much Angelina Jolie knew.

Matthew, lacking the awareness of an onlooker, spoke up, "Sorry, Miss Winona Ryder. Let me remind you that it was me who saw you at the bookstore." He looked at Angelina Jolie, "Not Miss Jolie."

Since he had decided to step in, he had no intention of holding back.

Winona Ryder turned her head, her eyes suddenly cold. She was about to speak, but Matthew preempted her, "The bookstore is between the fourth and fifth rows from the north, in the fashion and makeup section. There were only two books there that I remember you, Miss Winona Ryder, took. The covers were colorful with red and green."

Upon hearing this, Winona Ryder was momentarily speechless, her fair cheeks flushing abnormally.

"Ah, one more thing," Matthew continued, "Perhaps you overlooked it, but that bookstore has surveillance cameras. If Miss Winona Ryder forgets, we can review the footage together, with both of you..."

He looked at Angelina Jolie, who was watching Winona Ryder with a smile, then continued, "With your and Miss Jolie's fame, I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult to watch the surveillance footage."


Winona Ryder's legs weakened, and she sat back down on the chair, the abnormal flush on her face dissipating, leaving her pale as snow.

"He... he saw it!" Winona Ryder's heart was almost about to leap out of her chest, "How is that possible?"

She had always had a penchant for stealing, but she had never been suspected before, hiding behind her identity as a star.

"Do you want to go see it?" Angelina Jolie hopped off Winona Ryder's desk and onto her chair, "I'd be happy to help."

"I... I..." Winona Ryder was momentarily at a loss for words.

Matthew looked around and found a swivel chair. He walked over and sat down. The rest was up to Angelina Jolie and Winona Ryder. Even after saying all this, he was still an insignificant figure. Angelina Jolie and Winona Ryder had the power to have an equal conversation, and with Angelina Jolie's status, Winona Ryder couldn't do anything to them.

Small figures had their own sorrows, and sometimes, to avoid such sorrows, they inevitably had to borrow strength.

He looked at Angelina Jolie and Winona Ryder, waiting for the outcome of their negotiation.

Although surprised and nervous, Winona Ryder had been mingling in the fiercely competitive circle of Hollywood for many years. As time passed, she gradually calmed down.

"What do you..." Winona Ryder looked up at Angelina Jolie's angular face, "What do you want?"

She didn't argue anymore, nor did she want to admit to anything. It was as if Matthew's words just now didn't exist.

"Don't worry, I won't call the police or expose you," Angelina Jolie snapped her fingers in front of Winona Ryder's eyes, "It's simple. You continue to be the leading actress, and I continue to be the supporting actress. Don't come and bother me again."

Winona Ryder was surprised, "Is that all?"

Angelina Jolie looked playful, "Of course not! Did you think it would be that easy?"

She dropped her playful expression and said seriously, "Restore my scenes that were cut, and my lines are not to be reduced. They should even be increased appropriately! I also have the right to provide input on the final edited version that will be released!"

Winona Ryder considered for a while before saying, "Okay."

Angelina Jolie smiled at Winona Ryder, "That's a good girl."

Winona Ryder's face turned paler with anger, but she couldn't say a word.

"Alright," Angelina Jolie jumped off her desk.

"Cough—" Matthew coughed loudly.

"Don't worry, I won't forget you!" Angelina Jolie glanced at Matthew, then turned back to Winona Ryder, "There's also this extra."


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