
Hello there, Love..

{Author-chan: Welcome to a new chapter, dear readers. I was reading a novel in which the author got sick, and this happened many times. The comment under that post got me laughing; it said that what the author got was the mythical sickness that every author gets now and then.

I would love it if you guys could provide the names of some tools for AI imaging or grammar checkers.

Anyway, do not forget to drop shiny gems, guys. I need 8 shiny gems, and I will upload a new chapter tomorrow if you drop 15 shiny gems by tomorrow. I will drop another chapter then.

I think this is a good way to motivate myself to write and make the algorithm show my story more and put it in the top 200 shiny gems ranking.

I am starting to read books about character development, environment, and many other things about writing. When I finish reading and absorbing knowledge, I would like to know if you people want me to write another edited version of this book or update the chapter and tell you later.}


February 2008

Oasis Club Penthouse

Los Angeles Times: Shocking Revelation: Modern Casanova Alexia Caught in a Scandalous Affair with Beyoncé!

TMZ Exclusive: Beyoncé and Jay-Z's Upcoming Private Marriage Cancelled Amidst Alexia Affair Rumours!

"Ha ha.. Ha.." I laughed as Hannah placed the newspaper on the table after reading the headlines.

She says, "Did you know they were going to get married?"

I looked at her and casually said, "Yes."

I never lie to people I love, and she knows that.

I changed the subject and asked, "Did you acquire the EibenChemCorps?"

"Yes, I have." She says and then says, "If that's all, then I am leaving."

Me being me, I did not let her leave angry and caught her hand.

"You are mine and mine forever; I love you," I whispered in her ear and took her to the bedroom.

After two rounds of sex, she was satisfied, but I was not, so I called Jenny and Diana and had fun with them as well.


April 2008

Have you ever felt like you were not seeing the world clearly? I know. I know you must have heard this somewhere, so yeah, I am in the limitless universe. I mean, I can see the world clearly because of my powers, but I would like to see what effect NZT-48 would have on me.

In my previous life, many theories were debunked or were even false news, and movies were made on the fact that human beings can only use 10% or 20% of their brain.

But in the limitless universe, it is a fact that is known scientifically that human beings only use 10% of their brain, and NZT-48 allows the person to use the brain at their full capacity.

Since I acquired the company that was going to make the NZT-48, the company went private, and many departments, like the NZT-48 department, were shut down in the public eye, but only the NZT-48 was moved to private. Now, it's not like the company did not profit. I brought some things from the previous world that landed the company some defence contracts from the army.

It's been two months since the Beyonce incident. Hannah told me to arrive at a building, and when I ask why, she says that she got me a gift.

So I arrived at that building and asked the stunned receptionist. She said, "Oh, Ms. Alexia, on the 13th floor, you can take that lift.

I walked towards the elevator, and a girl bumped into me and almost fell before I caught her. I recognised that girl.

Hello, there, love...


{Author-chan: Can ya'all guess who that girl is? Anyway, do not forget that if I get 15 shiny gems before tomorrow, I'll drop the chapter.

Also, sorry for the short chapter. I wanted to write the sex scene in this chapter, but I have some work to do right now.

Do not forget to tell me how this chapter went. I will be starting a Patreon where I will upload some chapters in advance and will take any insight I can get to improve them for everybody. In this way, you and I can both be part of this story. :)

Also, make sure to read today's weird author's thoughts.}

“We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.” ~ Ernest Hemingway

groomablecreators' thoughts
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