
Chapter 2 : Peggy

"I have my reasons, Colonel, and Washington and London trusts my decision. Rogers, despite your opinions of him, is the best fit for this.", Erskine said.

"I hope you're right...", Phillips sighed. "It's already bad enough the Nazis got the leg up on us with this whole thing... the whispers that reached us about Kursk.

I suppose it's at least a good turn of events the Soviets had enough firepower to cause that woman to flee, certainly stopped the Germans in their tracks.

That and our liberation of Sicily drawing away some divisions away.".

Erskine nodded with a sigh, "Yes, I have heard the rumors...Too bad that the camera reel couldn't be copied to be seen here...

The descriptions of her are quite unique, but common as there are several blonde women born in Germany and Russia...Yet I have a feeling that I should know her...".

Phillips frowned, "Let me guess, related to Schimdt?", and Erskine rubbed the ridge of his nose as he removed his glasses, "I fear so, yes.

But destroying our allies, she is quite dangerous if the rumors are correct, and Rogers will be our advantage in discovering her weaknesses if she has any. I know you, Colonel, you would be happy if the war is won on our side.".

"Depends on which one of our side wins it.", Phillips admitted. "The whispers are already starting to talk about our alliance of convivence with Stalin.

Most of the entire German army is still tied up in the east which is good for our boys and the Brits.

But Stalin's just as a bad as Hitler and now with Kursk and what happened during the winter, the Russians are on the move. And Europe might trade one tyrant for another if we don't get our asses into gear.".

"Well, if this works, Rogers will be leading our boys in the south... I doubt the Pentagon will wait for the 'northern' invasion for him.",

Erskine was very careful not to say Italy or France since everyone was under strict secrecy relating the invasions.

Italy was already being invaded by the British 8th Army in the southern tip of mainland Italy at Calabria with another one further north planned for the US 5th Army.

Meanwhile, the cross-channel invasion of France from England was still being planned for early summer of 44.

Phillips nodded, "That, I can agree with you, doc. We're still good for tomorrow at 0900 sharp, then?".

Erskine smiled reassuringly, "Yes, and Mr. Stark is more than excited, if a bit nervous as well.".

Phillips sighed, "I pray this all works for your sake as you started this in the first place.", and Erskine nodded,

"I am more than 100% confident that you will approve of what you see tomorrow. It will work, and I am a man of my word.".

"I wish I had your confidence.", Phillips gave a small snort as he soon left Erskine alone to himself once more.

"I certainly hope it'll work...", Erskine whispered to himself. "Or I fear the world will still soon find itself under the jackboot of the swastika.".

All too soon, perhaps in Steve's perspective, but he's now heading for the greatest day of his life today, where his life will be changed, riding along with Ms. Peggy Carter who has seen him on his highs and lows of his training regime back in Virginia.

Peggy smiled softly, "You alright, soldier?", and Steve nods, "Yeah. Been a while since I left New York...

Hardly seems like it hadn't changed much...Even the alleys are the same...", seeing that the car is going through New York City to Pelham Bay Park.

Central Park is too obvious as it's more popular for citizens, compared to Pelham Bay Park, and if it works, there would be less notice. After all, changing into a giant super soldier is quite a feat.

"It hasn't been that long.", Peggy teased him as he chuckled. "True; I mean, compare the city fifty years ago, all those towers weren't there.", Steve said.

"And still untouched from war. There are some parts of London you can't even recognize anymore, thanks to the Blitz. I envy this country sometimes... able to stay safe from all of it.", Peggy sighed.

"For now, if the war takes a bad turn for us, there's still a chance that Tigers could be rolling up Times Square.", Steve nodded with a frown.

Peggy nodded, "Indeed, but you will change that, Steve. Even after everything, you are heck as stubborn.", and Steve smiled, "That's why I hate bullies.

Even after getting beaten up in that alley, or there, in that alley, I always find a way to get back up. If this works, I can actually do something that I am worthy of...".

Chuckling, "Soldier, you sure got a lot of heart. And I don't know why the ladies wouldn't be with you.

You're selfless, Steve.", Peggy replied with a warm smile. Steve exhaled, "I am not a ladies' man like Bucky, my best friend, but I suppose the reason is that I am looking for the right one...And I never danced...yet...".

"Well, I think we might just have a bit of time if we don't hit traffic to squeeze that in.

Or would you rather that we save the dance for later after it's all said and done?", Peggy asked as they took a turn on their way to the Bronx.

Steve blinked in surprise, "You would teach me? But I am not graceful like you...

And if the test works, it would be far more awkward and well, weird for a giant like me dancing with a tiny, beautiful woman, not that you're tiny or anything bad! I mean...", blushing in embarrassment as he's fumbling.

Peggy giggled for the first time, seeing Steve act like that, and smiled reassuringly with a bit of blush as it has been a long time since she heard a sincere, true compliment about her,

"Don't worry, you won't step on my feet, Steve. I am sure you'll do fine. And true, I can see what you mean.".

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