
Dr. Jafar in the House

To his immense relief, nothing exploded. The orb did its job at absorbing Elsa's powers. Not perfectly, mind you, but well enough that it didn't harm Jafar. He still woke up with a little sniffle, but nothing a little tweaking wouldn't fix. He even considered militarizing the Agrabah forces with this material against magical encounters. Perhaps even commercializing it wasn't a bad idea.

Every night from then on, he and Elsa met in secret. Sometimes they would meet in the first room. Sometimes he was in a hurry so he invited her to come to his room or laboratory. Each visit made her more comfortable around him and their relationship grew less awkward. Jafar saw it as a bonus. Another upside to their encounters was the growing collection of ice orbs that he could experiment with. He found that enough impact would cause the ball to explode, quite effectively showering nearby victims with a blast of pure ice magic. The poor rat he tested on didn't stand a chance. He found it best not to tell Elsa about that.

Unfortunately, the results weren't too apparent at the start. The princess was definitely less stressed around using her power, but saying she had 'control' over it was pushing it. All in all, Jafar would be lying if he said there were zero freak icicle accidents. Still, it was always worth it to watch her blush pink and repeatedly bow her head afterwards for forgiveness. He could never get mad at her even if he tried, nor could he, for political reasons, afford to show his anger towards the future ruler of Arendelle.

Sometimes, he varied the exercises. He set up dummies made out of the same material as his expensive orb (it was starting to make a dent in his sizable funds) and let Elsa go full black ops on the poor objects, shooting her magic this way and that with a child-like wonder. Other times, he tried making her animate her ice like he saw in the movies. The first few times ended in failure, but continued assurance and gentle nudging in the right direction resulted in the creation of her first ice form: a snow… something. Jafar really couldn't tell what it was, but at least it moved.


The blob created by Elsa's magic waved around in a way that made Jafar question its intelligence. However, the princess herself looked excited.

"Look, Jafar! It's moving! It's so cute!"

That day, Jafar learned that he would never understand the aesthetic taste in what girls found cute. He even tested it the next day, bringing in a prototype of a blobfish based on his memory of his last life.

"Eh… It looks weird and disgusting. It's not cute at all, Jafar. Come on, let's move on to something else."

His heart was pierced by her unintentionally cruel comment.

'You don't know how long I spent making that!' he inwardly complained.

Along with such experiments to help Elsa get used to her powers, he also recorded her various capabilities and formatted each in a helpful growth chart.

Jafar did feel a little guilty at considering the little girl a test subject, but he never stepped into the unethical field. Furthermore, Elsa confirmed her consent at anything he offered. Recently, she even showed some strange eagerness at participating in his experiments.

"Princess, it was merely a jest. It's a thankless job where you're acting like an ice cooler for my alchemy."

"That's okay. Let's do it!"

"No, no, no. A princess like you should focus on doing other things," he muttered, dragging her to her room.


When Elsa wasn't with him, Jafar could usually find her playing with her younger sister or little Jasmine in the courtyard.

The platinum blonde always brightly smiled when he strolled past them while the other two squealed at him to play with them.

Whenever he wasn't too busy, Jafar made sure to entertain them for a few minutes, sometimes pulling out some silly tricks and magic. To the children, even a simple sleight of hand card trick was a fascinating impossibility to clap for. Even Elsa, with her mind-boggling magic powers furrowed her brows cutely as she drove her brain to the max trying to understand how he made that card appear.

Months Later

In the time that followed, Elsa's trust in Jafar grew even further.

"What are we doing today?" she eagerly asked, comfortingly finding a seat in his room with experienced ease.

"Ah, princess. You've made it on time today."

Jafar off-handedly called, gently shaking a thick, green mixture in a small, stoppered glass tube.

"I-I was only late last time because I had to indulge Anna! I hope you'd think of me better than someone who'd consistently be late to her appointments," she explained, a faint pink hue coloring her tender cheeks.

The man left his latest experiment in a wooden tube rack and lifted his arms in a surrendering gesture. A small smile graced his lips.

"Of course, princess. You're my top student, after all."

'My only one too,' he thought, though he didn't say it out loud. He didn't want to ruin the beaming smile of pride on Elsa's face.

"Let's take it relatively easy for today. Start with a simple ball filling exercise."

She frowned.

"You don't have to lower the difficulty. My control has been growing."

"Of course I know," he calmly comforted. "Just try to keep things comfortably under the maximum threshold, princess. Let's not have… that incident again, shall we?" Jafar said, a hint of teasing in his voice.

Elsa blushed a bright cherry red.

The 'incident' he spoke of occurred a few weeks ago when Elsa, in her enthusiasm to impress Jafar, went beyond her limit during a simple orb-filling test. The overdose in strength slightly shifted her dainty fingers off the orb.

Of course, Jafar had protective measures around the orb, but her eagerness resulted in her powers exploding in an unintended show of her growth in strength. Fortunately, they weren't in his laboratory or his room that day. Learning from that experience, Jafar added a finger-slot that secured her hand against the ball.

"I-I told you that it won't happen again!" she pouted, stamping her little feet.

"Yes, yes," he exasperatedly said. "Now, let's get to work."

It would be another fulfilling day of working with the future Ice Queen of Arendelle.

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