
Chapter 4: Exceptional talent

"Now, where was I?" Yamai coughed, his face a patchwork of bruises – a souvenir from his wife's recent displeasure. "Ah yes, elemental nature. Beyond the five basic elements you've already encountered, there exists Yin Release and Yang Release. Think of Yin Release as the embodiment of imagination and spiritual energy, fueling jutsu that create form from nothing. Yang Release, on the other hand, thrives on vitality and physical energy, breathing life into those creations. While combining Yin and Yang is possible, it's a feat for the most exceptional shinobi – something we'll delve into later. For now, the key takeaway is that the Nara Clan has a natural affinity for Yin Release. That's why the Chakra Paper didn't pick up on any specific element. It doesn't restrict you from mastering other jutsu, but simply indicates a natural talent for Yin or Yang techniques."

Shinobi gravitate towards mastering a chakra nature that aligns with their inherent affinity. It's like learning a language – some come more naturally than others. Even with that natural aptitude, mastering a single nature can take years of dedicated practice. The good news is that shinobi aren't limited by their initial affinity. Take Jonin, for example – they often become proficient in two natures, expanding their jutsu arsenal. However, even after mastering additional natures, a shinobi can never quite replicate the efficiency and power they achieve with their inherent affinity. It's like trying to write with your non-dominant hand – it's doable, but not quite as natural.

Speaking of rare, mastering all five basic natures is an accomplishment bordering on legend. Every shinobi possesses a natural bias towards certain elements, making mastery of all five an uphill battle requiring an extraordinary amount of training. The only known individuals to achieve this feat through conventional means are historical figures like Hashirama Senju, the First Hokage, and his brother, Tobirama. More recent examples include Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, and the infamous Orochimaru.

Yami's eyes, usually dark and serious, gleamed with sudden excitement. "Whoa! So, I'm like a rare Ghost-type or maybe a Dark-type? That's awesome too!"

Yamai chuckled, scratching his cheek. His son's enthusiastic references to Pokemon were a bit lost on him, but a smile tugged at his lips nonetheless.

"Y-yes, something along those lines," Yamai scratched his cheek, struggling to keep up with his son's Pokémon analogy. However, he knew he needed to impart some knowledge today if he wished to avoid sleeping on the couch. "Let me demonstrate our clan's secret technique."

With a determined glint in his eye, Yamai weaved a series of intricate hand signs. "Secret Technique: Shadow Binding Jutsu!" he declared.

From beneath him, a tendril of his own shadow stretched out, reaching towards Yami before merging with the boy's shadow.

"Wha…" Yami sputtered, his wide eyes reflecting a mix of surprise and confusion. He found himself rooted to the spot, unable to budge an inch.

"This is our clan's secret technique. We can bind someone by manipulating our shadows and merging them with the target," Yamai explained before breaking the seal and stretching his arms. Moments later, Yami mimicked the movement, his body seemingly acting on its own. "By mastering this technique, you can also control the target's movements. That's called the Shadow Imitation Jutsu."

"That's freaking awesome!" Yami's eyes sparkled with excitement before he quickly composed himself, regaining his usual stoic demeanor. "But what are the limitations?"

Yamai scratched his head thoughtfully. "Well, the jutsu's effectiveness depends heavily on chakra. The more you extend your shadow or the stronger your opponent, the more chakra it consumes. It's also possible to resist or break free if they have enough strength or chakra reserves."

Yami's brow furrowed. "...So it's not that overpowered, huh?"

"H-hey, it's still our clan's signature technique!" Yamai stammered, trying to appease his son. He knew the waterworks were coming if he didn't tread carefully. Especially with his wife in a foul mood. "But remember, a ninja's true strength lies in their strategy and finishing moves. Even just controlling an opponent can land you a decisive victory."

Yami scoffed. "Easy for you to say. Just wait a decade, when teenagers are casually throwing out blasts that can level mountains." He rolled his eyes, clearly referencing events from Shippuden.

Part 1 was all about strategy and tactics, but in Part 2, the writers chucked that out the window and just focused on who could punch the hardest. Basically, their shadow binding technique would be like a parlor trick compared to a nuclear bomb.

"Well, it is still a cool technique." Despite his disappointment, Yami conceded the point with a shrug.

Learning those flashy jutsu was probably a pipe dream anyway. He decided to focus on mastering his clan's techniques rather than pining for the impossible. However, something caught Yamai's eye. Yami had subtly shifted an inch, completely oblivious to the movement. It was a small detail, but Yamai, a Jonin, wouldn't miss it. How could a three-year-old possibly break free of his binding jutsu? Well, at least the tears were on hold for now.

"Good," Yamai nodded and broke the seal. He then wiped his forehead but was surprised by the amount of sweat. For some reason, Yamai felt exhausted as if he had used too much chakra. Did he really use that much chakra just to control a three-year-old boy? He immediately shook his head, dismissing the thought.

Exhaustion or lingering effects from the beating could explain it, but Yamai quickly dismissed the thought.

"Alright, let's see me do it!" Yami grinned, launching into the hand signs he'd just witnessed.

"Wait a minute, you can't just…" Yamai's words died in his throat as he watched his son flawlessly replicate the complex sequence after seeing it only once. But his surprise wasn't over.

"Yeah, I know calling out the name is kind of cheesy, but it looks cool," Yami smirked, completing a final flourish. "Secret Technique: Shadow Binding Jutsu!"

A jet-black tendril erupted from Yami's shadow, shooting straight for his father. Caught off guard, Yamai instinctively leaped back several meters, narrowly avoiding its grasp. He stared at the dark shadow, which had stopped just before him.

"Hey, that's not fair! You could have let me practice on you!" Yami whined, throwing a mini-tantrum.

Yamai, however, ignored him, his focus entirely on the feat Yami had just performed. Not only did the shadow extend a remarkable ten meters on its first attempt, but it effortlessly navigated around large stones and uneven terrain – a feat typically requiring Chunin-level mastery to control shadows on such varied surfaces.

Huff* Huff*

Panting heavily, Yami finally deactivated the jutsu.

Yamai let out a long breath, a wide smile spreading across his face. Yeah, he was just two and a half years old. There was no way he'd pulled off such a complex technique without consequences. However, this display suggested he at least possessed exceptional chakra reserves. Not on par with the monstrous capacity of the Uzumaki Clan, but certainly impressive for a child his age.

Yamai scooped his son into his arms. "Take a break, young man. We can't rush these things. There's still a lot to learn about controlling your abilities."

"O-okay…" Yami mumbled a sleepy agreement, resting his head on his father's shoulder before drifting off to sleep.

Yamai gently placed Yami in his bed, watching his son drift off to sleep. But his mind was already racing with thoughts.

"I told you Yami has exceptional talent," a female voice interrupted Yamai's musings. Aoi stood in the doorway.

"You're right," Yamai admitted, a bead of sweat trickling down his temple. Dismissing Yami as an ordinary child was a huge mistake. "He might have potential like Sakumo's son, but..."

This kind of prodigious talent often came at a cost - isolation. No one could truly understand them, and forming bonds was a struggle.

Aoi leaned into Yamai's shoulder, her voice soft but resolute. "He'll have us. It would be a crime to stifle his growth. We'll support him in any way we can. With my Senju bloodline, I can leverage some resources to his benefit."

Unlike Yamai, a minor member of the Nara Clan, Aoi belonged to the direct Senju bloodline. While the Senju clan's political influence had waned since Tobirama's death, their status as a major Konoha clan remained. Aoi could undoubtedly pull some strings for their son.

The realization struck Yamai. It was his turn to step into the political arena. Up until now, he hadn't felt a strong pull towards the political machinations of Konoha. However, to protect their son's future and nurture his potential, he needed to understand the power struggles at play. He might even have to intervene if necessary.

"I'll be back soon," Yamai said, excusing himself from the room. Previously, his life lacked a clear purpose, but now, he had a driving force - to protect and support his son and his family.

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