
Never Like This


I don't know how much time passes, or how many times I have to come out and deliver more no-news to the waiting Adonis family outside. I have to ignore the waiting cops too. But eventually, the surgeon comes out to speak to me. She looks more pleased with herself than the outcome, I think, because she confirms it when she speaks.

"Your alpha is a lucky man. The gunshots missed his vital organs. But there was one bleed that was tricky at first. That one will take quite some time to heal. But now, our main concern is the head injury."

"He got shot in the head?" for a moment, the room goes out of focus.

"No." the surgeon says then gestures at my shoulder, squeezing. "This injury was a blow to the head or maybe a fall. It caused some swelling in his brain, but that should subside with time as he heals. But since he is still unstable, we have him in an induced coma while he is on the ventilator."

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