
King Thalron Veridian

I sighed as I leaned back into my chair, I swear to god. The Senate is just sometimes too rough.


I once again found myself within the walls of the Senate Building, sitting in my large office, it was one of the more prestigious offices within the Senate Building, the 12 Honorary Officers, 12 offices only given to Senators specifically chosen by the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic.


Current holders included the 5 Main Faction Leaders, the Peace, the Core, The War, the Rims, and lastly the Loyalists.


Additionally, all the large corporations held a seat, the Trade Federation, The InterGalactic Banking Clan, The Techno Union, The Corporate Alliance, Commerce Guilds, and the Veridian Corporations.


And lastly, one was held by Senator Bail Organa and another by The Kaminoans, recently appointed.


These 12 Officers, were situated on the same level as the Supreme Chancellors, Vice Chancellor, and Speaker of the Senate office.


These 15 Offices signified the top of the top within the Galactic Senate.


Another month had passed since the reunification of the 1st Attack Fleet after the upper pocket campaign.


Eriadu had sadly been attacked, and all their Government had been slaughtered, including 3 of the main families, the only remaining member of the Tarkin Family was Wilhuf Tarkin.


However, after the Veridian Fleet came in and sent the CIS Attack Force running a new Government was voted into power. A democracy and the vote would be hosted within 2 weeks.


And then, out of the blue. A Military Officer previously serving under Tarkin stepped up and made himself a candidate.


Somehow this Military Officer managed to gain the funds to launch propaganda, ads, rallies, speeches, and extreme promises.


Nobody quite knew how this nobody got the money or the experience to lead, talk, and speak as he did. But it happened.


And after 2 weeks, the man won. With 61% of the votes, Tarkin holding the other 39%


But following certain rumors that Tarkin ordered the fleet to leave, of course dealt a serious blow.


Similarly, multiple Military Officers of the Judicial Outer-Rim Security Force rose to the occasion, occupying a large number of Governance Roles.


Of course, these were all the Officers put on Tarkins 'hate list'


And now, I had the President and 61% of the Eriadu Senate, under my control. I had gotten blackmail on every single candidate using my money, and I had even created blackmail, prostitution, slavery, and rape. All these could easily be fabricated, I wouldn't even need to. Hiring someone to get close, and then get the precise pictures would do it.


And, on the 2nd week of the new Eriadu Government, a vote was held. Whether to join the Veridian Kingdom, or to not.


And the vote became 98-22, of course. It's just a coincidence that they suffered a technological breach 4 days prior, just a coincidence.


But even if I didn't do that, the vote was still 70-50, so it's all good.


But now, it was time to announce our creation.


That was the precise reason as to why I was tired as fuck right now. I had held meetings with every single senator from every single planet pledging to become a vassal of the Veridian Kingdom.


A total of 35 planets had already pledged themselves to my cause, said planets being;


Foless - Grand Duke

Fondor - Grand Duke

Eriadu – Grand Duke


Wroona - Duke 

Yag'Dhul - Duke


Giju - Marquiss

Andara - Marquiss


Bestine - Count 

Harrin - Count

Teyr - Count

Enarc - Count


Talaan - Viscount

Kiffu - Viscount

Kiffex - Viscount

Kitel Phard - Viscount

Protobranch - Viscount

Kinyen - Viscount

Lazerians - Viscount - H

Darkknell - Viscount - H


Ghorman - Baron

Koorivar - Baron

Abregado Rae - Baron

Botor - Baron 

Bardotta- Baron

Deymasoll - Baron

Sanrafsix - Baron

Epica - Baron

Epsi Nadir - Baron

Vandelhelm - Baron - H

Woostri - Baron

Kerkoidia - Baron

Plagen - Baron

Vondarc - Baron

Indupar - Baron

Byilura - Baron

Arbra - Baron


However, Trench had kept his campaign going, but the CIS had begun offering resistance, forcing all fleets to remain on the planets, lest they want them to be recaptured.


Luckily the 4th Fleet had now been created and Rear Admiral Octavian Grant was on his way, which would allow the current Task Forces to go on the offensive once again.


The Fleet had once again split into 6.


The Task Forces are the exact same as the previous campaign,


Task Force 1 through 4 possess;

1x Valiant-Class Star Destroyer 2x Gladiator-Class Star Destroyers 2 Acclamator-Class Assault Ships 3 Cumulus-Class Corsairs 9 Carrack-Class Light Frigate 2 DP20 Gunships 2 CR-90 Corvettes.


5th Task Force possess:

10 Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruisers 15 Carrack-Class Light Frigates 10 CR90 Corvettes 30 DP20 Gunships.


6th Task Force possess:

10 Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruisers. 12 Arquitens-Class Light Cruisers 15 Modified Consular-Class Corvettes. 20 CR90 Corvettes.


Meanwhile, the remaining fleet had;


2 Imperator-Clas Star Destroyers 5 Munificent-Class Star Frigates 1 Immobilizer-418 Cruiser 2 Cumulus-Class Corsairs 21 Carrack-Class Light Frigates 8 CR90 Corvettes.

The remaining fleet was situated on Eriadu, except for one incident where they were forced to divert the entire fleet except the Munificent to handle an offensive CIS Fleet, which ended in total victory, except for the loss of a single Carrack.


Meanwhile, the 6 other Task Forces were sent to 6 planets, where they have been forced to remain for the remaining month.


1st Task Force: Rogue Antar


2nd Task Force: Triton


3rd Task Force: Kabal


4th Task Force: Sharlissia


5th Task Force: Omwat


6th Task Force: Xagobah


The way the attack was launched was, the entire fleet worked together to cruiser through Clak'Dor, except the 1st Task Force that headed straight through Rogue Antat on the Hydian Way, while the rest traveled on the Rimma Trade Route.


They then attacked Triton, they met no resistance on either planet in terms of naval CIS presence.


On Triton, the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and the Main Fleet headed off. The Main Fleet to Eriadu,


The 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th worked together to take Xagobah and Kabal, before the 5th and 4th Task Force went to Omwat and Sharlissia. The 6th remained on Xagobah while the 3rd remained on Kabal.


No direct fleet was kept there, but the Main and 2nd Fleet regularly sent patrols.


Additionally, the 1st Task Force kept Rouge Antar peaceful throughout everything. Rogue Antar wasn't civilized and were just apart of the CIS due to nearby planets joining.


However what made further progress harder was that the Unknown Regions possessed many hyperspace lanes, many whom we do not know off. And all of the planets except Xagobah and Clak'Dor had known hyperspace lanes connecting.


And Agomar was taken while travelling to Eriadu after the upper-pocket campaign.


As of now, none of the planets had yet to officially join. They had decided to wait until our officialization before joining as a group, which I accepted.


But no matter.


I walked out of my office and headed to my sleeping quarters in a separate building. We'd announce our officialization to the Senate tomorrow.



Soon enough I found myself within my Senate Pod, the pod always gave me a feeling of power, knowing you were within the group of 1000 out of quadrillions whom change the world every meeting.


Which is how I assume most Senators became corrupt.


However I spotted Davis in a pod a few meters to my right, 2 pods between us, and Rush Clovis was situated in a pod slightly underneath me.


I also saw the looks of a few of the Senators, those whom are joining me but also represented in the Core Senate. The rest were in the General Senate.


I saw hundreds upon hundreds of Senators walk through the corridors and into their respective pods, I expected the same to happen in the General Senate but in other ways.


Finally, the time hit 15 hours after noon on Coruscant, and Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's pod came slowly upwards, until it was situated perfectly in the middle of the dome.


He looked at me before taking a breath, I had recently spent all my political favors with Palpatine after rooting out Tarkin's support and now this. But we both knew I'd make up for it.


"Honorable representatives of the Galactic Senate. We come here to witness the unification of systems, and the creation of a Kingdom. A new dawn for a planet, a new ruler for multiple planets, and a new area for billions of citizens." Palpatine spoke, and they all got a hang of what's happening.


"In the last 2 months, this gruesome war has been spreading it's chaos across the Galaxy, but in these times of turmoil. A certain planet has stood out, and in the front of said honorable, stands a certain man. A man whom we all should look up to and learn from. He's constantly departing his wisdom and intelligence upon this Galactic Republics Military Movements, he gracefully lent us majority of his own fleet, and people." He said before taking a break and looking at me.


"Count Thalron Veridian, the leader of the War Faction, the single reason that a large pocket of traitorous governments has been extinguished, and replaced by leaders voted by the population, and the grace he has bestowed upon these planets have returned, and they have pledged themselves to his cause." Palpatine said as my pod began moving forward.


What a display, no wonder he managed to fool the entire Jedi Council, Senate and become such a well-accomplished manipulator.


I have never heard a more graceful speech, and with such tone as well.


( Of course there are better, but I aint no Martin Luthor King Jr. )


As my pod stopped I looked up and began speaking.


"I, King Thalron Veridian, Lord of House Veridian, and Monarch of the Veridian Kingdom, hereby announce our creation. I announce the planet of Thyferra to serve as the capital of this new kingdom. My armies and fleets shall be transferred to this Kingdom, to serve it's Lords, territories and planets. Now, I hereby welcome the honorable Governments whom wish to establish themselves as vassals and receive planetary noble titles, may step forward." I said, and my pod began to recede back into it's place.


The first to step forward, was Prime Minister Jason.


"I, President of Eriadu, hereby swear a pledge of vassalisation to King Thalron Veridian." He said before receding.


And like that, 35 planetary leaders stepped forward, firstly the Grand Dukes, then Dukes, the Marquiss'es and so on.


Those not represented on the Core Council was temporarily given one of the 15 available pods for visitors to use.


And so, after 20 minutes of this, a Hologram of each these planets or systems hereditary roles where given, and whom to represent them.


A few were left open but majority was kept.


Harry, the businessman assisting me with the Vraxti was given Enarc.


Axel, the previous Chief of Security / Slavery, was given Talaan.


I was preparing to give Kinyen to Trench but currently, he'd not get it and the Monarch would for now.


Admiral Jaime was given Fondor while General Tyr was given Sullust.


However they would still continue to serve me as my personal advisors and commanders of the Veridian Army and Navy.


The Council was disbanded, and in it's place came the Royal Assembly, each planet sending it's representative.


They held little power on major topics, but withheld the ability to vote on certain laws or bills, whom I could furthermore pass or send back.


As such, my word was the law. And I preferred it like that.


i = e on (patrion)

12 advance chapters at Patrion. 


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We are now back in buisness, a few changes. Including fewer releases, and less words per chapter. Though you wont notice for another 15 releases. I hate to do it, but please subscribe to my patreon, even if just the first level, it greatly help me remain motivated to do this, as I originally found this getting boring to make. But decided to push through, so I'll need motivation more now than ever

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