
Chapter 15: named beings x ogre village

10 minutes later

Riku POV

I finished making breakfast and are currently eating breackfast with everyone except Nacha does not need to eat. Meni turned to Nacha probably curious about something.

Meni:"Nacha, aren't you going to eat with us?"

Nacha:'No, as a slime I don't need to eat and I don't get hungry. So you don't need to worry about me.'

Meni:"Oh, okay."

Me:"That reminds me, I should also explain about unnamed and named monsters."

Bambie:"Unnamed and named monsters?"

Me:"Yes, you see monsters and other beings like majin and demons that are born in this world without a name hence unnamed monsters. But there are three ways they can obtain a name. Someone can give the monster a name like how I gave Nacha its name but that also create a master-servent bond between you and the monster."

Bambie:"Did someone name Demon Lord Guy Crimson?"

Me:"Your half right. Remember when I said that Guy Crimson destroyed two nations when he was summoned?" they all nodded before I continued."Unlike other beings Guy Crimson got his first name through the collective belief of a large amount of people. Individuals named in this way receive all of the self-image and power enhancing properties of a name but without the need of ever forming a close bond with another person."

A/n: got info on named beings from tensura wiki

Candy:"Okay then how did he get his last name?"

Me:"He got his last name from the first Chosen Hero Rudra."

I then went to explain that Rudra is also the emperor of the eastern empire, and that he used magic to reincanate into the body of his children many years which allowed him to retain his memories and skills. I also told them that doing that so many times could cause the soul to erode and even lose skills they had before.

Me:"Also naming a monster, majin or demon will drain your magicules at the moment thay they get their name. The stronger the being you want to name the stronger, the more magicules that are drained when they recieve the name. So it's best not to give names at random because if you use too many magicules, you will be unconscious for a couple of days while your magicules recover."

Bambie:"So your saying not to name monsters at random and if we do want to grant a name make sure to carefully consider the power of ouselves and the other person?"

Me:"Yes, thats what I am saying. Also there are times when the named monster gains abilities from the one who named them. Like if Candy named a monster, theres a possibility that monster will gain lightning based abilities because of her [thunderbolt]."

After I finished my explanation about named beings, I look around to see that everyone finished eating. Each of them are probably thinking about what kinds of names they can give to monsters on the way. I then reminded them that its time to move on as I put the camping stuff into my [storage].

We then set out in the direction of the ogre village, reminding them to keep their guard up since we could be attacked at any time. We did fun into some monsters on the way but Bambie, Candy and Meni were able to defeat them easily. I remind them not to go overboard since the materials from monsters can be sold for money and we dont want to damage the forest and anger the dryads.

I told Gigi not to use her power yet since I don't want to use undead just yet and her power is not really for physical combat. I also remember that there are some magics that I haven't recreated but was not sure about. the life-attribute and death-attribute from the "death mage doesn't want a fourth life" novel are such magics. I recall from the novel used the life-attribute was used with alchemy to create the [root of life] that could be used for healling and for granting a spiritual beings a body that matches their souls.

Life-attribute and death-attribute require to use corpses of recently killed monsters but this is not the time or the place to do that. I then start to sense that multiple individuals are coming our way.

Me:"Stay sharp everyone. I sense a couple of strong individuals heading our way. But don't attack right away."

They become vigilant after hearing that as we turned in the direction I sensed individuals came from.

???:"So you were able to sense us? that is rather impresive for humans."

We see a red haired man walk into the open, he is tall and muscular wearing samurai armor but the biggest giveaway was the two black horns on his head. He must be the son of the chief of the ogre village who serves Rimiru in the future. I look to see a shorter blue haired male ogre on his right and a purple haired female ogre to his left.

Me:"Hello sir, my name is Riku and these are my comrades. We are looking for the ogre village."

Red ogre:"What is your purpose for finding our village?" he said as he put his hand on his katana.

I but my hand up indicating to the others not to attack while I continued.

Me:"We seek to form a friendly relationship with your village and to learn from you. There are also things that we can teach you as well, things that can make you and your people stronger. I promise that we mean you and your village no harm. Would it be possible to speak with your chief?"

The red haired ogre took his hand off his sword and seems to be thinking about whether or not to accept my offer. He is the next chief of the ogres, so he has to put careful thought into big decisions like this. One that does not only affect him but his village as a whole.

Red ogre:"Very well, I'll take you to speak with the chief."

The two ogres that are with him have a look of shock at their "young masters" decision.

Blue ogre:"Young master, are you sure about this?"

Purple ogre:"Yeah, what if they're actually here to destroy the village?"

Red ogre:"I am sure, after all you can tell how strong they are correct?" they nodded before he continued."If they truly wanted to attack us then they would have done it before we revealed ourselves. But instead they chose to talk rather then fight, we should at least hear them out. Also, if we can learn from each other it would help our village prosper and our people could live happy lives."

Well that is a very valid point, I can see that he has a good head on his shoulders to take this much into consideration. He definitely has the mindset of a leader who wants to protect his people. When I remembered what happened to his village in the anime, I am reminded of the quincy extermination. I want to help them so they never have to suffer that tragedy.

Me:"Thank you please lead the way."

We start to follow the ogres to their village so we can talk to their chief and see if we can come to an agreement. When we get to the entrance to the village, we see a couple more ogres holding spears who I believe are guards. They seem to be wary of us which is understandable considering we are the outsiders to them.

Ogre guard 1:"Young master, who are these humans?"

Ogre guard 2:"Why are they hear?"

Red ogre:"These humans requested to speak with my father the chief. I will leave them outside while I speak to the chief." He then turns to me and asks."Is that alright with you?"

Me:"That's understandable, this is your village. We're the outsiders to your people."

Candy:"Are you kidding me!?" she yelled before continuing."Why should we wait out here!?"

Me:"Calm down Candy, remember to this village we are outsiders and some places aren't welcoming to outsiders. We just need to be patient, understand?" I said the last bart with a commanding tone.

Candy:"Okay, I'll be patient." she said as I turn to the others.

"We'll be patient too."x4

Me:"Alright then, we'll wait for a favorable reply."

Then the red haired ogre then went into the village to speak with his father to get us a meeting that could be beneficial not just to use but to them as well. But that depends on if the chief is willing to talk to us.


3rd POV

ogre village

Chiefs room

In the middle of a room is an older red haired ogre wearing an armor indicating that he is ready for combat when he sensed several powerful individuals heading toward his village. That was when the younger red haired ogre came to the room to inform his father of the situation.

Red ogre:"Father I have something to report."

Ogre chief:"Speak my son."

Red ogre:"I found 6 powerful humans in the forest, I was able to talk to them and they wished to speak with you."

Ogre chief:"Speak to me about what?"

Red ogre:"They want to form a friendly relationship with our village, to learn from us and to teach us to become stronger then we are."

Ogre chief:'Considering what we picked up from [magic sense] they may not be lying about making us stronger. But I would like to see their strength myself.' He thought before making a decison. "Very well, I will speak to them. Bring them to me and bring the ogres who were with you as well. Also have your sister prepare tea for our guests."

The young ogre was relieved that the 'humans' wern't going to be turned away and that there is a chance that they could grow stronger. He wanted to grow stronger for the sake of protecting his vilage, just like how his "brother" protected him.

He then left to look for his sister to ask her to prepare tea before bringing Rikus group to meet the chief. After a few minutes of walking the halls to find the short pink haired female ogre wearing a kimono.

Red ogre:"Sister I have been looking for you."

Pink ogre:"What's going on big brother?"

Red ogre:"I found humans in the forestand they want to speak to our father and father wanted me to ask you to prepare some tea for our guests."

Pink ogre:"Do you think that these humans want to hurt us?"

Red ogre:"I spoke to the humans and they said they wanted to learn from us and make us stronger. Father has agreed to meet them and I get the feeling that our father will ask our guests to spar with him."

Pink ogre:"That does sound like something he would do. I'll start preparing the tea while you bring our guests in."

After thanking her for the helping, he left to bring Riku's group to meet the chief and see if they can reach an agreement.


Riku POV

outside the village

After a few minutes of waiting outside the ogre village the same red haired ogre came back.

Red ogre:"Our chief has agreed to speak with you. if you'll please follow me and I'll take you to him."

Me:"Excellent." I said as I turned to the others and continued. "Lets go meet the chief. Remember your manners everyone."

After I said that, we started to follow the red haired ogre to the biggest house in the village. We were then led to a room to meet the chief who also has red hair and looks like a samurai. I also see a white haired male ogre who looks older than the chief sitting not far from him.

We sat infront of them as a pink haired female ogre wearing a kimono came out with a tea set most likely to serve the tea to guests. I turn to the chief and start talking.

Me:"Thank you for taking the time to speak with us chief sir. My name is Riku Kategiri, these are my party members. From my right to left is Bambietta Basterbine, Candice Catnipp, Meninas McAllon, Giselle Gewelle, and Liltotto Lambert. It's a pleasure to meet you."

I had Nacha in the separate space using the space magic spell [dimension home]. I will bring it out later.

a/n:calling slime an it because slimes have no gender.

Ogre chief:"It is a pleasure to meet you as well and glad to see that some humans have manners." he said, pleased with my greeting before continuing. "I heard from my sone that you want to learn from us and to make us stronger?"

As the cheif was talking the Pink haired ogre was passing out cups filled with tea; after she passed me the tea I thanked her for the tea and replied to the chief.

Me:"Yes sir, you see my party and I are otherworlders; we wish to learn about your farming and your blacksmithing. I would also like for us to learn swordsmanship from you. In return I would like to teach some of the ogres in this village magic that I developed and other tactics."

Ogre chief:"You developed your own magic? How old are you exactly and how long have you been in our world?"

Me:"I am 15 years old and have been in this world for a month." they all had a look of shock as I continued. "I know I may be young but in the world we came from there are those who wish to do us harm. So we had to learn to fight and in the time I have spent in this world I learned how to use magic and created my own."

Orge chief:"And you wish to share that magic with us? For what purpose?"

Me:"In our old world we are known as quincies, we're this worlds equivalent to high humans. Our people have been attacked twice in our history with the intent to wipe us out. When I saw this village, I am reminded of those times and wish to prevent such a tragedy from hapenng to you. I know that each of you are already strong but sometimes there is nothing wrong with getting help to ensure the survival of your people."

Every word I said to the chief was true and I said all that underlying the fact that we quincies had no one to help use during those times we were attacked by the soul reapers and hollows. I don't want the ogre village to be reduced to a rare few like how the quincies were. If I can't help the ogre village, then I won't be able to help the quincies.

Me:"So I emplore you to allow us to learn from you and allow us to help you become stronger."

When I said that, the chief turned to look at his children and the other ogres considering what I said. He may be reluctant to accept help from a stranger but as the chief he wants to protect his people. It is best to weigh your options when making a decision like this.

Ogre chief:"I can understand where your coming from but I want to see your strength myself before making my decision. So I want to spar with me without using magic."

Me:"Very well, I will have a spar with you."

'Well I had a feeling this would happen' is what I though as I look at the red haired and pink haired ogres. From the looks on their faces, I am sure they were expecting this as well.

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