
Abysmal Reincarnation

On a typical summer Sunday, when the sun rose high in the sky, the world sprang to life. The strong light turned everything a golden color.

The day was hot, tempting people to enjoy the sun at the beach and feel the refreshing sea breeze.

Hikers explored paths, artists created art, and book lovers got lost in their stories.

Families came together for games and picnics, cherishing the ideal day to create lasting memories.

Nonetheless, Aisam had an important business trip to attend for which he needed to take an early morning flight.

He knew the airport could be a busy and chaotic place, so he woke up extra early to avoid any potential delays or hiccups.

Upon arriving at the airport, Aisam checked his luggage, went through security, and found himself waiting for his flight in the airport lounge.

As he sat down, he pulled out his mobile phone and started playing a random game to pass the time.

The game was not particularly interesting to him, but it was enough to keep his mind occupied and distracted from the hustle and bustle of the airport. 

He was pondering how to spend his time if the plane didn't arrive soon when he heard an announcement: "Passengers on flight BA789, we are now boarding at gate 83. Please make your way to the gate for departure. Thank you."

His thoughts were interrupted by the sudden announcement of his flight, and he decided not to waste any more time and proceeded to the designated platform for his flight.

After carefully tucking his phone into his pocket and picking his luggage up, he made his way to the designated platform for his upcoming flight.

He navigated the bustling airport terminal indifferently, weaving in and out of the crowds of travelers and avoiding the occasional rolling suitcase or hasty passerby.

As he made his way toward the flight platform, he seemed to be completely engrossed in his thoughts, oblivious to the hustle and bustle around him.

But little did he know that some individuals lurking nearby were communicating through subtle gestures and murmurs, exchanging stealthy looks at each other and implying some things to each other.

Their actions betrayed a sense of nervousness and urgency, hinting at something dangerous and suspicious in the making.

Aisam arrived at the platform and went through security checks and procedures before boarding the plane.

He stored his belongings in the overhead compartment and settled into his seat, which was next to the window. He felt somewhat satisfied with his seat chance.

The plane was waiting on the ground for all passengers to arrive before the departure deadline. People were busy organizing their belongings and staff members were assisting those who needed help.

Aisam found himself in a noisy environment, and so he decided to tune out the distractions.

He reached for his headphones and put them on, feeling the soft ear cups gently cushion his ears.

He then turned on the music app on his phone and clicked on a random playlist that was recommended on the homepage.

The music was a perfect mix of upbeat and mellow tunes, making him feel relaxed yet energized at the same time.

With the volume turned up high, the surrounding noise gradually faded away, and Aisam felt himself sinking into his chair.

He rested his head on the back of the chair, feeling the soft leather against his skin, and closed his eyes. The music filled his ears, and he felt himself drifting off to sleep.

Despite the commotion around him, Aisam remained undisturbed. He was in his world, and the music was the only thing that mattered.

He hoped to reach his destination without any further disturbance, and so he let himself be carried away by the music, ignoring all the disturbances.

He could only hear whispers as he had turned up the volume as high as he could.









Annoyed by the commotion, he cautiously opened his eyes halfway. He spotted armed individuals wearing various disguises, threatening and shouting at the passengers. Shifting his gaze slightly, he noticed a woman seated nearby, a fatal gunshot wound on her forehead, her hand limp at her side, blood seeping from her head.

This development slightly surprised him, but he found it difficult to muster any fear or sympathy for the woman and the remaining people in the airplane.

Years of cynicism, struggles since birth and childhood, living entirely alone almost all his life, and being through countless other things had eroded his ability to feel empathy or compassion, leaving him largely indifferent to her plight.

He kept his eyes closed, unmoving, hoping to avoid drawing the attention of the dangerous individuals.

He contemplated the situation, ultimately deducing that it was highly probable that the terrorist attack had been meticulously planned long before his flight.

He still harbored some anxiety, fully aware that his fate remained uncertain unless a miraculous intervention occurred.

Nevertheless, resigned to a seemingly inevitable end, he resolved to remain seated, attempting to ease his distress by seeking solace in the embrace of sleep, longing for a peaceful passage into death.

Despite his struggle to drift off, he persevered...

Eventually, after nearly half an hour of trying, he sensed himself finally slipping into slumber...

When he was on the brink of falling asleep and believed that this was it for him, his body floated, prompting him to open his eyes and dislodge his headphones. To his horror, he realized he was floating above his seat, stuck to the ceiling of the airplane. Screams filled the cabin, some passengers had passed out from fear.

Then, a sudden change in air pressure tore at his skin, causing excruciating pain. His eyes stung, and blood trickled from his ears. He shut his eyes tightly, hands clamped over his ears to dull the agony.

He tried to withstand the torment, but the pressure soon became unbearable. His muscles seized with pain as the pressure affected his brain.

As he teetered on the brink of unconsciousness, his body plummeted to the floor of the airplane. The impact shattered nearly every bone, preventing him from blacking out. His eyes bulged wide open, the agony almost driving them out of their sockets.

Barely breathing, he lay on the burning wreckage, feeling his skin sear but unable to sense any pain, his body numb.

As the flames closed in, his consciousness slipped away, and amid the encroaching darkness, he thought, "Couldn't I at least die a bit painless, unlike my painful life?"

Soon after closing his eyes, his consciousness faded, only darkness remained, and he felt liberated from his mundane existence and a lifetime of struggles.



[Reincarnation Process initiated...]

[Memories Removal in progress...]



[The Reincarnation Process will be partly completed]



[Scanning the host...]

[Conditions have been met!]

[Fantasy Terror System Installed!]

[Additional Conditions are necessary for unlocking it!]

[It will only be a 'regular system' before unlocking it!]




He was sleeping peacefully when he suddenly woke up due to a painful impact on his head that nearly gave him a heart attack.

He woke up abruptly from his deep slumber due to a throbbing pain in his head. He was confused about how and why such a thing could happen.

Lost in his world, he fixed his gaze straight ahead, oblivious to the person standing quietly next to him a faint headache from his previous accidental collision still fresh.

He was lost in his thoughts when a young girl interrupted him with a loud voice, snapping him back to reality.

"Hey! Stop daydreaming and let's go grab some food and play!"

He turned to see the girl, standing with her arms crossed and a fierce look on her face. She was stunning, with beautiful round black eyes and a perfectly shaped nose. Her black hair flowed down to her shoulders like a waterfall, framing her intense gaze filled with emotion.

Aisam was not charmed by her looks. He was puzzled by the current situation.

Even after attempting to convince himself otherwise, he couldn't shake the feeling that it was not a dream but reality.

His head throbbed with a persistent pain, keeping him in the moment. Lying on the uncomfortable bed, the stark truth of the empty, concrete room surrounded him.

A cupboard and drawer were the only things with him in the empty room.

The dull atmosphere made him wonder if he was in a prison, asylum, or some other grim place.

The uncertainty paralyzed him, making him doubt everything about his confined space.

He was lost in thought and didn't realize he'd been staring at the girl. This made her even angrier, and she slapped him, scolding, "You were already weak, now you're also being inappropriate and creepy!"

He stopped thinking and decided to put his thoughts aside for the moment to go along with her plans. "Alright, I'll be right there," he responded.

The girl scowled and clicked her tongue upon hearing his reply, and then she angrily left the room, slamming the door behind her.

Though confused by her reaction, Aisam ignored it and massaged his sore head before getting up.

He stood up and saw that he was wearing all white casual clothes of good quality. Surprisingly, he realized he looked like a young boy.

He smelled something bad coming from himself and found a bathroom in the room. Despite wanting to take a bath, he chose to delay it because of the urgency in the girl's voice.

Leave the backstory be, and just read...

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