
21. You Raise Me Up.

This gig had been absolutely awful. First, I had to let the victims go, and lots of them. And then I'm still taking and getting bullets to the skin. Damn those new guns, our armors are outdated and Magnum is soft. He had not yet gotten on board to make new ones. Well, luckily no one else was hurt that bad. My blood helped. And they would get an extra dose of it in the base once I got informed of it to radio.

I was reeling in my mind who we had in the base as medics as few of these would require stitches, meaning these guys were off the missions and it was again damn shame as this group was damn efficient, but humans and their frailty had to be considered every single mission. I was not sure if was Colin anymore. He had been there a few days, but it had been hectic and no time to chat. 

As I sat in the car, the sound of my crackling mic interrupted the conversation. It was Danny, a member of another team who had just returned from a mission to save humans from a different facility.

I could hear the exhaustion in his voice as he informed me, "Flealeader, we've found another hidden part here. It's a dangerous job, but we managed to rescue everyone. However, there are still enemies lurking around. What's the plan?"

A sigh escaped my lips as I processed the situation. The hidden part indicated more potential victims, and the presence of the baddies, meant the victims were of utmost importance. It was my responsibility once again.

I replied to Danny, my voice filled with determination, "Move out. I'll take care of it once we're done here. I have a team standing by."

Danny acknowledged my orders, saying, "Roger that, Flealeader. We'll be out of here soon enough."

Running my hand through my hair, I pressed the mic button once. There was no time for rest, no time for paperwork just yet.

Leaning back in the car seat, I spoke into the mic, addressing the base, "This is Flealeader, be advised, we have injuries. Make sure the station is fully equipped to handle eight injuries."

Taylor, from the base, responded promptly, "Roger that. I'll ensure the station is ready. You're still on the move."

I grunted in acknowledgment, replying, "Yep, no rest for me. We'll be there soon."

As I continued on, irritation, exhaustion, and soreness settled into my bones. The weight of the relentless missions pressed down on me. I knew I had to update the records of the lives lost, and the fleas that had to be eliminated. I had lost count of the number of bullets I had gotten inside me, and some of them were old, remnants of previous missions that had stretched on for over 50 hours without a break. There was no time to dig them out, no time to replenish.

The discovery of fleas as Damien's victims always enraged me. It meant I had to kill my own friends, my own colleagues, before embarking on the grim journey to Lake Lanier and then to confront their grieving relatives. Each trip was a grueling experience, etched into my memory. Damien seemed intent on tormenting my people, brainwashing them so deeply that their programming could never be erased. I concealed my rage, knowing that my own team members were afraid of me, their fear lingering in the air like a suffocating scent.

And since there's still one more job left, I just go and change the supplies and upload that data. Then if I could just get myself in shape and look at the next gigs. And I knew what I was going to find in the next place. Same. I was already in the mood for it. We pulled into the driveway and went inside.

Taylor had been talking on the microphone and the receiver in his ear. After the conversation of whatever, he stood up and then he moved into one room. Mariella watched him. He came out there, holding a bag of blood, and went near another door and poured blood from the bag into tubes that were put in some sort of stand. There were at least a dozen tubes or more, and Taylor filled them all.

Mariella went near him and asked, "What are you doing? What is this?"

Taylor grunted. He had gotten tubes filled and Mariella smelled that was Mimi's blood. Quite fresh, too. 

Taylor said, "Flea informed that there are injuries, so this is first aid, the tube of her blood, and then the medics can help them more. This is just one of her creations. Helps a lot when the first thing that medics get in their hands is not bleeding to death. This gives time and helps some of them heal. Of course, it is optional, but I have been drinking her blood for years, keeps me young and fit. She donates her blood regularly on bases and Colin was here a few days ago when she last time gave her blood. "

Mariella went to stay near Damon. She informed him of this via their bond. So Mimi would be soon here and then they might be able to talk to her. Damon did not touch her and she could feel this anxiety emanating from him like a wave. 

When Mariella heard the cars pulling into the yard, she perked up. So did Damon. She took a breath and knew that she would see something new again. New side of Mimi. The side door opened. This was a different door from the one they had come in. First, there was a group of men, who helped injured ones, giving them tubes of blood and soon medics dressed in scrubs came to fetch them with the army of wheelchairs. Groans and moans filled their air and she could smell several bloods, as there were at least eight injured.

More men were coming, they greeted with brief grunts Taylor and still dressed in tactical gear, heavy, sturdy boots stomped deeper into the base, and lastly, Mimi walked in. She hadn't seen Damon or Mariella yet, and Mariella realized it was not Mimi. That was The Flea. The leader. She had a whole different aura around her and she was something that Mariella had ever seen and she guessed that Damon too, according to how he tensed up, the little furrow in his forehead as he got ready to talk to her. 

She had tactical gear on, her blonde hair tightly in a bun, there was an aura surrounding her that Mariella had never seen or felt. Mimi's expression was tired, hard, angry, determined, and most of all, she had been through a lot. She looked older, not much, but also more dangerous, and Mariella did not want to argue with that one. But it was also the leader's expression.

Mimi strode in with calmness and authority, and Taylor looked at her with respect. One man approached her, with a stack of papers and Mimi's eyes flashed with irritation and she just grunted something that Mariella did not catch as there were sounds all around her. It was difficult to hear from this distance. Younger Taylor said something to Mimi too. Then Mimi saw them, and the flea went into hiding as Mimi changed mode in just a few seconds.

Damon got up and started walking towards Mimi. He was calm, not too threatening, but most of all, he was clearly worried about her. Mariella followed. She felt a little unsure, but then she smelled the fresh blood scent coming from Mimi, too. Damon strode determined toward Mimi, who was now engrossed in talking with younger Taylor about some upcoming mission. She had a backpack slung across her shoulder and Mariella felt how Damon controlled himself. He smelled Mimi's blood, so she had been hurt at some point. Damon went to talk to Mimi.

He said, "I think you've taken a hit. Let me check you over before we go. It is time to go home."

Mimi looked at Damon for a moment and said, " Yeah, I have taken several, but I am fine. Not yet need to take bullets out. I'm just here for a stopover. There's one more gig. It'll take four to six hours. You guys go to the house or wait here, but this is a must-do. We will see about pack life later on."

Her voice was strained but left no arguments. She had decided already about this. She was quite pale around. Her eyes were dark circles again and her mouth was in a tight line. 

Damon asked, " What gig?"

Mimi sighed and said, "A Liberation gig, not a rescue, a liberation and destruction gig. Hot one, but this is better to do solo. I have a backup team ready, but this is pretty much a solo thing. "

Mariella came closer and said, " Are there prisoners you're liberating or what? How dangerous is this gig? Can we come along?"

I looked at Mariella, and I didn't want to subject her to this. And I didn't want to put Damon through that. I was achy, as I could not keep my rage out so my many bullets were felt and good too. I had eaten nothing solid, but Colin had given me bars which kept me up and running and I needed to do this and then do a little paperwork. Not sure if these two are still ready for me to be back in the pack.

I looked at them. Mariella was outright scared, of me, more or less, Damon was trying to pull Doctor Damon out very hard. These two were as innocent as they could be. Neither of them needs to see Damien's victims. I was in no mood to be gentle, so I was blunt. 

I said to Mariella, looking her in the eyes, "Elimination, snapping necks, I'll release them to heaven. That kind of gig, all gigs are dangerous. I can tell you that, you never know what's coming, so I won't expose and endanger you two now. This is a hot one, meaning there are still enemies lurking, so these need to be dealt with as they have some importance. As I said, I'm just going to go and change supplies, and then I'm off for four to six hours. Then I might be free unless another gig is not coming to my way."

Mariella's expression was scared almost, she did not have a very poker face and Damon's cheek moved so he was not too happy either, I sighed, hoping that the next idiot would not come at me asking permission to relocate our sniper rifles as it should be done like yesterday. But I needed to pull all of my irritation inside and be a leader, get ready for this one, and maybe then, I just might have time to do paperwork, eat warm food, and sit on my ass for a while. Not getting shot at with damn exploding bullets by Damien. I had a bloody undershirt that I needed to change and my vest. I was wondering did I had any vests in my office left. Or did Magnum take all of them in maintenance? Well, I had my locker full, as I had just gotten some new stuff. 

I put my phone and my car keys on the table, as I went to change my gear. I walked towards the lockers. I had my locker in a little different place than others. I needed to change my vest and jacket, reload my weapons, and take some more ammo with me. I took my spare undershirt ready and started to take off my gear. 

I put my gear in the pile where it would go to the armory to be assessed if it could be repaired or would it had to be discarded, then it would be broken down and what could be recycled. I tended to leave my gear a little bit everywhere, and Magnum had gotten quite skilled over the years to collect my gear where I might have left them. But now I put them where I was supposed to. There were holes and bullets in them.

I hoped it would be possible to repair it, as it took time for someone to make me new armor. I pulled my shirt on, and then took fresh gear and started to put it on, making myself ready for the next mission. I was same time listing in my mind what I needed to take with me. Few more charges maybe and a first aid kit. I wanted to wash my hands, but I restrained myself. Then, after this gig.

I felt always so dirty, a killer when I had to kill innocents, even if it was a mercy for them. I was tired and my eyes swam, so I took one sugar pill and put it in my mouth. Not having time to eat, took its toll. I took also one more bar. It was chocolaty and there were some nuts. Colin knew my allergies pretty much, so this was pretty safe for me to eat, and gave me energy. 

After I got changed, I went to the computer and put on the fleas. The former fleas, as dead. I was not going to my office yet; I went to just one of the terminals, put my credentials in, and typed away. Taylor, the younger version, came next to me. He had been at those gigs, too, but I didn't let anyone see the victims. I wondered at what point I would get to Lake Lanier, but time always announces itself. Let's see how good a list I have to carve out then.

Taylor told me about a few upcoming missions and we talked about them at the same time. He also stated quite pointy remarks about Count Dracula and his bride, which I could not help but smirk. He had a wonderful sense of humor and he was protective of me. He was trying to come to this mission as well as my backup. He had been learning from Colin and Magnum about my diet what I needed and what I could eat, so I had my helpers around me. 

There had been a few fleas who had been quite dear to me, but I had let them go, anyway. Facing their loved ones was always, always the hardest thing in this job, but it was my burden to bear. I knew it and I had accepted it. A long time ago.

Taylor was Rob's son, and I remember how Rob died. I had killed him myself. He was one of my trustees, just like Brutus, Jake, and so many others had been. Rob had felt like my soulmate and someone once said to me, that soulmates aren't always lovers, well true, but then again, damn, Rob had been a beast in bed.

Damn, this job is just too awful sometimes. But I don't have time to feel. Now it is time to act. I was so freaking tired and it felt like this was eating my soul. I had no idea if I had one anymore. I sometimes wished so freaking hard that Damon would let me have my switch, so I did not have to feel, but then again, I was hybrid and not sure if there was a switch anymore. 

Damon watched as Mimi went to change and he knew he couldn't stop that next mission, either. He'd have to get in on it so he could kill the victims quickly and painlessly instead of Mimi. He could hear her thoughts, see her exhaustion, see her taking a sugar pill and chewing on it, so she had not eaten. Her expression was almost pained. She controlled herself.

She ate some sort of chocolate bar and he could see from his radar that it was nothing too harmful, but then again, nothing that benefitted her too much. Colin had been around about five days, but things had been busy and he had no time to read Mimi's file, so he had not been up to date. Now Damon was not sure was anything changed so much in Mimi as he had reacted to her evolution almost instinctively and he had no idea what was in her file here. 

When he saw the burden on Mimi's shoulders after each job, he didn't wonder about the armor at all. And yet Mimi protected him, but from what? Taylor was talking to Mimi, and she chuckled, well Damon kept his focus on those two and heard young Taylor referring to him as Count Dracula and Mariella as his bride. Not bad, as he had lived in Transilvania in the castle at his time, so fine he could be Dracula if it was required of him. He did not get upset. Boy had a sense of humor. 

A faint ringing started to be heard. Sound was not loud, and it was pretty plain. Mariella, who was standing next to him like seeking shelter, said, " Is that Mimi's phone? It's ringing. Answer it, you don't know if you can help too, whoever there is."

Damon looked. Where was Mimi? She was still in that computer terminal. There was no name on display, so whoever this was, had not been in her contact.

He picked up the phone and answered, " Hello?"

A voice laughed on the other end. "Hello baby brother, care for another lesson sometime. Oh, you're on Mimi's phone now, brother. How about you hand it over to my wife? I want to hear what Mimi thought of my gift. She has been a little naughty and killed me quite many times, but as she is my wife, I try to appease her with my gift. I focus really on them, so they are as good as possible. You don't know my brother how easy is it to get her to obey. I have done it once, gotten her almost, almost under my thrall. I guess she is not big on sharing, well that would be me too. You see, I used your telepathy to teach her from early on that do not share. Keep everything inside you."

Damon put the phone around the screen as soon as he heard it was Damien, so Mariella couldn't hear. He could feel his ire rising and bile rising in his throat.

Damon said, "It was just a miswritten decorative paper. You and Mimi are not married, I am, and soon we will be. Four of us are. Oh, that, Damien, you were a fucking delight to destroy in that stone in Moldova, you know why. I do remember, too, and it is good that Mimi has killed you. I could kill you too few times. And thank you for telling me you used my telepathy. It makes helping Mimi easier as I know what to look for. You know, I can undo quite a lot from her mind. It takes time, but we have it."

Damien was silent for a moment and said, " Fine, you spoilsport, I'll call back later when Mimi answers herself. It's so nice to leave her presents. I try to make a good impact on her, she is so damn hard to impress as she is all tough leader chick, what comes you to help her, you are fucking machine attached to Mariella's pussy no fear that you get any leeway on helping Mimi. Did you know that there are at least four bullets inside her from me? They are special ones, exploding ones, so there is a kind of mess inside her. I wonder how is her multiplication enzyme, "

The call ended. Damon controlled himself. Exploding bullets, multiplication enzyme. Not a good thing at all. He knew his faults and damn, Damien was right; he was a fucking machine, and backtracking his telepathic signature from creatures like Mimi's mind would not be easy or fast. 

Mimi walked towards Damon, and Damon was still holding the phone. His hand shook. He was furious. Mariella wrapped herself around him. Trying to calm him.

He asked Mariella, " Are you sure, darling, you want to go to the gig? It will not be nice or fun. With you being such a world saver. These are the ones that even I can't save. It might not be nice and not sure if it is safe for you. "

Mariella said, "Don't protect me so much. I'm ready. You can't save everyone, but you must do this. Mimi is protecting you. I see it, too, and when it should be the other way around. She is protecting this entire pack, and you are supposed to be protecting her. I guess that even if Adam and Charles had been here, she would not take them either. "

Damon said, " That call was Damien. He's leaving Mimi gifts, aka victims. He is taunting her and he has shot at least four exploding bullets inside her and now I have no idea about her multiplication enzyme. Those victims are ex fleas and you know what Damien can do. That's why Mimi doesn't want us involved, especially me or, for that matter, you."

Mariella wrapped her arms around tighter to Damon and said, " Remember to do what your instincts tell you to do, and I know your alpha side is not in control now. You are all by yourself. You are not here as pack leader either, but husband, partner, and confidant. Protector."

They watched as jewelSark stopped Mimi and chatting with her. The lady was looking irritated and busy. Finally, Mimi dug out one bag from her rucksack and handed it to jewelSark. The bag clanked, meaning it had been full of drugs.

I was walking to collect the rest of the stuff and I was on my way to my office when a blonde version of Sark, smiling and shaking hands with me, told me he was Sark from that pendant and it had been Reddington who had put him in there. He gave me a code phrase, so I knew he was really Reddington's. He asked did I had anything from that previous mission, so I dug my pack and well no need to put these in my office. 

Interesting, the good Sark. And Reddington had been the one who had put him into the jewel in order for him to stay good. I gave him the drugs I had managed to pick up from the gig and told Taylor to show him the medicine cabinet so he would at least be busy. Fine, still collecting ammo and packing up the car, and then we'd be done.

I hurriedly took a few steps when Freddie approached me, the sound of his footsteps echoing in the air. He asked about the specific type of guns that Murdock had delivered, and I recalled my limited experience with them during previous sniper gigs. The unfamiliarity of the guns added to the growing list of things on my mind. I knew I would be swamped with tasks. Testing our rifles was of utmost importance, a crucial task carried out by senior snipers like me, Magnum, Murdock, Haley, Jock, and Patrick. However, none of them were present at the moment, leaving the responsibility solely on my shoulders. I sighed, realizing that I would eventually have to familiarize myself with those guns.

My mind remained focused on the upcoming mission, but the extensive checklist weighed heavily on me. Adam and Charles had been absent from our team for quite some time, drawn away by their desires and pack life. Nonetheless, I could handle this. The mission was a solo endeavor, meaning there would be no need to save anyone else. I would enter alone, granting me the luxury of collecting my thoughts. Due to the high stakes of the gig, it was best for me to tackle it mostly on my own, although I would have a supporting team outside.

As I made my way to the blast shelf, Damon approached me, his footsteps crunching on the ground.

He stated firmly, "We're coming to the gig with you, Mimi. Period. Just get your bearings on it."

I let out a weary sigh and responded, "This is my mission, and I'm in charge. If I say you two are in the car, then so be it."

Damon persisted, "We're ready to go."

I glanced at both of them, feeling the weight of responsibility on my shoulders, and said, "No, you're not. Come on then, let's get you properly equipped."

Mariella approached confidently, her presence exuding self-assurance, and declared, "We don't need anything, energy beings, a wizard, or a witch."

I glanced at her, feeling a heavy sigh escape my lips. It was time to teach her a lesson, to prove that I knew what I was talking about. With determined steps, I made my way to the shelf and picked up the sleek Beretta. As I loaded it with VFAs, the metallic click of ammunition echoed in the room. The scent of gun oil filled the air, adding a sharp tang to the atmosphere. 

"Put on an energy shield or whatever you've got," I instructed, my voice tinged with fatigue.

My mind was burdened with many tasks, and now they insisted on joining me. Fine, but only if they were properly equipped. 

A smile tugged at Mariella's lips as she replied, "Already in place." 

I studied her for a brief moment, my apology hanging in the air. Then, without hesitation, I aimed and fired, the sound of the gunshot slicing through the silence. The recoil reverberated through my arm as the bullet tore through Mariella's shoulder. Damon's eyes widened with realization, understanding just how close he had come to challenging me. 

Mariella winced in pain, her expression a mixture of shock and wounded pride. She healed swiftly, but the blow to her ego was far greater. Damon rushed to her side, offering comfort and reassurance, his touch gentle as he checked her well-being. The agony she experienced exceeded her expectations, the gunshot piercing through a formidable energy field. How was this possible? 

"F-fine, lesson learned," Mariella managed to say, her voice strained. "We'll wear the gear, but what the fuck kind of gun is that?" 

I calmly replied, "It's just a normal Beretta, but the bullets are variable frequency ammunition designed for energy beings. Luckily, they won't penetrate a proper vest. You never know what kind of bullets the bad guys are using, and I doubt you want them inside you. I know what I'm doing, and if you still have doubts, I suggest you skip this mission and go home. But if you're up for it, we can start preparing. Sark's invention, with Damien's help, has been studying energy creatures." 

I handed them both lightweight vests, trousers, and jackets, the fabric designed by Magnum to repel the very threats I anticipated.

As I waited for Damon to help Mariella dress, he asked, "What about guns?" 

I led him to the general gun rack, allowing him to choose his weapon. However, I made it clear that he wouldn't be getting mine.

He looked at me for a long time, and Mariella said, " Where is Mimi, your guns? Damon wants to choose from them. You always have the better guns."

I was on my way to my locker, and Damon strode next to me. I had no choice but to let him see what I got in here. 

I took Damon to my locker and opened it. There was my safety equipment, and Damon started to undress himself and Mariella and look for something that would fit her. He found several pieces that fit him as well and our gear was not too personalized, meaning it had adjusting options according to what you would wear under it. He put some of my stuff on Mariella, but that didn't matter, not that those two were going to do gigs.

I waited while Damon emptied my locker. Adam and Charles were nice. They never came to my stuff, but Salvatore likes to share everything. Well, I had my new special weapons with me. I felt my guns in my holsters; I had six guns in me, two in my thigh holsters, two of my hips, and two in my pockets. I went to finish checking the explosives, and Mariella and Damon came towards me, whispering.

Damon came at me, and pretty damn cold reached into my pocket, taking two of my guns and checking them out. He went then my thigh holsters and took one of them too, plus ammo. he had now gig expression on. He was pro, and I did not see a reason to argue with him.

I was already ushering them out the side door, and they got into one of the cars. I finished collecting the explosives and got a couple of Colin's healing busters, painkillers, and antibiotics from the medicine cabinet. He had left some in there. If I needed them, they would not be perfect as he had not had time to perfect them and read my records, but what he had smelled his leprechaun had made them according to that.

I would take them at some point. We were going in two cars, and Damon and Mariella's car was already full, so I hopped in the other one. We went for a drive. It wasn't a long drive, 45 minutes, and we were at the starting point. These weren't our transport cars but rather small, four-person seated cars just. 

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