

Walking around the house, grabbing supplies for the ritual, I froze. I had my pajamas from my home world, and Dream of a Blue Veil required something from the home world, which meant that I could go home; I pushed aside the fear that it would be just like Prelati's illusion.

A broad smile broke out on my face as I gathered my clothing and went to find the other residents of the house. I gathered them in the kitchen to talk.

"Komainu and Sola-Ui, we are going to travel back to my home. The spell is a bit wonky as we will be dreaming of the world first, then after six hours, we will be teleported to the world. What I'm asking is would you like to be brought along in the dream or wait until I bring the house over?"

Komainu grinned as she spoke a mile a minute. "I want to come with you; I can't wait to meet your family!" Chuckling, I rubbed her head as I waited for Sola-Ui to make her choice.

"I will wait for you to finish the spell before coming along." Nodding, I agreed to her choice before I remembered my new power.

"Sola-Ui, I can increase your skill in Spiritual Surgery; however, you would become weaker physically. Would that be ok with you?" I asked as I reached out a hand.

Tilting her head slightly, she thought about it for a moment before nodding and reaching out to clasp my hand. As she squeezed my hand, they both erupted in blue fire, and the world seemed to twitch slightly.

When the light show ended, I got to work. She had accepted the deal, which meant I could improve her skill in Spiritual Surgery at the cost of her health.

Her eyes glazed over as I got to work before she shook her head and relaxed, allowing the new influx of information to settle in.

I stood up and spoke to her as she finished absorbing the new information. "Would you mind seeing if you could fix my Magic Circuits?"

Chuckling at the apparent reason I offered to help her improve, she nodded and walked into her room as I followed behind. I sat on the bed I had been on the last time she fixed up my Magic Circuits; she got to work.

It was just as strange and uncomfortable as the last time. My Magic circuits were unlike any others because they were much more open to the air as they were coiled around my open ribs. This meant it was much easier for Sola-Ui to fix them because she didn't have to worry about any flesh getting in the way.

Standing up, I stretched as I felt the mana flow through the circuits. I was now back to normal and ready to go. However, as I was walking out, Sola-Ui spoke up.

"I will warn you, while I did fix them, they are still wounded, and further abuse like you put them through before will cause them to explode, damaging them beyond repair."

I froze before nodding; that would be very bad as while my batteries provided the heavy lifting for my magic, the circuits would allow me to fight even if I lost my batteries.

Striding back outside, I grabbed the pajama pants that I had arrived wearing. Sitting down on the ground, I lay back and held the pants to my chest. Summoning my staff, I lay that across my chest as well.

Komainu bounded out, plopped down next to me, and grabbed hold of my free hand. Squeezing her hand, I started to mutter the incantation for Dream of the Blue Veil. It was strange I was speaking in English, describing how the spell worked in exacting detail and finishing it off by calling out the name of the spell.

We awakened on wet grass. I slowly stood up and closed my eyes for a moment feeling out this dream. The world felt strange to my senses, not all the way there; however, I presumed that was only an effect of being only partway here.

Looking up, I saw the half-full moon peering down on the land. Looking towards my house, I froze. It was very similar to how it appeared in Prelati's illusion.

The difference was that there was police tape everywhere, and after walking closer, I could see footprints that walked throughout the ruins of my house.

My hand tightened around Komainu's as I choked back a sob. I had suspected and even feared that I would return to this, but I had hoped I could go home and live a normal life.

"Komainu, do you mind waiting here," I asked hoarsely. "I need some alone time" She nodded and sat down, looking morosely at the ruined house.

I wanted to have my cake and eat it too. I wanted to explore the multiverse, then come home, talk to my family, and show them the fantastic things I could do.

As I stared, looking at the ruins of the house, a light rain started up. I sighed before turning back around; I was going to show off to my friends, but what would be the point?

I didn't want to put them in danger, but perhaps a little help wouldn't go amiss. Striding back towards the street, I pulled up my memories of the small town they lived in.

Arriving there as if in a dream, I was outside my first friend's house. It was a small townhouse, and I could see the upper light on and a figure tapping away on a computer.

I remembered her great dream of being an actress as I looked on. I had the knowledge of how to improve her Charisma with a Grimoire.

Opening a Path, I returned to my new home as I thought of what I could gift to my friends. I quickly stopped to pick up Komainu, who was uncharitably silent.

The Grimoire grew as I sketched out my plan. A grimoire to improve Charisma, another to improve Intelligence, and the last to improve Constitution.

The first for an aspiring actress, the second for a prospective history teacher who wanted to be there for people, and the last for a person born crippled and unable to breathe right.

The grimoires would be simple, as Master Craftsman told me how to make them. It would only take some time and Dust.

Rummaging around, I grabbed the Dust bag and focused on a book, and soon the Dust had gathered and transformed into a small book with the letters CHA on the cover. I then repeated the process making one with INT and CON.

Making a Grimoire was usually an arduous process as it required expensive materials that were packed with mana that would be imbued into the book.

Dust, however, was an incredibly magical rich material owing to its complex nature. This meant that I could start working on the grimoires now.

Picking up the CHA books, I grabbed a handful of Dust and spread it across its surface before placing my hands on its front and channeling mana into it.

A grimoire's strength was proportional to the quality of the materials used and the amount of mana used in its creation. I had created the book from Dust which meant it was perfect with none of the flaws a typical book would have.

Dust was a fantastic component and would act just as well as using dozens of other materials. Lastly, I had an absolute tone of mana that I could pour into crafting, so I took my time to empty my reserves.

Breathing heavily, I picked up the book and looked it over with mage sight. The book was glowing with magic, and I could tell it was powerful; it was still single use, but that would be enough to improve her charisma drastically.

Heading inside, I grabbed a pencil and some paper. I needed to rest before working again, so I would write a note for them. Taking it slow, I wrote a simple message that explained what I was giving them and that I was gone and traveling now.

I also apologized for not speaking directly to them; I then signed it with my full name. Looking around, I picked up the copies I had torn up and threw them out.

Heading back outside, I counited working. Now that I knew what to do, the remaining grimoires were easier and took slightly less time.

Sliding the notes between the pages of the grimoires, I opened a Path back to the small town in New Jersey.

It was the middle of the night, and I could teleport, which meant that traveling around the town was easy. Arriving at the houses one by one, I teleported into their rooms and gently placed the grimoires where they would see them.

The papers were inside the grimoires, so they would open the books, gain the benefits then they could read the note. It was slightly underhanded, but it was a surefire way for them to use the grimoires without thinking it was a hoax.

Returning to the ruins of my old house, I sat on the grass and looked over the ruins. I let thoughts tumble through my head as I remembered how I got here.

I had started as an average person who found a book that granted them extraordinary powers. I was terrible; in Worm, I kidnapped people and used them as batteries.

I blew up the Rig and killed everybody on board because I wanted to flee from the consequences of my actions. I was then summoned to the Nasuverse and was better.

I saved Sakura and Shinji; Shirou would have a normal life with his original parents. Rin would have her mother and hopefully grow up to be a talented magus.

I had also killed Zouken and prevented Angra Mainyu from possibly destroying the world. I needed to go back to Earth Bet and kill Scion. He was currently far beyond me, and I had only been gone around a week. I would grow more powerful in time.

I needed to go somewhere else that would allow me to grow in power. I had the whole multiverse at my fingertips; I only had to travel through the NeverNever once then I could return at will.

Standing up, I opened a Path back to my home and walked back, casting one last glance at the ruins of my old home cast in moonlight.

I was reminded of a quote "Innocence once lost can never be regained." Just a few months ago, I was your average joe who never had so much as killed an animal.

Now, I had slain Gilgamesh, King Arthur, Kayneth and kidnapped people for my own ends. I would try to do better; I had the power of mercy. I would not spare those who attacked me, but I could let Miss Militia free at the least.

I snapped back to my body as I ended Dream of the Blue Veil. Standing up, I ruffled Komainu's hair and walked back inside. I had a few plans that I would complete before traveling to a new world.

I would free Sola-Ui; while she was helpful, keeping her around was a bad idea when all it would take was a hit for her to break free. It was also immoral. I then would drop Miss Militia off on Earth Bet, allowing her to get her life back after some time.

I also remembered that I should grab Lancelot. He would still be very helpful even with the higher mana cost due to the grail being gone. Holding out my hand, I called him with a command seal.

That did remind me that I should see if there is a way for me to get more seals. I knew that FGO allowed you to regenerate one a day, but that was due to game convince, and I had no clue how to replicate that in reality.

As Lancelot appeared by my side, the Grimoire grew again. I twitched as I felt more magic circuits grow and envelop my ribs. Flipping open the Grimoire showed that I had gained an additional twenty magic circuits bringing me up to forty.

Sighing, I started preparations to free Sola-Ui and Miss Militia. I would drop Sola-Ui in Japan, remove all memories of our time together then release her. I would then head to Earth Bet and drop Miss Militia off in Brockton; I would not need to do anything as she had been asleep the entire time she was with me.

Powers Gained

Magic Circuits

Magic Circuits are a pseudo-nervous system that spreads through the body and acts as an organ that converts lifeforce into magical energy. Magic Circuits reside within the soul and what is found in the body is a physical expression of them. The number of Magic circuits one possesses is determined at birth and cannot decrease or increase naturally. You gain twenty magical circuits of top quality and a further twenty each time you purchase this option.

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