

Lord Eddard led the Tyrells through the city towards the Red keep; the Tyrells and other such important guests will be staying in the guest wing of the keep or the maiden vault. Being the second wealthiest family in Westeros and knowing what sorry state the realm finances were, Ned thought it a good idea to gain the Tyrells favor. As they traveled to their destination, Margaery took in the sights of the city and its people, while Jon and Loras japed with Garlan and Mace. Once they were at the Red keep. He dismounted from his horse and watched as the Tyrell women exited their carriage and were greeted by the king's brother Lord Renly Baratheon and lord commander of the Kingsguard Ser Barristan Selmy. Eddard made his way to them.




"Lady Olenna, lady Margaery the capital has been made brighter by your present," said Renly as he kissed lady Olennas hand.




"Am sure it has," said Olenna smirking at the young lord's words. She gave a good look at him. He looked like his brother the king, but he seemed more refined and less of an idiot.




"My lady," said Barristan as he bowed.




"Lord Renly, it is an honor," said Margaery as she curtsied.




"The honor is all mine," said Renly as he kissed her hand. Then he turned his gaze to the four men that stood behind them.




"Lord Mace, it is an honor to have someone of your status come to this celebration. My brother will surely be pleased." The lord of the Reach felt his ego grow with the man's words.




"I would never miss something as grand as this, my lord," said Mace. Olenna smirked at her son's stupidity. If she had not given birth to him, she would have wondered if he was truly her son. But the lord of the Stormlands was at least a good kiss-ass, that was certain.




Renly smiled as he looked at the two brothers. "Ser Garlan, Ser Loras, it's good to see you again."




"Likewise, my lord," said Loras.




Only then looked at Jon. He immediately stood out when he saw him; his black hair and purple eyes made him seem even more unique than he thought he would be. Comparing Ned and his two daughters to this man, it was apparent that the younger daughter was his sister, and there was some resemblance to Ned, the older sister looking more like a Tully than a Stark. "And you must be the infamous Jon Snow, the Wolf of the south. You have created quite a reputation for yourself. They say that there is no man alive that can beat you in a dual."




"People talk and sometimes exaggerate, my lord," said Jon with a smile.




"More than sometimes, I would say, but we will see how much of it is true and how much is not very soon. My brother is itching to see you fight. Once he heard that Ned Starks's son will be competing, he was in such a joyful mood, it was like you told him that the hand himself will be participating." Renly looked at Ned, who now sported a more severe expression. While the Wolf and the stag talked, Loras could not help but stare at the knight in front of him. Barristan the Bold, the man who was a living legend, the man who epitomizes what a knight should be. The man who jousted against prince Duncan, the man who singlehandedly rescued king Arys from Duskendale. He was so respected that Robert even pardoned him and gave him the title of lord commander. Lora's dream was to once become just like him, a knight who everyone loved and revered, a white cloak on his beck, and a worthy king to serve.




"I have also heard some interesting things about you, ser Loras," said Renly.




"I hope they were good things." japed Garlan.




"Only good things are spoken about me because bad do not exist," said Loras.




Recently returned his gaze back to lady Olenna, who was giving him an odd look. "Forgive him, my lords, ladies, I have taken enough of your time. I hope to see you all during the feast this evening. I have some things that I must take care of." Then lord Renly and Ser Barristan went on their way, exiting the keep leaving lord Eddard alone once again with the Tyrells.




"Please follow me," said Ned. The Tyrells were led to the guest wing of the Red keep. The rooms where they were staying were lavish, but Olenna found them not to her standing for some reason. The servants brought their belongings to the rooms while Ned watched as they got settled in.




"All to your liking?" asked Ned.




"They will have to suffice," said Olenna looking around, unamused look on her face.




Ned looked at Jon, who was standing with Margaery in her room. "Jon, your room is this way," said Ned, and Jon started to follow. Ned brought him to a nearby room decorated with the sigils of House Stark. Jon looked around and was amazed by it.




"You did this?"




"Aye, I thought it would be good to get a bit of a northern feel while you are here."




"Thank you, father."




"No need; you are my blood. It's the least I can do." Jon turned around and embraced his father, Ned doing the same.




"It has been so long. I have missed you terribly, father." Jon said with tears in his eyes.




"I missed you too, son."




"It has almost ten years." Ned broke the embrace and put his hands on Jon's shoulders. "When I last saw you, you were a boy. I still remember the sad look on your face when you rode out of Winterfell. Now you are a man."




Jon stayed silent for a moment, just looking at his father. "How are Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon?" Jon and Robb were good together when they were children, Sansa loved her older brothers, and her, Arya, and Bren were still very little when Jon left, and Rickon was born after he left, but he wrote to them as much as he could.




"Robb and Rickon are good, Robb is the acting Lord of Winterfell now that I'm here, and Bran..." Ned paused; Jon immediately noticed something was wrong.




"What is it? Did something happen to Bran?"




Ned sighed. "Before I left, Bran..he… fell off a tower and was injured badly."




Jon looked at his father; worry and fear filled him. "How badly?"




"Lewin said he will never walk again." Jon was in shock, his brother had been injured, and he did not know about it.








"Lewin said he will recover, but the damage has been done. His mother told him not to climb that high, but he did not listen. I'm happy he is alive." Jon starred at the floor, he was happy that his little brother was alive, but it still pained him to hear what had happened to him. Jon lifted his head and looked at his father.




"And Sansa and Arya?"




"They are here with me."




"Really?" Jon was surprised; no one had told him that his little sisters would be here. At least there was some good news. He doubted they even remember him, Sansa maybe, but Arya no.




"Aye, they are here in the keep. Sansa is with the princess, and Arya is with Septa Mordane, and after that, she should be with her water dance instructor."




"Water dance?" Jon asked, confused.




"It's not as it sounds. She wanted to learn how to use a sword, so I hired a Bravossi instructor to teach her."




"So she is still as wild as I remember?"




"More," said Ned, and the two men chuckled.




"Come on, you can see them if you wish. I have sent some of the guards to bring them to the solar, and after that, I have something to give you."




"I would want that very much," Jon said with a smile. The two Starks walked through the hall when Loras met who was exiting his room.




"Where are you going, Jon?"




"I'm going with my father to see my sisters."




"Mind if I accompany you?"




"Leave him be, Loras, let him spend some time with his family. You can't have him all for yourself all the time," said Margaery from inside the room.




"Fine, but I still would want to meet them."




"You won't worry," said Jon and continued following his father. Jon and his father went to Neds solar, where the girls were waiting. Two guards stood in front of the door, each with a sword on his belt and a shield that bore the Wolf of Stark. It has been a long time since Jon saw that image. One of the guards opened the door, and Ned and Jon entered inside. They found two girls, the older one beautiful with red hair and the other younger one with black hair. He starred at his sisters for a long moment; they grew up. Sansa looked like a proper southern lady, bearing and composure spot on, while Arya seemed different, but he knew that already. Arya was never the one who liked rules or told how she should act, even when he was at Winterfell.




"Hi Sansa, Arya." said Jon




"Girls, come and meet your brother," said Ned. The two girls looked at him. Jon feared how they would react, would they even remember, would they except him. Sansa gave him an odd look while Arya took a step forward.




"Hello there, little wolf," said Jon with a smile.




"Jon!" The little girl rushed towards her brother and embraced him, and he did her. It was years since she saw him last; he honestly did not expect her to react this way. Seeing this brought a smile to their lord father's face. For a moment, the two Starks stayed like that before Jon broke off the hug and turned to Sansa.




"Little sis."




"Snow," said Sansa in a tone as cold as the wall itself.




"You changed; you look like a proper lady now," said Jon, a large smile still on his face.




"I'm a lady." Jon walked towards her wanting to embrace her, but as he was about to, she took a step back.




"Sansa?" Jon looked at her, confused.




"You are a bastard; I will not let you touch me."




"Sansa!" growled Ned. "He is your brother."




"Half-brother, father. My mother is Catelyn Stark but not his." Jon looked at her, not sure how to react, what to say. He just stood there frozen, a look of hurt on his face.




"Sansa, apologize," ordered Eddard.




Sansa crossed her arms. "I will not, father. Because there is nothing for me to apologize for."




"You are a bitch, you know that," said Arya. Sansa immediately gave her little sister an angry glare.




"Arya!" shouted Ned.




"He's our brother!" said Arya, her voice loud, and she was determent to put some sense in her sister.




"You brother, maybe not mine." With that, Sansa stormed out of the solar, Ned shouted for her, but she just ignored him. Arya gave her sister an angry and disappointed look as she exited the room while Jon just looked on with disbelief. When they were little Sansa, and he was practically inseparable, she was always there by his side; what happened to her?




Ned sighed and took a seat at his desk. "Arya, go return to your lessons."




"But father, Jon is," Arya said disappointedly.




"I know you will have time to spend with him later, I promise. Now go, I wish to talk to Jon."




"Don't worry, little Wolf, I will find you later. I promise," said Jon and gave his sister a smile.




"Fine." Arya walked out of the room, as angry as her sister.




Ned looked at Jon, who was looking at the open door. "Forgive me, Jon, I did not think it would end up like this," said Ned as he shook his head. His intention was to bring his family together. He thought that his daughters would feel more at home if one of their brothers was with them. This was not supposed to go like this. He would need to have a talk with Sansa later; she needs to learn somethings.




Jon turned to look at his father. "There is nothing to forgive, father," Jon paused for a second. "What happened to her? When we were kids, it was..."




"What do you think?"




"Catelyn?" Jon remembered the woman well. Ever since he could remember, her shadow always looming over him. When he was in Winterfell, she took every opportunity to chastise him for every little thing and remind him that he is nothing more than a bastard, that he is not a Stark, and that he will never be a part of that family. He remembered crying himself to sleep almost every time that happened. She hated him just because he was not hers because he was a Snow.




"Yes. She… has kept a tight grip over the girls since you left. Arya, unlike Sansa, could not be tamed." Jon found it funny that the woman who was wary of his existence now had a problem controlling her own daughter. Maybe it was for the best that she came with their father; here she could be would she really is a wolf. "I tried to talk to her, but she refused to listen."




"At least Arya has not changed," said Jon




"Aye. Listen, do not hold it against her; Sansa is good. It will just take her time to worm up to you again. You have been gone for a long time."




Jon shrugged. "I know, father, I know. They have grown up. Forgive me, I have not congratulated you for your appointment as the new hand."




Ned smiled, "Thank you, son."




"Have the girls grown accustomed here?"




"They have. Sansa spends most of her time either on lessons or with princess Myrcella; they are becoming good friends, it seems. And she has also spent time with the prince."




"The prince?"




"Yes," Ned sighed. "Robert wants to wed her and his son. She is fond of him, that is for certain."




"And what kind of a man is the prince?"




"He is Robert's son," said Ned. The boy had his father's fury; he was not entirely sure if that is a good thing or bad.




"And Arya?"




"As I said, I have gotten a Bravossi swordsman to train her. Before we left Winterfell, she made it quite clear that she wanted to learn how to use a sword, and she refused to take a no for an answer." Jon chuckled at the thought of Catelyn arguing with Arya over that. "War is easier than daughters, mark my words." Jon started laughing, and soon Ned joined in. The tension of the previous situation is now almost gone. Jon knew not to hold anything against people he loved, especially his family. The two men spend several more hours in the office just talking; Jon felt good that he was finally talking to his father. It was not as he feared it would be; Ned was compassionate and relaxed; he was his father.




"I almost forgot; I have something for you."








"Come with me and see." Once again, Jon followed his father, this time to the stables. Jon wondered if his father's gift would be a horse. He already had a good horse who was bread by Willas, but he would very much appreciate it if so. They stopped in front of a strange-looking pen where two strange dogs lay. Jon looked at them, not sure if he saw right.




"Are those?"




"Aye, they are, dire wolves." Jon looked at the cubs with astonishment. There has not been a Direwolf seen south of the wall in centuries. He remembered the tales his uncle Benjen used to tell them when they were kids, about how the dire wolves could still be heard and seen beyond the wall. One was gray with yellow eyes, and the other one was bigger, with snow-white fur and blood-red eyes. The white one stared at him intensely.




"How did you get them?"




"We found the pups near Winterfell. Their mother was killed by a stag, and Robb suggested that we keep them. One for each of the Stark children."




"These are Arya's and Sansa?"




"The smaller one is Sansas; the white one does not belong to anyone yet."




"But you said everyone got one, so where is Arya's?"




"There was an incident during our travel here. Her wolf bit the prince and..."




Jon looked at his father's shock in his eyes, "You didn't."




"No, of course not; I would never kill a Direwolf. Sansa and Arya would never forgive me if I did. The Wolf ran off somewhere, but something had to be done about the other two after that. The queen wanted them to be put down, but I persuaded Robert to keep them alive but in a cage. I promised that I will find a solution to this problem once we reach the city. "




"And your solution is to keep them in a cage; they are a living breathing sigil or your house."




"They are in a cage, for now; once the tourney is over, I will give them to you." Jon was stunned; his father would just give him two dire wolves.




"But that one is Sansas," said Jon.




Ned lowered his head. "I know, but it's better for them to go with you than to stay here; it's just a matter of time before another problem is caused."




"Father, I don't know what to say."




"Say nothing; just promise me you will take good care of them."




"I will, father, I promise."




"Good." As they looked at the wolves, Jon noticed that the white one was staring at him. Jon knelt and put one hand through the cage's bars, trying to reach the white Wolf. The Wolf came closer and licked his hand, to which Jon smiled.




"He makes no sound whatsoever; he is completely silent. He does not whine of howl, only bares his teeth sometimes," said Ned.




"White and makes no sound just like a ghost," said Jon with a smile as he looked at the Direwolf.








"You sure we can't let them out? They might behave better around me."




"No, the king has made it clear."




Jon got up, still looking at the white Wolf and the Wolf looking back. "Shame, wolves are supposed to be free, not trapped in a cage."




"I know, but that how it must be for now." The two men watched the wolves for a bit longer before going back towards the tower of the hand. After spending some more time talking in Neds solar, the two parted ways, lord Eddard's duties preventing them from spending more time together, but Jon also wanted to check up on Loras and Margaery. As he made his way back to the guest wing, he saw a member of the Kingsguard walking in front of him. The shiny gold armor almost the same color as his hair. As they were about to pass each other, the Kingsguard stopped him.




"You must be Ned Starks bastard." said the knight with a smirk.




"Aye, I'm."




"Ser Jaime Lannister." said the knight. The Kingslayer Jon thought he had heard the stories about the man, about his skill and how he broke his oath and killed the mad king, how he let Elia and the Targaryen children be slaughtered by the mountain. The man with no honor.




"Jon Snow."




"I hear you will be competing in the tourney."




"I will."




"It must be hard being the stain on your father's name, doing everything you can to make yourself look like the opposite." Jon did not say a word. He only angrily stared at the man. "A bastard competing against his betters, better give up while you can," Jaime said smugly.




"I might be bastard, but at least I'm not an oath breaker."




"Do you know how many people have called me that and lived?"




"Many I imagine considering that everyone calls you that, Kingslayer."




Jaime grabbed Jon's arm and pulled him closer. "Be careful, Snow; there is no telling what can happen to someone during the tourney; accidents happen."




"Ser Jaime," shouted Barristan as he walked towards the two. Jaime let go of Jon and took a step back.




"You are late for your shift," said Barristan.




"Forgive me, lord commander, I was just having a talk with the young Stark here," said Jaime as Jon glared at him.




"Well, I suggest you get moving."




"As you say, lord commander," Jaime said with a smirk and left with Ser Barristan, leaving Jon to stare at the man. After a moment, he decided to continue where he was going, the thought of the Lannister's words still in his mind. He made his way back to the Tyrell rooms; once there, Loras quickly pulled him into the dining room; Margaery and Garlan were also there enjoying some arbor gold.




"So what did your father say?" asked Loras.




"Nothing really, we spoke about my siblings and me, about home."




"Did you see your sisters?" asked Margaery.




"Aye, I did." by the tone of his voice, Margaery knew something was not right.




"What happened?"




Jon took a seat next to Garlan. "It seems that Sansa does not like me. I thought she would be happy to see me as much as I'm here, but that wasn't the case."




Garlan put his hand on Jons's shoulder. "I'm sorry, Jon."




"I'm sorry too," said Margaery.




"There is nothing for you to be sorry about," Jon sighed. "It will just take time, I hope."




"Don't worry, Jon, all will turn out all right." Margaery's words at least brought some comfort.




"Where is lady Olenna and lord Mace?" asked Jon.




"Grandma is taking a nap, and father and mother are with lord Renly, I believe," said Loras.




"So, what will we do now?" asked Garlan.




"I don't know about you, but I need some rest," said Jon and made his way back to see the room. The three Tyrells looking on, concerned as Jon left.




"Maybe we should all get some rest; there is going to be a feast this evening after all," said Margaery.




Jon lay in his room, trying to get some sleep before the feast, but he was having little luck with it. His sisters and the Kingslayers words echoing in his head.




"Stain on his name."




"He is not my brother."




He got up and sat at the side of the bed, rubbing his face with his hands. Was this all he was, a bastard? Were his sister and the Kingslayer right? He could not get the thoughts out of his head. Not being able to sleep, he decided to get dressed and to go find Arya. He put on some elegant gray pants and a black shirt and made his way to the tower of the hand. Once there, he asked some servants where he could find her, and they pointed him in the right direction. Soon he found Arya with her instructor Syrio. He watched from the door as he gave her instructions and taught her how to wield a blade. The style he was trying to teach her seemed strange to Jon, but he knew that it was a Bravossi style he was teaching her, not Westerosi.




"You need to be perceptive, move with grace, and command your fear." said the Bravos. As Arya tried to strike him, Syrio quickly blocked the blow and, with one move, knocked her on her ass. "Never rush; always be prepared because there is no telling what your opponent might do next."




"Got it," replied Arya with a slightly painfilled tone. Jon chuckled at his sister, and the two noticed him.




"And who is the laughing man?" asked Syrio.




"That's my brother Jon," answered Arya.




"You think it is funny to see someone fall on their ass?"




"Maybe," Jon said with a smile.




"Then take her sword, and let's see how you fare." Jon looked at the Bravossi and then back to Arya.




"Alright." Arya smiled from ear to ear; she was about to watch her brother face off against Syrio Forel. Syrio handed Jon over the wooden sword, and both men prepared for the fight. Jon was the first to attack, and Syrio dogged it easily. Several more strikes from Jon followed, each being dogged or blocked by the Bravossi swordsman. As the fight went on, Jon noticed that Syrio was not attacking. He was just defending himself, and soon it was made clear why. As Jon tired, he made another attempt at disarming Syrio, who used the opportunity to catch Jon off guard and attack. In a few quick moments, it was all over, and Jon was lying on the ground, his sword in Syrio's hand. Syrio brought the blade to Jon's neck, and Arya laughed.




"Yield." said the Bravos.




"I yield," replied Jon, and Syrio helped him up.




"You are good, but you can be better."




"I see that."




"That will be all for today; you can go now," Syrio said to Arya. After parting with the Bravossi, the two Starks made their way to Arya's room. They talked and japed on their way there. Jon was happy that at least one of his sisters was fond of him.




"Fighting with a sword?"




"Yes, I wish to learn it more than anything."




"They did not teach you at Winterfell?"




"No mother forbade it. Ladies do not fight with swords, she said. It was only when we came here that father brought someone to train me."




"He seems like a good teacher."




"He is."




"Why did father get someone from Bravoss to train you?"




"He thought it would be better to use a thin blade and so brought Syrio because his fighting style was better for it."




"Well, it seems he was right," said Jon as he rubbed his back, to which Arya chuckled.




"You think it's funny, don't you?"








"Well, then how about this." Jon grabbed Arya and started tickling her. Tears and laughter started coming out of her.




"Stop it, hahaha, please, hahaha, stop." As Jon continued with the tickling, a servant girl came in, and Jon stopped, much to Arya's relief.




The servant girl bowed. "Forgive me, my lord, but I been sent to prepare lady Arya for tonight's feast."




Jon nodded and turned his attention back to his sister "Sorry little Wolf, but it seems we will have to end it here. I will see you at the feast."




Arya crossed her arms. "I don't want to go to the feast."




"You have to; you are a lady after all."




"I'm not a lady," said Arya, slightly angry.




"Well, you have to, and besides, you want to meet my friends from the Reach, right?"




For a moment, Arya stared at her brother as if to say no, but in the end, she knew she wanted. "Yes, I do."




"Then better get ready, and we will meet you there."




"Fine," said Arya. The servant girl walked beside Jon as he exited and started preparing Arya for the feast. The thought of his little sister in an elegant dress made Jon chuckle. As he was making his way back to his room, he came across Sansa. She was walking with one of the Stark household guards when Jon decided to greet her.




"Hi Sansa," Jon said, his voice a bit shaky but with a smile on his lips.




"Snow," Sansa said. As she was about to pass by him, he stopped her.




"Sister, wait," She turned around and looked at him, "I wish to speak with you ."




"There is nothing for us to talk about. Now, if you would excuse me, I have a feast to get ready for." She said and continued walking towards her room; the guard gave Jon a look of sympathy and continued along. Jon just watched as they disappeared around the corner, a feeling of disappointment in him. When he reached the rooms, he found that all the Tyrells were present and almost ready for the feast. As Jon was about to go to his room to change, Loras came to him, the knight dressed in an elegant outfit that proudly showed off the colors of his house.








"Almost, just need to change."




"Well then, come on, don't keep us waiting," Loras said with a smile. Jon entered his room. His outfit like one Loras wore, but the breeches were made from a darker fabric. Then he heard the doors open.




"You look good," said Margaery as she approached him.




"Presentable?" Jon asked with a smile.








"Who is accompanying who?" asked Jon.




"Mother and father, grandma will be with Garlan, and I with Loras."




"So, I'm to be the lone wolf then," Jon said with a smirk.




"For now," Margaery said as he put her arms around Jons's neck. "Maybe later..."




"Come on, you two, we need to get going," they heard Garlan say.




The group made their way to the great hall where the feast was being held; once the large doors opened, they realized just how many people were there. As they entered the room, the herald announced their arrival.




"Lord Mace Tyrell lord of Highgarden, lord paramount of the Reach, warden of the south, lady Alerie Tyrell, Ser Garlan Tyrell, lady Olenna Tyrell, Ser Loras Tyrell, lady Margaery Tyrell, and Ser Jon Snow. The group made their way to their table, which was positioned in the middle. On their side close to the high table sat the Lannisters and other lords from the West, and behind them sat some Vale lords, one the other side close to the high table sat the Stormlanders, next to them the lords of the Riverlands and some crownlands lords. What few Northmen decided to attend sat at their own table. On the high table sat the king and queen in the middle, with their son and heir prince Joffrey, princess Marcella and prince Tommen to the left while Lord Eddard, Sansa, and Arya sat to the kings right, lord Renly with them also. Jon looked around to see if he knew anyone here, to his surprise, he found that he knew many of the people present. At the Stormland table, he saw Beric Dondarrion; among the Riverland lords, he saw Patrick and Jason Mallister and a large group of Freys. "You can always count on Freys to come in large number." he thought. Among the Vale men, he was Robar Royce, his brother Andar and a man he assumed was their father. At the Lannister table, he saw what he two Lannisters, an enormous man with a sigil of house Crakehall who could only be the Strong boar himself and some men from house Prester and Brax. At their table sat Hobber Redwyne, some men from houses like Hightower, Appleton, Fossoway, Dunn, Redding, and Graves. He jousted and fought against most present here. What surprised Jon was what there was also a few Dornishmen presents, but they kept to the side at did not mingle with the others much. He looked at Arya, who seemed upset because she had to wear a fancy dress, while Sansa was the opposite. She also looked at the prince, who, by the looks of it, took more after his mother than his father; he seemed as bored as the queen.

On the other hand, the king was drinking like it was his last day on earth; his father noticed it but did not say anything. He just smiled and laughed at what the king said. The dishes prepared for the feast were elaborate and tasty, and there was also no shortage of wine and ale. The first hour they spend eating, talking, and japing. Margaery, Loras, Mace all seemed happy, but Olenna. The queen of thorns thinking it was an insult for them to be placed in the middle and not where the Lannister's or the Stormlanders were sitting. When they were finally allowed to mingle, Jon and Loras decided to say hello to Lord Beric. As they made their way to the table, Jon could feel like someone was watching him but shook it off, thinking it must be the sheer number of people.




"Lord Beric," said Jon. Beric turned around and greeted the two knights with a smile.




"Lads, these are Ser Loras Tyrell and ser Jon Snow," Beric said to men around him.




"My lords." both Loras and Jon said and bowed.




"Come sit with us." The two knights joined the group, and one man, a Mertens, gave them two cups of wine. "You come here for the tourney?"




"Aye, my lord, we do," said Jon.




"It's going to be good riding against you once more. I still have to repay you for Ashford."




"If luck is on your side like it was on mine that day, then you will," Jon said, and Beric laughed.




"Aye, luck it was. I'm looking forward to facing you as well, Ser Loras."




"If we do face each other, the better man will win," Loras said with a smile.




"We will see Ser, we will see. You remember my squire Edric right?" Beric said as he turned to look at the blond boy that sat next to him.




"Yes, will do," said Loras. "Dayne, right?"




"It is my lord." the boy said excitedly.




"Your uncle was the Sword of the morning," said Loras.




"Yes, he was." the boy said in a more serious tone. Jon looked at the boy and, for a moment, could not help but feel sorry for the boy, mostly because his father was the man who killed his uncle Arthur Dayne.




"You are Ned Starks boy, right?" asked a man that sat opposite of him.








"Lord Bryce Caron." the man said and offered his hand, which Jon took.




"It's an honor, my lord," replied Jon.




"Will you be competing in the melee Jon?"




"Aye, Loras and me both."




"Then good luck to you both," Bryce said as he raised his cup.




"Thank you, my lord," said Loras. Jon again turned his gaze to the high table, where he saw his father looking at him; Jon smiled at Ned smiled back. Loras and Jon spent some more time talking with the Stormlanders, each eager to test their metal against each other. As they were about to leave, Beric spoke.




"Send my regards to Garlan and lady Margaery," said Beric.




"We will," said Loras. The two made their way back to their table, where Margaery and Garlan met them. Loras had expected his brother to move around more, but he spent most of the night at their table.




"What does lord Beric say?" asked Margaery.




"He sends his regards to you and our brother," said Loras.




"I hope with meet in the joust, the last time we rode, he unseated me, and my shoulder hurt for a week."




"We remember," said Jon as he, Margaery, and Loras started laughing.




"What so funny?" asked Garlan.




"Don't you remember what happened when he unseated you?" asked Margaery.




"I do; I fell to do the ground hard."




"You also rolled almost all the way back to the starting line," said Jon.




"We will see how you do once you face him."




"I did face him, and I won," Jon said smugly. Then Jon felt a sudden pull on his sleeve; he turned around to see Arya looking at him.




"Hello, there, little Wolf. What are you going here?"




"You said if I dressed and came here that you will introduce me to your friends."




"I did, didn't I? Well, come and sit beside me, and I will introduce you." Arya did as Jon told her and sat between him and Garlan. "This man right here is ser Garlan." Arya turned her head to look at him.




"My lady," said Garlan.




"This is lady Margaery," said Jon, and Arya turned to her.




"I always wanted to meet one of Jon's sister; you are simply darling," said Margaery with a smile.




"I'm not darling," Arya said and crossed her arms, which made people around the table laugh.




"This man here is ser Loras." Arya looked at him for a moment.




"He is too pretty to be a knight," said Arya.




"Aye, he is, but we all have dreams, some more realistic than others," said Jon and Arya; Margaery and Garlan chuckled.




"She is a bold one," said Loras.




"She is Jon's sister, after all," said Margaery.




"That over there is Lord Mace and Lady Alerie." Arya looked at the two, who both gave her a soft smile.




Arya then looked at the old lady sitting next to lord Mace. "Who is that?" Arya asked.




"That is our grandmother lady Olenna," said Margaery.




"The queen of thorns?" Arya said as she looked at Jon.




"Yes, that is what some people call her," said Garlan. Arya spent the rest of the feast with Jon and the Tyrells. She found them all to her liking, especially Margaery and Loras; both seemed like a lot of fun. She was happy that her brother had such good friends. Then finally, septa Mordane came for her. It was time for her to go to bed. As she took the little girl away, she gave Jon a disgusted look, but he did not pay much attention to it. As a boy lady, Catelyn and the septa always looked at him like that. Soon after Arya left, they were joined by Lord Renly. The lord of Storms' end at first seemed like any other noble, trying to get under someone's skin, in this case, lord Maces, but over time, he proved to be more fun than Jon anticipated; he seemed especially fond of Loras.

Chapitre suivant