
Chapter 7: Land of Waves (part 1)

"We can see Isshin and Hayate hopping on tree branches, going through a forest. As they are hopping, Isshin asks, "So where exactly are we going? You didn't explain much before we started running."

Hayate replies, "Well, it seems like we are going to help Team Seven do a C-turned B-rank mission in the Land of Waves."

"What happened that turned their mission into a B-rank and why us for backup?" Isshin asks.

"From the letter, it seemed like the client wasn't very truthful when he filed for the mission." Hayate pauses and looks over at Isshin, seeing that he has a scowl on his face. He continues, "On the way to the wave, they encountered two Chunin going by the moniker Demon Brother. Kakashi put it up for a vote, and everyone voted to continue the mission. He then sent one of his dogs summons back to the village, and the Hokage sent out a hawk to the closest team, which happened to be us."

"Speaking of missions going up a rank, is ours going to?" Isshin asks.

"After we report to the Hokage, it most likely will. Anyway, let's hurry," Hayate says before they both continue tree-hopping in the distance.

Meanwhile, Kakashi and Team Seven, are currently walking down a forest with their client Tazuna, the bridge builder, when Naruto jumps out in front of them and throws a kunai into a bush. Everyone is staring at him with wide eyes full of surprise, and Sakura points at him before yelling, "Stop trying to show off!"

Tazuna yells, "Kid, are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

Naruto proceeds to throw another kunai into a different bush. Sakura walks over to him, punches him on the back of the head, and yells at him again, "Stop it already!"

Kakashi walks over and pulls the bushes apart. He sees a white rabbit cowering against a tree with a kunai a few centimeters above its head. Sakura walks over and looks from behind Kakashi and sees the rabbit. She then turns to look at Naruto with a tick mark forming on her head and shouts, "Look at what you did to the poor thing!"

"Oh no, it's a bunny," Naruto runs over to the rabbit, picks it up, and starts to apologize profusely.

Kakashi was glancing around thinking to himself, "That is a snow rabbit, but doesn't their fur only turn white in winter? Wait, what if it was raised inside without exposure to the sunlight? If it was, then it would still have its white coat." He frowns. "Substitution." He then hears a swish sound and yells, "Everyone get down!" Then a whistling sound could be heard in the air. He tackles Tazuna to the ground as Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke all dive to the ground. They all look up and see a massive sword flying through the air above their heads before plunging into a tree.

Suddenly, a muscular, shirtless man appears on the hilt of the sword. He has short, spiky black hair, brown eyes, bandages covering the lower part of his face, and a hitiate on his forehead sideways, a strap running diagonally from his left hip to the right of his neck. It has a metal plate in the middle where it branches out diagonally to the left side of his neck. He is wearing matching arm and leg warmers, denim blue baggy pants with black stripes going down them, and blue shinobi sandals. Kakashi looks up. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the Missing-Nin of the Hidden Mist, Zabuza Momochi."

Naruto starts to run toward Zabuza, but Kakashi holds his arm out and says, "You're in my way. All of you, get back," and their fight commences.

Back with Hayate and Isshin, they are still tree-hopping. Isshin asks, "Hayate-sensei before we left Konoha, I overheard a conversation that the gate guards were having and heard something about a thing called Chunin exams. What are they?"

Hayate coughs before answering, "The Chunin exams are exams held every six months to see whether or not Genin has the skills, knowledge, and experience to become Chunin. The major villages take turns hosting them, and they send out letters to most villages to see if they will attend. They decide whether or not to send their Genin to the village they are being held at."

"Do you have to sign up for them?" Isshin asks.

"Nope, the only way you can get into them is if your Jonin sensei signs you up," Hayate says.

"Are you planning on signing me up?" Isshin asks.

Hayate replies, "I was thinking about signing you up for the experience alone, but the thing is, you would be at a disadvantage against everyone else."

"Why?" Isshin asks.

"Every Genin cell is three people; you are an outlier. In that case, you would be going up against three people," Hayate replies.

Isshin frowns. "Do you think I would be able to become a Chunin during them if you enter me?"

Hayate replies, "Depends on what they are doing for this exam." He shrugs. "Honestly, there's even a chance that no one becomes one after the exams."

Isshin blinks repeatedly and says, "Huh? So you're telling me if I decimate everyone in the Chunin exams, there would be a chance that I wouldn't become a Chunin?"

"Yup," Hayate says.

"How long until it starts?" Isshin asks.

Hayate takes a minute to think it over before saying, "I think in about two and a half months, give or take."

"Do you think we will do any missions after we get back?" Isshin asks.

Hayate shakes his head. "I think we should spend that time training. If you want to enter, we might have to do a few short missions to hit a requirement, but I'm not too sure if there is one."

"That sounds nice. Do you think Yugao will join us sometime?" Isshin asks.

Hayate nods. "She mentioned wanting to help you with your sensoring technique."

"Yatta!" Isshin shouts while pumping his fist into the air.

"Why does she get the excitement when all I get is "that sounds nice"?" Hayate asks.

"Cause Yugao is a sweet lady. I dunno how you managed to get her," Isshin says as he nods sagely.

Hayate has a tick mark on his head. "You are only saying that because she gets you Dango every time you see her."

Isshin looks away and whistles before saying, "No clue what you're talking about."

Hayate grins before saying, "I think I'm going to tell her about you peeking at Kakashi's book when we get back to the village."

"Don't believe you," Isshin says.

"You'll see," Hayate grins evilly.

"After another hour of tree-hopping, do you sense anything yet? They are ahead of us in a clearing. There are two Jonin fighting, and I sense another signature off in the distance. It seems to be watching the fight," Isshin states and opens his eyes.

They continue to hop for a few moments before reaching trees that overlook the clearing Team Seven is in and watches on.

Zabuza appears behind Kakashi and swings his blade, cutting Kakashi in half or so he thought because he sees water falling from the air where Kakashi was. Kakashi appears behind him with a kunai to his throat and says, "It's over."

Zabuza says, "You don't understand, do you? You will never beat me by being a copycat," and chuckles.

Zabuza appears behind Kakashi and slashes his sword at him. Kakashi ducks and spins, kicking Kakashi in the chest, sending him flying backward in the air into the water. Zabuza holds his sword with both hands to his side and starts dashing towards the water. Kakashi pops his upper torso out of the water and says, "What's up with this water? It's way too heavy."

Zabuza dashes behind him and goes through hand seals quickly before saying, "Hmph, you idiot. It's the Water Prison Jutsu," as his hand forms a sphere of water with Kakashi stuck in the middle. "Guess I should take them out while you are stuck in there." He then makes a sign, "Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu," a water clone forms in the water close to the shore and starts laughing as it forms a hand seal and mist surrounds it. The clone of Zabuza rushes in to kick Naruto when it gets cut in half as Hayate appears behind it with his Katana drawn.

Zabuza looks and says, "So you have backup?" He chuckles before saying, "Well if it Isn't a no-named Tokubetsu Jonin from Konoha. Are you going to fight a former member of the Seven Swordsman of the Mist?"

Kakashi shouts, "Hayate, get the kids and the client out of here and run. You all don't have a chance against him!"

Hayate shakes his head and coughs as he tightens his grip on his katana and asks, "Are you asking a shinobi of the Leaf to abandon their comrade?"

Naruto shouts, "Yeah, sick dude is right! After all, Kakashi sensei, didn't you say people who abandon their comrades are worse than scum?"

Zabuza chuckles menacingly before his face goes blank, and the Water Prison falls apart. Kakashi applies chakra to his feet, glances around, and sees a brown-haired boy slumped against a tree. "Shintenshin no Jutsu," Kakashi says as he gets behind Zabuza with a kunai held to his throat. Suddenly, Zabuza snaps out of it and growls. Suddenly, two needles hit Zabuza in the neck. He falls face-first into the water, and a masked shinobi lands on top of the water and grabs him.

Everyone looks surprised at the masked shinobi. "You're a Hunter Nin from the Mist, are you not?" Kakashi asks.

The Hunter Nin nods, and Kakashi asks, "Mind if I confirm the kill?" The Hunter Nin motions him to come over. Kakashi feels for a pulse. "He's dead for sure." He then walks towards everyone.

The Hunter Nin bows and says, "You have my thanks for wearing down Zabuza. I have been hunting him for weeks."

Naruto runs over and shouts at the Hunter Nin, "Hey, you!"

Kakashi says, "Easy, Naruto, they aren't an enemy."

Naruto then asks puzzled and upset, "How can they just come in and kill Zabuza so easily? They look to be around our age."

"Well, you see, the age of a Shinobi doesn't mean anything in this world. There are kids younger than you and stronger than me," Kakashi states.

The masked shinobi then says, "I need to dispose of the body. If you'll excuse me." They form a hand seal and Shunshin away.

Isshin gets up. He then walks next to Hayate and waves at Naruto. "Yo."

Naruto pouts at Isshin before saying, "You stole our thunder. I bet you anything that I would have come up with an awesome way to get Kakashi out of the water thing, like henging into a demon shuriken and having Sasuke throw me." He nods before saying, "Yeah, that would have been so cool."

Kakashi eye smiles at Isshin and Hayate. He then says, "Speaking of thanks for the assist, guys." He then pulls his hitiate back down over his Sharingan.

Hayate gives Kakashi a small smile and then says, "No problem."

Kakashi looks over at Tazuna and asks, "Mind showing us the way to your house?"

Tazuna shakes his head before replying, "No, just follow me."

Kakashi then starts falling over before Hayate catches him and lifts him over his shoulder. "What's wrong with Kakashi-sensei, sick dude?" Naruto asks, looking worried.

Hayate looks over at Naruto and says, "He's fine, just a case of chakra exhaustion. He probably won't be at a hundred percent for about a week, though."

"What's chakra exhaustion?" Naruto asks.

"You remember what happened the night of graduation?" Isshin asks.

Naruto nods and says, "Yeah, you were really sluggish and tired."

"That's because I exhausted my chakra. I used a lot of it and hardly had any left in the tank," he pauses before continuing, "Kakashi is out because he has next to no chakra left in his."

"Okay, I get it," Naruto says.

Sakura looks over at Hayate and asks, "Why are you all here anyway?"

Hayate replies, "Your sensei told Hokage-sama about the complications at the start, and the Hokage sent a letter via bird asking us to assist your team because we were the closest Leaf shinobi."

"Hey Isshin, why didn't you tell me you were leaving on a mission?" Naruto asks. "I went over to your house to see if you would come to pay—I mean, come eat ramen with me." He finishes with a pout.

Isshin sighs before shrugging and saying, "If it makes you feel any better, I only told my mom."

They then continued talking until they reached Tazuna's house. Tazuna opened the door, and everyone walked in. Isshin looked around and said, "You have a nice house," as a lady with dark blue hair wearing a pink blouse and blue skirt walked out of the kitchen.

"Well, thank you, Shinobi-san," the lady says.

"Tsunami," Tazuna says as he walks over and gives her a hug.

"I'm glad that you made it back safe, Dad," Tsunami says.

Tazuna then introduces all of the shinobi before reaching Isshin and Hayate. "I don't know their names."

Hayate then says, "I'm Hayate. Over there with the bandages on his face is Isshin. Do you have anywhere that I could lay their sensei down at?"

Tsunami says, "Yes, we have a spare room upstairs. It's the first one on the left. You can place him on the bed in there"

"All alright thank you Tsunami-san," Hayate says as he carries Kakashi up to the room

She then looks at Isshin with a concerned look and asks, "Did you get hurt too? Is that why you are wearing those?"

Isshin shakes his head and says before replying, "No, I always wear these."

Sakura says, "Yeah, I don't think I have ever seen him with those on."

Tsunami asks, "Really?"

Sasuke and Sakura nod while Naruto starts talking to Isshin about what kind of ramen he is going to eat whenever they get back to the village."

yo again thanks for reading and to those of you that gave some power stones thanks a lot I apreciate it, I meant to post this last night but I forgot to lol hope you enjoy it, so I probably won't be posting a new chapter for about a week if not longer, I'm going to rewrite some of the chapters and retcon a little bit before posting another one, I might post a recap chapter stating what all I changed after I finish

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