

Izan jogging onto the pitch stopped to give the instructions that Coach Moreno had told him to give. He quickly went and occupied his position. As he stood there he heard the familiar 'ding' sound as the system issued a quest.

[System has issued a challenge]

    < make a difference>

Score one goal or make an assist and help your team win the game.

Rewards: +15 stat point

               +10000 lp points

Izan smiled knowing he was about to get a ton of points.



' Time is running out fast here and it is still one all. Valencia U19 seem to be making a change here. No. 6, Javier buèso is coming out for No. 21. His name seems to be Izan miura Hernandéz and only 14 years of age. Quite young but I guess Coach Moreno is giving up the match or has this young player got something to give us'

The commentator said as he looked on Izan's profile.

Izan was told one thing by Coach Moreno and that was 'to make a difference'. Izan walked around a bit as the ball was still with the opposition. He immediately shouted out instructions to the other players intending to bait the Levante players into attacking. The Levante players didn't disappoint and tried to break through the Valencia U19's defence.

Borja, one of Levante U19's midfielders tried to pass by Izan after noticing that the latter was young. Taking advantage of the player's underestimation. Izan quickly slid in and took the ball from behind him.

Borja who thought it was a foul went livid as the referee didn't blow the whistle. "Refree!!!! That was a clear foul " Borja screamed at the top of his lungs.

The referee shook his head and the game continued. Izan after taking the ball slowed down the tempo of the game intending to excite the Levante players to come into their half. Izan constantly looking around tried to find any edge that they could take over the opponents.

Izan still couldn't find one and continued to slow down the game more. The Valencia U19 players started player one-touch football. This struck a nerve in the Levante players as the Valencia players seemed to be toying around with them.

They still maintained their calm knowing what was at stake. This remained until Izan started playing a bit more flashy. Taking on the Levante U19 players and using flashy skill moves against them. The last straw for the players was when Izan nutmegged borja who was already pissed at Izan for the earlier challenge.

Izan tool the ball and started retrieving to his own half. Unconsciously the Levante U19 players started moving forward. Seeing this, Valencia U19's striker,Hugo de marc saw what Izan was trying to do and started to make a run.

Izan after seeing his striker's intention sent a defence splitting pass to him. The Levante players started to retreat but Hugo was a few steps ahead of them. Hugo after taking a touch of the ball controlled it calmly and started galloping towards the keeper.

Izan with his ridiculous speed,started Sprinting towards the levante goal. Izan like a gust of wind passed by the levante players,overtaking most to go and provide support for Hugo if he needed one.

Hugo after coming face to face with the keeper kept his cool and chipped the ball over the keeper.The ball went in a high arc before rustling net when it hit it.

The Valencia players were ecstatic. Some players on the bench even joined the players on the field to celebrate. It was still the 80th minute and the match was far from over but at this moment they had to soak in the feeling. The game had been tough on them as although they were playing better,they still couldn't translate their performance into goals.


[Commentary pov]

'Izan the new entry after coming on has been organising the Valencia team. Age doesn't really matter in football. Borja from levante tries to attack but a sliding tackle from Izan saw him dispossessed. He raised his hands in anger but the refree signals play on. The Valencia players are playing the ball around but it seems the Levante players are settling for a draw as they've brought back almost all their attackers to their own half. Izan playing some flashy football nutmegs borja . What a beautiful display of composure by the young player who doesn't even seem fazed playing with players 3 or 4 years older than him. His flashy moves has attracted a bit of attention to himself ad Levante team's formation start to fall apart. Izan looks up and spots a run from Hugo. With a spectacular pass. He sends the ball to Hugo. Oh wonderful touch. Hugo sprints forward alone. Izan also sprints forward with speed like a cheetah to provide support for Hugo but does he need it!!!!!!'

'No he doesn't as Hugo chips the ball over the keeper. What a beautiful display of individual brilliance by Izan and Hugo as they both combine to give valencia the lead. Its Valencia U19 [2], levante U19 [1] '

After the celebration. The valencia players walked to their half as the refree was waiting for them before he could start the match. Komi who was a bit bored suddenly erupted into cheers as Valencia U19 scored. "The player who just came on made the difference" a person standing by said.

"Yh I think he's going to be a very good player from the way he's playing" another added

Komi who heard this felt very happy. Hori who didn't like to admit her feelings as she was a tsundere type of person stood there with a proud face as her brother had made a difference in the match.Olivia also stared on with a smile.

After the game restarted,the Valencia U19 players played cautiously, avoiding any mistakes that could cost them. The match seemed like it was gonna end the same until Hugo tested the keeper from Long range. The keeper who was distracted punted out a ball he could've easily held.The came out of the box and Izan standing outside the box,trapped the ball on his chest before smashing the ball into the net with a powerful volley. The keeper who stood rooted to the spot had no chance to save the ball

The last goal by Izan broke the morale of the levante U19 players. Coach moreno stood at the touchline and smiled. "I've also got a genius on my hands" he thought. The Valencia players celebrated a bit before the match continued.

The match went on for a while as the Levante players seemed desperate for a goal that could at least reduce the goal differencial but it wasnt to be as the referee blew the whistle after looking at his watch. The two Coaches shook hands before the levante coach said" I lost to a 14 year old kid. Hahaha" . He didn't even wait for moreno to talk before walking off.

The players went around shaking hands with each other. Izan stood there until he heard " good game ". He turned around to find Joan, the player who scored Levante's only Goal.

Izan nodded before replying with a handshake. The two players talked a bit before they both walked off to their respective locker rooms.

When Izan got inside the locker room he felt something wrong as the place was eerily quiet.  Just then the players poured an ice bath on him.

Izan felt chills but couldn't help but laugh. Coach Moreno told the kids to be seated before handing over a towel to Izan.

He brought a board that displayed the league table. Valencia U19's was top of the table with 66 points after 26 matchdays.Followed by Atletico madrileño U19 with 65 points after 26 matchdays and also Villareal U19 with 64 points after 26 matchdays. The race for first place was fierce and was entering sudden death. Any slip ups could cost them.

"We're finally first "he said with a smile.  The players also applauded. "Soak in the feeling while you can because we need to sharpen up. Although you guys played well, you lacked creativity. If not for Ivan, sorry to say but we'd have drawn. So from today we will be setting most of our focus on how to capitalise and score goals" Coach Moreno said.

"So go home and rest because your hellish training will begin soon" he added. Izan who was looking forward to more training smiled.

Izan asked Coach moreno if he could go home with his mother to which he said yes. Izan after showering changed and went to meet his mother at the parking lot. On his way Izan heard someone call his name. He turned back and saw a brown haired girl with big Hazel eyes that seemed like you would get lost in if you looked in them long enough. Izan stopped and waited for the girl to catchup. It was his sister's friend and he still couldn't get that familiar feeling off his chest so he decided to confront her.

"You know it seems I'm the only one who's lost. You seem to know me and I get a feeling of familiarity whenever I see you but at the same time I don't think I know you or I don't remember at the very least" Izan said all this in one breath.

The girl smiled and said " I've gotten girlish now that ls why you don't remember. Izan its me Olivia ". Izan stood there staring blankly at the girl who seemed to be waiting for something and sure enough it hit Izan.

"Wait Oli,our neighbours. Wait wait but he was a boy or looked like a boy" Izan said the last sentence in a low tone.

Olivia slightly embarrassed said "yeah thats me. Hi ,Izan nice to meet you again " she said whiles she stretched her hand forward for a handshake. Izan didn't leave her hanging and shook her hand.

"So you moved back or? Izan asked in a questioning tone. "Yeah,we never sold the house we just rented it out" Olivia said. They both stood there not knowing what to do until Olivia broke the silence "so you in high school yet". "Nah will be in the coming semester though" Izan answered before asking "what about you ?. "High school sophomore. I will also be in my final year next semester".

Izan remembered that Olivia was older than him by 3 years and some months. They both stood face to face with Izan being a bit taller then Olivia who stood at least 176cm by Izan's estimation.

The silence was awkward until Hori found both of them standing together. "Come on guys, mom's waiting for us " she said not noticing the awkward atmosphere. They both followed behind her as they got to the parking lot.

Whiles driving,Komi asked " So do you finally remember her". Izan who was beside her in the front answered" Yeah but you could've told me in advance so that I wouldn't treat her as a stranger when I met her outside". Komi laughed before Izan a bit annoyed looked at the rear view mirror once more before putting his earbuds on.

The ride home was just Izan listening to music whiles Olivia and Hori spoke to each other in the back. Both Izan and Olivia would steal glances at each other but at times their eyes met and they would look somewhere else. Komi, looked at both Izan and Olivia before smiling and focusing on the road

Thanks guys for the powerstones. Together let's push this novel to the spotlight.Oh and also don't forget to share the novel with your friends and amongst your social communities.❤Today might also be a double or triple chapter release to thank you guys for the support. I'll keep working hard.

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