
Chapter 104 Calm before the storm.

After the battle Simon ordered a search and rescue mission which saved a lot of survivors but that didn't change the fact that they had lost a substantial part of the fleet.

They had to wait for around two weeks for the shipyards to arrive as some of the ships that survived were too badly damaged to make a jump and they couldn't repair them without a dock or a shipyard.

In that time there were some ships coming into the empty space that was once a Urakari home system but nobody fired on them as there was no need to maintain secrecy anymore.

After witnessing the destruction that was all around them, they carried a message from humanity to the rest of the federation.

-Leave us alone and don't search for us,forget that we ever existed and let the fate of the species that we destroyed be a reminder to you of what happens when you give us a reason for war.

This message was received by the federation and they treated it as a warning.

After witnessing the consequences of angering Humans they decided to stay as far away from them as possible.

Simon and his fleet returned back to the confederation space and were all welcomed as heroes.

The whole of the confederation was mourning the loss of so many of their own and at the same time they celebrated the victory over their enemies.

There were parties and parades all over their space.

After the festivities died down a bit,the Confederation council gathered and debated on a few important matters.

First of them was a decision regarding Earth.

They agreed that since there is a new species living there right now and it would be unfair to kick them out,especially since they didnt do anything wrong and just settled an empty planet,not to mention that The Sol system was on the other side of the galaxy,they would abandon their claim to it.

The next important matter was the fleet that would have to be rebuilt since it suffered many losses.

The decision was made to recycle the damaged ships and build new ones.

This would take longer but right now they were in no hurry.

Another item on the agenda was the signal sent by the Urakari right before they blew up their homeworld.

-I believe that this signal was sent to summon the Zerg,the bugs tried to conquer the whole galaxy over time but since we destroyed them they most likely wanted to make sure that if they cant have it then no one can.

Simon said when the council members asked his opinion.

-Then what is the best course of action regarding this new threat,from a military standpoint?

One of the council members asked.

-In my opinion we should prepare for their arrival by strengthening our defenses and upgrading our fleet.

From the data we collected,we know that the Zerg always attack with their numbers and they don't retreat until they are either dead or they destroy their target.

Simon answered.

-At the same time we don't know where they are right now and when will they arrive or will they even decide to come here in the first place.

Our analysis of the signal and the wormhole that it was sent through indicate that they are currently in another galaxy which gives us time to prepare unless they have some kind of intergalactic drive at their disposal.

The admiral shared his opinion and the data he had.

The council was silent for a while digesting what they had just heard.

-It would be foolish not to make the necessary preparations especially when we know that the threat is out there and the Urakari believe that the Zerg are strong enough to wipe us out.

The Lizadrman council member spoke and everyone nodded in agreement.

-We will start the preparations as soon as possible and I also suggest sending our scouts to map as much of the galaxy as they can and drop sensor pods and communication relays so that we can have an early warning system.

The council agreed unanimously and the orders were sent immediately.

There were many more decisions to make and the session dragged on for a few days but ultimately the confederation decided to get ready for war against the zerg.

After completing his duties it was time for Simon to return to his family and enjoy some downtime with his wifes,children and as he was informed ,his first grandchild.


At the same time in a far away galaxy inside a ship that was 100% organic in nature and as big as Thanatos, a creature that looked like a mix of many species but was humanoid in shape sat on an organic throne and watched on an holoscreen that was also organic as the monsters from ones worst nightmares were ripping apart all of the inhabitants of the world that ship was orbiting.

The creature enjoyed the show until it got a notification of an incoming message.

It opened the data file and read through it with a speed that would be impossible for a human.

After reading the message and attentively watching the attached video files the creature had a predatory grin on its face.

The message was from the bug species they had left behind to conquer a small galaxy as a way of proving that they were worthy of joining the Zerg swarm.

Who knew that they would find an old enemy and even tried to wipe them out but failed and were destroyed in retaliation.

The creature used its mind link to connect to the ship it resided in and got an estimate that returning to the small galaxy would take around two and a half thousand years at the very least.

This was a long time,but the opportunity to fight the old enemy that was the greatest challenge the swarm ever encountered,was worth the wait.

-Recall all the ships and get ready to move,the swarm will have another worthy prey to hunt down.

The creature said with a voice that didn't leave any place for debate.

-As you wish,our queen.

Many voices answered in the head of the Zerg queen.

The Zerg immediately stopped the slaughter and retreated to the ships that landed and the species that was almost annihilated didn't know what happened as they were sure that this would be their end.

But whatever happened ,they were happy that they managed to survive and they were also determined to prepare if the Zerg ever decided to come back and finish the job.

Many species were left dumbfounded like that as the Zerg just retreated without any apparent reason.

They had no idea that there was a much more tempting target for the swarm and the zerg queen wanted to have a challenging hunt for a change.

She was eager to face the humans again and this time she would make sure that they stayed dead.

Humanity didn't know that the peace they enjoyed right now was just a calm before the storm.

 The End

This is the last chapter of this book.

Thank you all for support and I hope that this storry was fun to read.

Any way there is a project for another book I'm working on with my friend so if you are interested in reading more of my work then be sure to look it up when it shows up.

darklord86creators' thoughts