

On the road, Mila saw Mr Dominick crossing over to where he was walking and used an umbrella to protect him from the rain.

Let's go why didn't you wait for me? Dominick asked.

I'm sorry but I just felt like walking a bit. Mila replied.

Okay hop in Dominick said holding the opened door of the passenger seat.

*********** At the god of sun chamber********** Sire, I think I found him Sasha told king iger.

Okay, remember your mission is to capture him that why I chose you because you are the best of my warriors King iger said.

Ok Sire, i'll take my leave Sasha replied

~~~~~~~~Mansion of the Evas~~~~~~~~~~

Mom I'm sorry I didn't mean to leave the school without Dominick Mila said on both knees touching the ground.

Don't you ever leave the school alonet Mrs Eva said.

***********Silence from Mila ************

"You Gerrit" she asked in a harsh tone.

"Yes mom" Mila replied.

"Now go to your room" Mrs Eva said.

Okay mom, Mila replied standing up to leave when he suddenly remember what happen at school.

"..."He tried to tell her but he couldn't he seemed that he just lost his voice.

Any problem" Mrs Eva asked.

Mila nodded sideways meaning no.

When he got to his room he sat down on the bed and removed his uniform then he changed into a white t-shirt and blue joggers.

Then he rested his head to sleep, suddenly he heard a strange voice calling his name, he stood up and looked around but saw nobody so he attempted to sleep back but he heard the same strange voice calling his name but louder this time. "W.h..o's the...re? He asked in a shaking voice.

Thank you all this is one of the best book we have ever written so please vote for us thank you

okpala_alexandercreators' thoughts
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