
350, the Narrator assistant helps you avoid disasters and brings you good luck [Big Chapter]_1

Is this the real Yie Disaster? Or should I say, is this the Magical Modification of the Yie Disaster that appeared in the Golden Junior reward pool?

As soon as that oppressive aura dissipated, Lin Yi even felt a lot more relaxed.

"Ah, no crying, no crying, that damn scary thing is gone now, all is well, don't cry, don't cry, aow."

Thousand Waves soothed the Little Golden Crocodile like he was comforting a child. Perhaps to make up for his earlier sternness, he gently patted Little Golden Crocodile's back.

Lin Yi felt a bit puzzled though.

The Little Golden Crocodile has the nature of a child, so it's normal to be scared into crying by this thing, but the problem is, this is his reward, scared into crying by his own reward?

Could it be that as the owner of the reward, Little Golden Crocodile could also feel the oppressive force of the Yie Disaster?

He could feel the oppressive force and was also affected by the subsequent earthquake, alright, this turns out to be a reward that could affect the owner as well.

For the owner of the reward, this is akin to a weakening... Could it be because the damage of the reward is too high, so in order to maintain the balance of the Golden Junior reward, it's set to also affect the holder?

Lin Yi couldn't help but look at Little Golden Crocodile with pity, it seems that he wouldn't dare to use this reward again in the future, which is like wasting the Golden Junior reward.

Of course, he could also run far away immediately at the moment the door opens, avoiding the attack brought by the fall of the Yie Disaster, and being far away could also reduce the impact of the earthquake.

This reward has an obvious drawback, which is giving people enough time to react and escape, and it can probably only be used as a "blast" at a fixed location.

For instance, using this reward to attack Tiandou City.

With all these drawbacks, Lin Yi had even more reason to believe its damage was extremely high.

After Thousand Waves carried Little Golden Crocodile off the stage, the Third Offeror who enjoyed watching "Campus Belle's Personal Bodyguard" quickly went up on stage.

After getting on stage, the Third Offeror patted his head, and a massive soul beast suddenly separated from him!

Spirit Soul!

This was the reward that the Third Offeror got yesterday.

Lin Yi remembered this Baijia Beast Spirit Soul seemed quite introverted. As soon as it appeared as a reward yesterday, it dove into the Sea of Spirit of the Third Offeror and didn't come out again.

However, Lin Yi knew they could still communicate.

It seems that the relationship between the man and the dragon had warmed up a lot overnight.

The Third Offeror's cheeks were flushed as he looked at the White Armor Dragon beside him. He thought Baibai was a very nice girl. Oh, the Soul Spirit Bai Jia Long said her name was Baibai last night, a very nice name.

The Third Offeror chatted with her for a long time yesterday and surprisingly discovered they had many things in common!

For example, when they were hungry, they both chose to eat; when they were sleepy, they both chose to sleep; they breathed through their noses; they had countless things in common, which made the Third Offeror feel more and more that Baibai was his bosom friend.

The Third Offeror quietly discussed with the Soul Spirit Bai Jia Long for a moment, preparing to begin the attack.

The Third Offeror used the soul skill he had used before. He didn't have to worry about insufficient damage because Baibai's attacks could completely make up for his deficiencies in damage.

Baibai's true capability was close to that of level 98 Soul Masters, almost equivalent to the Third Offeror's strength.

A low shout lingered above the platform as the Third Offeror released his Martial Soul, and a shadow very similar to Baibai, the White Armor Dragon, appeared behind him, but as a Spirit Soul, Baibai seemed more solid than Bai Jia Long Wu Hun.

The Third Offeror's sixth Soul Ring began to ascend.

"Sixth soul skill!"

He shouted, and the pitch-black sixth Soul Ring grew larger while flickering with light.

Pieces of white scales of Bai Jia Long Wu Hun stood erect, reflecting light, and its vertical pupils also turned cold and serene.

The Third Offeror swiftly unleashed his Skill toward Lin Yi's direction, and the Spirit Soul Baibai followed closely behind. The two attacks containing Earth Element hit Lin Yi simultaneously, visibly producing an effect greater than the sum of their parts.

The role and benefits of the Spirit Soul seemed to be stronger than Lin Yi had imagined, or maybe it was simply because it was his reward, so it was powerful.

When the Damage Rebound swept over, Baibai proactively rushed forward, standing in front of the Third Offeror, and withstood the Damage Rebound with her hard and massive body.

This full sense of security made the Third Offeror's cheeks blush again, and he was growing more and more fond of his Spirit Soul.

He had never heard before that soul beasts could have such a way of interacting with Soul Masters. Now, having witnessed it, and being able to communicate with the soul beast anytime and anywhere, the most important thing was, this Spirit Soul was exactly the same as his Martial Soul, which created many topics of conversation between them!

Blushing like a bubble tea? Lin Yi looked at the Third Offeror with a blank expression.

Could it be this guy has become delusional from taking care of Little Golden Crocodile and is having illusions, causing the Baijia Beast Spirit Soul to appear as a great beauty in his eyes, or even the beauty from "Campus Belle"?

Lin Yi tugged the corner of his mouth and looked at the panel.

[Health Loss: 386876]

[Remaining Health: 899892269763]

[Damage Level: Red (Intermediate)]

[Random Reward: Narrator's Assistant]

[Host Reward: Narrator's Assistant (Effect doubled)]

A reward that had never appeared before... In other words, this reward was showing up for the first time.

Narrator's Assistant, frankly, just by the name, Lin Yi really didn't understand what kind of reward this was.

He directly looked at the explanation.

Ah, it turns out this is a capability similar to the golden finger in novels, Lin Yi had once read such novels too.

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