
Chapter 26: Moar Hospital Beds

The room had been transformed. This first floor classroom had been setup for the meeting, tables with comfortable chairs had replaced the shabby desks and chairs that were here prior to it. Madame Bones, and her staff, were at the front of the room with the rest of the occupants being arranged in a semicircle around them, requiring two tiers of seating to easily accommodate everyone. The parties involved in this meeting were all filtering back in.

The Champions had been brought in and were given an opportunity to meet with the parties that were already in the room. Harry had quickly greeted Patrice before he went to the table setup for him and his party. Slughorn, Ackerly and Greengrass were sitting there waiting for him. After a brief greeting, Madame Bones began the proceedings.

"I now call to order this debriefing of events. I have called a number of individuals to be here with the expectation that this informal briefing will inform the parties most affected by the tournament. While there will be more detailed hearings at a later date, with various institutions and individuals, I have gathered you all to go over what is currently known." Madame Bones said, directing and moderating the meeting.

"When called, please stand to make yourself known while I introduce you." She first looked to the people who were at the front table with her.

"Rufus Scrimgeour, Head Auror for the Ministry of Magic." Bones called out and he stood. "Next to him we have Stacy Parent, our top investigator within the DMLE. Beside her, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Senior Auror." Both respective ministry employees stood when acknowledged.

"Keeping with the Ministry, we have Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic, and Dolores Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary, with us as well." She left room between them so there was an appropriate gap. They were in the far corner of the room Harry noticed.

"Here as a Special Advisor to the Minister of Magic and representing Hogwarts Board of Governors is Lucius Malfoy. Further representing Hogwarts is Headmaster Albus Dumbledore. Albus is also here in his official capacities as the Supreme Mugwump of the ICW and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot." Though the man needed no introduction he stood anyways and looked at the other attendees congeniality.

Harry noted Malfoy was sitting right beside Fudge and at the end of the table adjacent to Dumbledore.

"Next we have Madame Maxime, representing Beauxbatons in her capacity as Headmistress." She didn't need to stand to be seen by everyone, though she did anyway. Bones continued, "From France, Guy Lafreniere, Deputy Minister of Magic." The bald man was tall, even if he didn't look it after being compared to the large woman beside him.

Harry sat and watched as each person got up in turn, his even came. Krum had the Bulgarian Minister of Magic sitting with him. France had their Deputy Minister, sitting with the Delacours, and there were multiple delegates from the ICW. With the three sitting with him, it was a busy room.

Harry noted with McGonagall's inclusion, Hogwarts had as many representatives here as Beauxbatons and Durmstrang combined. This was just one of a number of things he wondered about, specifically if they were designed to be that way or not.

"Now that introductions have been completed, allow me to inform you how things will proceed. I'll remind you, you are all here at our invitation." Though there was a pause here, nobody spoke up in the gap.

"Stacey Parent will give an overview of the events leading up to the task. Rufus Scrimgeour will then update us on what is known about the task and our actions since then. After they have both finished, uninterrupted, I will field questions. Beyond that, I will moderate any further discussion." The way she presented it, even to all the powerful people in the room, was impressive.

"Please begin Investigator Parent." Amelia instructed before she sat down.

Harry watched Stacy Parent put her wand to her throat; he assumed she was casting some form of voice amplification spell.

"As Director Bones has said, my name is Stacy Parent," her amplified voice began, "and I am the lead Investigator for the events preceding the Second Task of the Triwizard Tournament." She glanced around the room and then continued in a firm voice.

"The objective of this discussion is to make you aware of pertinent facts. None of this information is to be released or discussed publicly until the DMLE has either authorized it or released the information to the public." She cast her grey-blue eyes around the room again.

"At 13:00 hours, February 23rd, the day prior to the Second Task, the DMLE became aware that the organizers planned to use hostages and the hostages had requested magically binding contracts to guarantee their safety before any of them would agree to participate." Stacy began to explain, only to be interrupted before she could continue.

"How was the DMLE informed, by a student perchance?" Albus Dumbledore asked. "Students aren't permitted to contact the DMLE except in cases of emerg-"

Whatever else he was going to say was cut off by Amelia Bones. "Albus," she growled, "no interruptions meant no interruptions. We have other ICW representatives here, McGonagall for Hogwarts faculty and Malfoy for the Board of Governors, and a few options for the Wizengamot. Your presence is superfluous."

"You wish to walk this path, Amelia?" Dumbledore asked, his normal tact missing.

Amelia put her palms down flat on the table and pushed herself up, her upper body leaning forward a few inches. "It is not my actions that will dictate things. Like everyone else, withhold questions until the end or be removed. This is a voluntary briefing, and we are not obligated to do so." She upbraided.

No further words were exchanged between the two, Amelia sat down.

Stacy began speaking again, Harry thought, to avoid further issues between the two. "As I was saying," she stated louder than necessary, "the DMLE was informed and at 13:15 hours Director Amelia Bones arrived at Hogwarts with Senior Auror Kingsley Shacklebolt and Auror Nymphadora Tonks. Upon their arrival, they worked with the Triwizard Tournament Organizing Committee." She paused and turned the page over.

"Igor Karkaroff, the Headmaster of Durmstrang, was already a party to a magical contract with the Pavlov family, guaranteeing that Natalia Pavlova would not come to any harm. The penalty for breaching the term would be at the cost of his life."

A murmur grew around the room, comments were being made by many around the room, it was quickly hushed.

"Order, order!" Madame Bones glared at everyone around the room.

When she was successful in bringing silence back, Stacey continued her clinical delivery of facts. "Parents and guardians arrived for the perspective hostages. The guardians for Miss Chang and Gabrielle Delacour refused to allow participation of their underage charges without a similar magical contract, Mrs Krum, a legal adult, demanded the same."

"Following this, the organizers met and discussed terms and options. Madame Maxime refused to risk her magic and advocated for no usage of hostages. Igor Karkaroff advocated for hostage usage with stringent safety conditions. Albus Dumbledore spoke to the agreement with the Mermen and their word that they'd station security with the hostages and escort them back to shore. Under those terms, he was for the inclusion of hostages but he was also unwilling to risk his magic."

She paused for a moment, her voice was getting a little coarse. She drank conjured a glass, and some water, and drank from it quickly.

"Barty Crouch Sr outlined the position of the Ministry, supported by Ludovic Bagman, and they advocated for following Albus' recommendation, for safety. However, Crouch was set on using hostages. His reasoning was that it was a tradition of the tournament and should be continued. In the end ministry department heads were willing to guarantee a single hostage's safety."

Stacey Parent stopped and allowed her words to sink in. There was a lot of information given out and she allowed, Madame Bones too, murmured conversing.

Harry was told a bit of a different story by Daphne. She'd said Bagman had been bullied into it and Bones had told them, with no other option, that if they were putting others in harm's way their safety would be guaranteed by magical contract or the DMLE would step in and charge anyone involved with kidnapping, or accessory to it. Crouch had been adamant that the task must go as planned, irrationally so, Daphne had thought.

The official report must be politically correct. He had little reason to doubt Daphne's tale.

"This left the elder Krum without a guarantor. Karkaroff was willing to step into that role. With Director Bones and Chief Warlock Dumbledore presiding, the contracts were signed. This ended the necessity for DMLE presence regarding this issue."

Harry shifted in his seat. Objectively, nobody should really have any idea that he was the one that sabotaged the task. His cloak was perfect and he had left no evidence of his presence. He didn't even cast any magic. Bill and Natalia could verify he had been around the lake, if they'd found evidence of him being around there, nothing odd about a walk with a pretty girl.. He really didn't think Investigator Parent was about to reveal information that could lead to his incrimination but there was still a kernel of worry nagging at him.

"Senior Auror Gawain Robards presided over the security for the site of the Second Task. The DMLE had commissioned Gringotts to provide a temporary ward scheme over the Black Lake. William Weasley was the representative sent, a certified Warding Master. Operational security was maintained by Aurors Proudfoot and Savage."

"At 22:00 hours Robards was alerted to a foreign substance in the lake. William Weasley was ordered to check the integrity of the wards; Senior Auror Robards accompanied, and stayed with, Weasley for the duration of his work. Aurors Savage and Proudfoot continued to patrol and search for any signs of tampering. As of this meeting, no obvious sign of tampering have been verified. Further, the exact site of contamination has been narrowed down to a sixty meter length of shoreline, however, the-" Parent stopped abruptly and brought the paper closer to her face."

She looked embarrassed to have misread the report in front of all the people of importance assembled in the room but had pushed on as if she hadn't made a mistake. She continued professionally.

"At 23:00 hours an Unspeakable, from the Department of Mysteries, was summoned to assist the auror investigation, by Proudfoot and Savage, as they were unable to verify the substance and were unsuccessful in slowing, stopping, or removing the unknown substance from the Black Lake. According to the detailed analysis, the exact spot is unlikely to be confirmed, the prevailing theory is that there were multiple sites of contamination over that stretch of shoreline."

Harry noted there was a hand raised, Guy Lafreniere had his hand in the air, clearly hoping to ask a question. It brought a reserved smile to Harry's face. The Deputy Minister of Magic of France had his hand raised in a classroom like they were all little children in school.

"Again, no questions are permitted until the end." Madame Bones indicated with a slightly chiding tone. "Please continue Stacy."

With a bob of her head, acknowledging her superior, she began again. "The final aspect of my report is the conclusion of the investigation of the sabotage and the capture of the culprit."

Harry sat up straighter and leaned forward, surprise written all over his face, he wasn't the only one. They had captured the culprit? What poor bastard had taken the fall for his deeds? Guilt rose within him, had he caused an innocent person to be arrested? Was this just another example of Fudge ensuring the Ministry was 'seen doing something'?

Harry swiveled to get a look at where Fudge was sitting, flanked by Umbridge and Malfoy. He looked furious . His pudgy cheeks were all rosy, his eyes were narrowed and Harry could see his knuckles were white as he gripped the table. He could almost see the moment his anger boiled over.

"Captured the culprit?!" He yelled out in indignation. "Why was I not informed?! I'm the Minister of Magic!" He'd pushed back his chair as he stood, spittle flying out of his mouth as he spat out the words.

Harry chortled. The man was introduced as the Minister of Magic and Bones had already shut down Dumbledore. Did he hope she had a sudden phobia of bowler hats? Did he hope the pink monstrosity, that he was sitting beside, would blind her and make her lose her senses? Just because that Um-something woman had clear lost her fashion sense didn't mean it would affect Bones.

" Sit down, Cornelius." Bones commanded. Though she appeared composed, it wasn't hard for Harry to see she was far less than what she portrayed.

"I will not!I I am the Minister !" He was on his feet now and hIs face was dark red. His hat fell forward when he smashed his closed fist on the table when he told everyone, for a third time, what his job was.

Harry almost laughed. He knew Amelia Bones would have followed procedure. There was no way she orchestrated all of these people to be here to be chewed out by the minister. Fudge was just blustering hot air.

"What you are is a person failing to comply with the rules set for this forum." Bones retorted, still keeping herself in control but Harry was wondering how long she'd be able to do that.

"What I believe our esteemed Minister is trying to say is why, as your superior, was he not informed prior to this? Surely you'd inform your own boss before foreign dignitaries and mere schoolteachers." The smooth voice of Lucius Malfoy cut into the conversation.

The withering glare he received was not one Harry would want to be on the receiving end of. "The next person to speak prior to the end of Investigator Parent's report will be removed, without warning." She nodded to two of the aurors in the back; they stepped forward and pulled out their wands, keeping them pointed at the ground, the display not lost on anyone, they would remove someone, by force, if necessary.

"As Minister Fudge should have been aware of, an ongoing investigation is not to be interfered with by the Minister's office, nor anyone outside the DMLE. An interdepartmental memo is sent when facts the Director of the DMLE believes are pertinent to the running of the Ministry are uncovered. A State of Emergency has just ended and a few of said memos have been sent to his office. If Cornelius had bothered to read them he would already be aware of the contents of this entire briefing."

How she kept the smug tone out of her voice Harry would never understand. Scrimgeour and Parent were not able to keep victorious looks off their face. She'd just shut down the minister. Fudge was rapidly losing color and had collapsed back into his chair.

Harry had only dealt with Fudge a few times but he could well imagine the kind of terrible toad of a boss he'd be. He certainly was not one who was eminently competent, let alone be a leader who inspired confidence in his underlings.

"Stacy, if you would. There will not be further interruptions." Bones sat back in her chair and turned to look at her subordinate.

"After exhaustively checking on the integrity of the wards it was deemed they had not been breached."

A low furor broke out at that pronouncement.

"Senior Auror Robards ensured a verification of the claim was completed. William Weasley's competence was not in question, however, before taking into custody all those that were permitted entry through the wards, Robards deemed a third party verification was prudent."

Harry could see there was agreement from many around, nods and whispered words.

Investigator Parent continued, speaking loudly over the noise. "A representative from the Department of Mysteries was called. At 05:00 hours, on February 24th, the morning of the Second Task, William Weasley's earlier work was affirmed, the wards were not breached."

Harry made sure not to look at Fleur, he had no idea if she suspected him but he didn't want to look guilty or exchanging a knowing look with her. Under his cloak he had breached the wards. It was interesting to note that two experts could not tell he had done so.

"William Weasley was requested to procure the names of those that he had been instructed to grant access through the wards to, both temporary and permanent. Aside from himself, tournament organizers Barty Crouch Sr and Ludovic Bagman had permission to enter at any time. Albus Dumbledore had been granted temporary permission along with Retired Master Auror Alastor Moody."

"At 07:00 hours, Senior Auror Gawain Robards returned to the Ministry to debrief Director Bones in person. Aurors Savage and Proudfoot were instructed to keep William Weasley confined after having removed access through the wards for all parties excluding himself and the three man auror team."

"Upon the DMLE being briefed, Head Auror Scrimgeour was called in to take over the leading role in the investigations. Further, Senior Auror Shacklebolt and Auror Tonks were called in to assist, totalling six active duty aurors.

She paused and took another sip of water, after exchanging glances with Rufus.

"Upon arrival, Scrimgeour made the call to interview each person with permission through the wards, starting with the least likely suspects. Aurors Proudfoot, Savage and Robards all voluntarily submitted to questioning. William Weasley agreed to partake as well and after questioning all were cleared of suspicion."

Stacy Parent took a deep breath and looked at her boss before she continued. Nothing was noticeable exchanged but she seemed to take something from it, Harry thought. She squared herself and the began.

"Flanked by two more aurors, Shacklebolt and Tonks, Scrimgeour went to question Retired Master Auror Alastor Moody, this was a 06:00 hours. A detailed report is not being given at this time, however, the result of their… encounter… was the discovery of an imposter."

The effects of those words rippled through the room. Moody had quite the reputation. Finding out he had been impersonated would be like hearing the original Moon landing was faked. It just wasn't possible.

Rumblings grew around the room as, not so whispered, conversations were breaking out.

Within a few seconds of the decibel level rapidly climbing, a loud bang interrupted the rumblings, bringing everyone's attention to the caster of the noise. Harry's wand had flown into his hand when the noise went off and he noted he wasn't the only one.

Amelia Bones had shot off the spell. She stood tall at the front, her commanding presence bringing silence to the room. "Please continue, Stacy." She glowered at everyone, no further noises were heard.

"The imposter resisted arrest and took his own life. With the culprit captured, the identity was confirmed. The impersonator was Barty Crouch Jr." Stacy enunciated slow and clear, making sure she could not be misunderstood.

"Impossible" He heard Slughorn breathe out. "He's dead."

Madame Bones stood up with her wand out, once again, keeping further reactions from being shared.

"It is sufficient to know that the identity was confirmed, twice over. Alastor Moody was recovered and is currently being cared for in the DMLE medical area. His testimony has confirmed he was captured and impersonated the entire school year."

Wow. Harry had no idea how to respond to this. He just kind of sat there, his jaw lowered with muted shock. Who was the man though?

"Who was he?" Harry asked Slughorn, his hand covering his mouth. He hoped he didn't raise the ire of Madame Bones. His confidence to ask came from the fact he was not the only one discussing this, though none louder than a whisper.

"Crouch Senior's son. A Death Eater who was supposed to have died in Azkaban." Slughorn replied quickly, doing his best to keep his voice low.

A Death Eater?! That was the second follower of Voldemort to teach him in two years! Quirrell in first year, a total fraud in second year, Remus in third year, and another actual escapee Death Eater. No wonder this year went tits up!

"As Alastor Moody was assigned the job of investigating, by the Tournament Organizing Committee, who had entered Harry Potter into the tournament, under a fourth school, it is our belief that he was the perpetrator. Further, It is probable he sabotaged the first two tasks as well, though with his death we lack a confession and lack any form of concrete proof."

Harry was barely keeping from bouncing in his seat! He could easily bound over to Fleur, pick her up, twirling her in a circle, and then kiss her like there was no tomorrow!

What a stroke of luck!

The actual sabotage, that he had done, was going to be laid at the feet of a dead man who could not corroborate his innocence or guilt. For all Harry knew the man had been trying to get him killed in the tournament. He'd not feel any guilt for this. Merlin, what a mess!

"Although the case is still active, those are the relevant details to the tournament, prior to the Second Task." Stacy finished up, looking relieved to be finished.

Harry glanced over to Dumbledore, for the first time since the meeting had begun he looked stricken, ashen even. His normally twinkling eyes were dull, an odd sight to Harry. Dumbledore had allowed another of Riddle's supporters to interact and teach children!

Director Bones stood up now. "We will not take questions yet. Please allow our Head Auror, Rufus Scrimgeour, to bring you all up to speed on the events of the Second Task first."

Honestly Harry felt like he could use a break. His heart rate had been so erratic and his stomach had been doing flips in his gut. What else could they reveal? Was this going to be more normal?

The tawny haired man stood as he spoke. "My report covers from the decision to change the first task until now." He growled out and then picked the papers in front of him.

The DMLE had obviously prepared the talking points. Harry wondered how the internal ministry politics would be affected by this. This was quite the tour de force by Bones. The other two up here were in her inner circle, assuming that his assumption of this was correct by her off-the-record meeting with him.

"We will begin with the discussion with the Tournament Organizing Committee. It was determined that the Black Lake had an unknown substance in it. This caused it to be pitch black. While there are experts looking into the exact potion, it was clear, at the time, the Lake was unsafe as it had an unknown substance within it. The decision was made, with DMLE support, that it would not risk anyone safety by allowing anyone to go into the lake itself."

"The resulting decision brought forward the secondary plan. Due to the First Task being sabotaged, the organizing schools, in conjunction with the MInistry representatives, came up with a backup task in case it was necessary. The Forbidden Forest was the only other suitable site nearby. The only unsuitable danger were the acromantula lair and a den of trolls."

Harry exchanged a look with Fleur and Cedric. That would not have been fun. Harry had seen trolls in his first year. They'd been lucky to live through it. He doubted this would have fared so easily. His piercing spell may not have been of much use.

Harry focused back on the fierce looking auror. "An agreement was reached, ensuring they would protect the hostages, from any other predators, and not permanently harm them. Albus Dumbledore brokered the arrangement with the help of an intermediary, Rubeus Hagrid, the Care of Magical Creatures Professor."

A few loud foreign words were shouted out. Harry didn't understand whatever words were said but they sounded angry and were probably in French and Bulgarian, there had been a few voices.

"Enough." Scrimgeour growled loudly, causing everyone to shut their mouths and pay attention again.

Harry had to cover his face with his hand, he couldn't help but snicker at all these people being intimidated by this man. The scene was reminiscent of schoolchildren being reprimanded by their adult teacher.

"The DMLE position was to simplify the task, not involve hostages, and score each champion equally. From the ensuing discussion, it is believed Barty Crouch Sr and Igor Karkaroff were either under the Imperius Curse or being coerced into ensuring the Second Task continued on. Ludovic Bagman is a part of an ongoing investigation that leads us to believe there may have been external stakeholders influencing his decision-making regarding the tournament. With all three of the deceased individuals being compromised, they held a vote and by a three to two majority it was decided to move the task to the forest while still using hostages. Madame Maxime and Albus Dumbledore voted to follow the DMLE suggestion."

Rufus stopped here. He collected himself, flipped the page and then continued. "The champions all returned with various degrees of injuries and in a state of exhaustion. While they were in the medical tent recovering, we did not ask them to relive their experiences and we are not asking any of you to speak up now."

Harry felt relieved at that. They hadn't said he would be questioned or deposed but he'd worried it would happen. After every near death experience he'd been through at Hogwarts, Dumbledore had questioned him on what happened as soon as he could. It was odd to not be interrogated for doing something heroic.

"Based on our investigation, we were aware all four hostages had been taken into the heart of the acromantula colony. They were strung up, feet up and head down, wrapped tightly in webbing and injected with a paralytic agent. All four hostages are in stable condition and the latest medical report indicates they should wake once the paralytic has run its course."

Harry could feel some tension leave the room. None of the champions had a chance to see the hostages yet. Harry had thought, based on what Pomfrey had said, that they would have been given an opportunity to see them if it was dire. Having heard their status, he now understood why they had not been escorted there already.

"The four champions worked collaboratively to portkey their hostages out and then to defend themselves. Extensive damage was done to the forest, during the altercation, with magical fires blazing on for hours. The exact number of spiders that were killed is unknown. Most of the bodies were burned making an accurate count impossible."

Harry had no idea how many he'd killed. The memory was a blur to him. He would take time to review his actions and seek guidance for what he could have done better. Now was not the time to think on that though, he should be paying attention.

"During this altercation a State of Emergency was initiated by Director Amelia Bones. Between the death of an escaped Death Eater, the contract enacting the terms on two Department Heads of the Ministry of Magic and the Headmaster of Durmstrang, the decision was deemed necessary. A call for all offduty Hit Wizards, Aurors and DMLE personnel went out, a call that has only been used once since the death of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. The other time being the escape of the notorious, and still at large, Sirius Black."

Harry thought Sirius would get a real kick out of that, being called notorious. He spared a glance at Dumbledore but the man wasn't looking at him. They were among the few that knew Sirius was actually innocent.

"Fearing the Goblet of Fire may react poorly to interference, DMLE staff were ordered to not enter into the forest while the task was ongoing. However, Hit Wizards and Aurors set a perimeter around the staff and students. Orders were given that nobody was to be allowed to enter or exit the premises. While awaiting the return of the champions the DMLE forces were sorted into teams. Immediately after all four emerged, an advanced team, led by Stacy Parent, were sent in to investigate. Two other teams followed in support, totaling fifteen wands.

"In summary, they located the battleground and reported back that they had been assaulted by no less than twenty acromantula. Fearing a whole colony could attack the school, new orders were given. All forces on standby were commanded to enter the forest and remove any threats they found. Under no circumstances were they to engage Centaurs, nor were they to enter their lands."

He put the papers down in front of him and looked over the crowd. "It is with great pride I am able to report that all teams returned successfully, without permanent harm, after carrying out their orders."

Rufus gave a small bow and sat down.

Amelia stood up. "We will take questions, one at a time. Raise your hand and I will call upon you. I remind you all that there are active investigations ongoing and we will not compromise them."

Harry wasn't surprised when a plethora of hands shot up.

"Miss Delacour" Amelia called out, allowing Fleur to ask the first question.

"When can we visit the 'ostages and what expectations do you 'ave of the champions?" Harry couldn't help but smile softly. Fleur asked about her sister first, herself next. He knew those were the priorities for her. She'd put Gabrielle's safety before her own everytime.

"You are able to visit the hostages right after this, a DMLE member will escort you, and any others approved may visit. As for the champions, we would like a recounting of your experience but it is not necessary. You all participated in the task and are fully healthy. The concerns around the task are not with yourselves." She gave a compassionate look to the young veela.

"Merci Madame." Fleur said and she sat back down.

It was nice to know, for Harry, that they didn't even need an interview. Really, it made sense, there was nothing criminal done. They'd survived in the forest and did as they were instructed, retrieve the hostage and make it out alive.

Harry missed who was chosen to speak next, not that it mattered. "What is the fate of the Tournament Organizing Committee? With just Maxime and Albus, I trust Durmstrang will be represented too, what will be its fate? Will the tournament continue?"

"That is not a question I can answer. The DMLE will be involved in all future security discussions. The Tournament Organizing Committee was arranged between all three ministries, the schools, and the ICW. I imagine a new committee will need to be selected and worked out. My understanding is that a Third Task is required to be completed by the Triwizard Champions."

"Allow me to interject, Guy, Amelia." Dumbledore broke in. "I'd suggest a meeting with the following: the headmaster and a member from each board of governors from each school, the ICW delegate for each country and a representative from each Ministry involved. A meeting should be convened next week. At such a time, we can sort out the details for concluding the tournament." He smiled at everyone with aplomb. His voice, and mere presence, radiating calmness and a sense of surety that everything would be alright.

Harry dropped his chin and shook his head. The headmaster was a skilled politician. Harry didn't really know what to say about him. Obviously he'd been a part of the debacle but he'd actually voted against the change. At the same time, it was on his word that they'd worked out a deal with the acromantula.

Then again, if Crouch Jr was controlling two of the others…

Harry didn't know what to think. The whole thing was a mess.

"Are there going to be any arrests for having a foreign and restricted dark creature inhabiting the forest, a whole colony of them?"

Harry looked over to see who had asked it but missed, it sounded slimy, and thus he assumed it would be Malfoy.

"No. Hogwarts' long ago negotiated exclusive rights to house magical animals in the Forbidden Forest. Dumbledore has already claimed they were there with his knowledge. As the Headmaster of Hogwarts, the decision on whether to allow acromantula in the forest was under his purview. However, when they became a threat to our citizens… We were able to step in and deal with it appropriately. You will not find an arachnid in there, they were completely culled."

"Not even as an accessory for murder?" A sickly sweet voice broke in, the horrifyingly pink clad woman simpered.

"For what?" Investigator Parent scoffed, relieving Amelia Bones from having to respond. "They all chose to make the vow. The only ones that voted to go forward with uses of hostages are dead."

Even with that argument, the woman didn't give up. "It's just a coincidence that an old pureblood political rival of the Chief Warlock dies after he arranged an agreement with the disgusting vermin, two other purebloods as well?"

Just looking at the woman was going to give Harry a headache. Her sickly sweet voice grated on his nerves and the fluorescence given off her outfit could give someone a sunburn!

"I'm sorry, is the Undersecretary of the Minister of Magic accusing the Chief Warlock of sabotaging a tournament to kill three people, mere minutes after it was explained an escaped Death Deater was the culprit?" The incredulity in her tone was matched by how dismissively she was treating Umbridge.

Harry turned away as the stupid woman continued to argue her point. "So what's really going on?" Harry asked Slughorn.

"Ministry politics." Slughorn informed him succinctly. "The DMLE is almost autonomous. There are some things that require the Minister to sign off on, but," he shrugged, "it's mostly the fiefdom of the Director of the DMLE. For that matter, most Department Heads have their own personal fiefdoms."

He casually pointed towards Fudge. "He's a stooge, propped up by a powerful pureblood bloc in the Wizengamot. Malfoy leads the coalition and uses their influence well. What you are seeing here is Amelia flexing her muscles. The Wizengamot has limited the DMLE budget for years. They've worked to strip it's power because of how Barty Crouch Sr wielded it. With emergency powers he was a tyrant. He fought Riddle as much as he worked to consolidate power within the Ministry. Bones has been taking the blowback from Crouch's days."

"I see… So how is she flexing here then?" Harry asked, half listening to a question by the Minister's group that was essentially just bickering with the DMLE staff.

"She declared an emergency. It gives her executive powers to deal with the situation as she sees fit, more or less. She mobilized what is the wizarding version of the armed forces and had them undergo a large scale operation. Meanwhile, Amelia shut down Hogwarts, took all the ministry security staff, and two fiefdoms lose their king." The way he said it so matter of factly caught Harry's attention.

Slughorn was barely paying attention as he answered Hary's questions. Harry thought he was analyzing and listening to what was, and wasn't being said. The breakdown being given was like rattling off answers to simple addition questions, mindless and requiring minimal brain power.

Cyrus leaned over now, "That's just domestically. Internationally, she has embarrassed the minister in front of two foreign ministries and word of this will go through the ICW. This wasn't just a shot across the bow, this was a direct hit. The minister is taking on water, he's running the bilge pumps and I doubt he'll bail out of this mess faster than he sinks. Not with how this year has gone. Not even Malfoy's bloc can save him. Look at the snake already distancing himself."

Harry looked back and saw Malfoy had gotten up from the Minister's table and was standing by the wall now.

"What else are you referring to this year?" Harry wasn't sure if they meant internal ministry politics or if it was possibly something from the Wizengamot.

"Under his leadership, the World Cup and the Triwizard Tournament have been hosted within our borders. Two prestigious tournaments with the eyes of the greater worldwide wizarding community being focused on us. Both events have been a fiasco and the Wizengamot won't stand for it." Cyrus kept his hand partially covering his mouth, ensuring that his words targeted Harry and were kept away from carrying elsewhere.

"Yes, she's pretty much launching a coup, Scrimgeour to Director and Parent to Head Auror I'd imagine. Rufus and Amelia have long been allies, bringing in Parent assures them continued control over the DMLE. With Crouch dead and Bagnold retired, there won't be anyone able to run against her, not with how well she will come off from this. Fudge will more than likely resign, he'll cut a deal to be allowed a quiet retirement instead of being arraigned in ceaselessly."

Harry marveled at their acumen. He'd seen this as actual law enforcement business. He had not considered the nuances of the ministry politics. He didn't, and could not have, missed the way Bones and her staff had embarrassed the Minister and his entourage.

"We'll need to meet and discuss plans. We have the legal approach planned for Sirius. We should be briefed on what went on in the forest as well." Cyrus told him.

"Yeah… we certainly do." Harry muttered, thinking of what Viktor had done, what Fleur had told him and he figured he'd need to inform them on Cuddles now.

Harry zoned out. Between his two advisors, and the lawyer, he was more than covered if something was going on. He was more thinking about how he'd needed to talk with Bones again. If she was going to become the minister it would be helpful if she was proactive and on his side. It could be downright disastrous if she wasn't with him. The comment on Crouch earlier had caught his attention too.

Crouch Senior had been the Director of the DMLE. His son had been a Death Eater. That couldn't have been good for the security. With spies in well placed positions, the Death Eaters were well informed.

From what he had come to understand, Riddle was winning. It had looked inevitable. It was a quirk of magic, or a brilliant move from his mother, that led to the man's downfall. They didn't even know he had horcruxes… They were doomed.

It would make more sense why a terrorist movement was so successful, the ministry was embroiled in a power struggle and Dumbledore's vigilante's were using defensive tactics and non-lethal spells. If Dumbledore and the entire Ministry had acted in unison, with good security measures, Riddle and his forces would have been stopped before they had really gotten started.

Harry wasn't sure if he was some crazy conspiracy theorist or not. He was actually wondering how many ministry employees purposefully helped the terrorists, not because they believed in the pureblood dogma, but because they were using the conflict as an excuse for their own benefit.

Harry focused back on the conversation. It sounded, to him, like the various ministries were being catty with one another. He saw tempers rising, he heard voices get raised and decided he didn't need to pay attention. He had secured two people, with unbreakable loyalty, to deal with this. He was fourteen, not twenty-four, or even thirty-four. At some point he'd have to know everything about politics but he thought that was the most prudent use of his time currently. Staying alive seemed more pressing.

He'd be happy bumbling around in the political and economic worlds as long as he was alive to do so!

He'd almost died yesterday!

He took two hits that should have killed him!

All his training, all of the astounding magical progress he'd made and it still wasn't enough .

That reality really bothered Harry, to the point that he couldn't keep it out of his mind.

He was sure he could take any of the champions in a duel. He could keep up such a barrage that they couldn't handle him, they couldn't keep pace, and couldn't dodge like him while continuously firing off spells with amazing accuracy. But all that skill, all the hard work and it would all have been for nothing if he wasn't wearing his armor, he would be dead!

The Potter name would be dead.

The Black name would be claimed by Draco and his descendants.

He'd have failed his forefathers. He'd have failed his grandmother and her brother. It couldn't come to that. He wouldn't let it. He had to get better.

He felt like a child. He'd crush all the competition in a controlled environment, he could ace exams, or out duel all his peers. But in the real world? Where shit happens and you have to take it as it comes? He wasn't good enough, not then.

It left a startling conclusion: he was a child playing at war.

He'd fought monsters, he'd played the hero, and good would always triumph over evil! With determination and a good heart how could he fail?! Princesses pursued him, the valorous prince! How could anyone stop his rising stardom?! Surely that was enough to carry him on to victory over all foes and circumstances, right?!

It wasn't lost on Harry just who had given him the advice to wear dragonhide armor. Cyrus and Horace had demanded he wear it. If he'd shown up like the other champions, with regular clothing and a wand, the fairy tale would have been a tragedy.

Harry's fists were clenched, his nails digging into his palms, almost drawing blood. His heart rate was sky high. He had to calm down. Getting all worked up wouldn't help. He needed to plan, to learn.

He closed his eyes and took three deep calming breaths, un, deux, trois.

Opening his eyelids he cast his gaze around the room, looking to see what was going on now. More discussion, more bickering.

"Anything worth noting?" He asked loud enough for Cyrus and Slughorn to hear.

"Nothing that is overly concerning for you." Cyrus said absently, he turned back into what was going on after answering.

"Are you alright, my boy? I was rather worried. Acromantula have a dangerous reputation for a reason, their venom though… worth quite the sum… You didn't get any, did you?"

Harry turned his head, both his eyebrows had shot towards his hairline. "No. I was too busy killing the arseholes." Harry said, incredulous that Slughorn would ask the second part.

"Pity, pity… such a pity…" He muttered as he turned away from Harry.

The other man with their party, that he'd been introduced to, but hadn't really had a chance to talk to, was his focus now. "Mister Ackerly?" Harry tried to get his attention.

"Arvid to you, Harry, if that's not too presumptuous of me." He said kindly, Harry had the distinct impression one ear was listening to him and the other was working in conjunction with his eyes to take in everything else in the room. "Is there something I can do for you, my client?"

"Yes, I wanted to ask about my godfather's status. They'd said you had something planned?" Harry felt a little giddy. It would be nice to have his godfather as a free man. He could actually go out with the man. On reflection, that might not be the greatest. Harry shuddered imagining the teasing he'd get if Sirius heard he shared a bed with Fleur Delacour when the two were clad in only a thin hospital gown.

Bad idea, thinking of Fleur like that wouldn't lead him to paying attention. Stop now or get lost down that rabbit hole, for some time.

"We do. We've found precedents from the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries. All cases resolving issues with the Ministry of Magic and unlawful detainment of family. It's really just a matter of time, effort, and paperwork. Rest assured, he will be a free man." The man gave him a kind smile. "Was there anything else?"

"No, not really, I was just curious if you were here for any other reason." Harry eyed him curiously.

"I was asked to be here and so I came. With the Ministry presence here, your Steward had good forethought. I might not even charge full rate, this is some entertaining and useful information." He grinned, the type of grin Harry had a hard time placing. He seemed like the kind of man that is calm, confident, and laid back. That was until you provoked him, or he got worked up. When his temper flared, the gloves would come off and, he'd let you have it, but that didn't necessarily mean yelling or straightforward confrontation. Arvid Ackerly seemed to be the kind of man that was calculating. He'd plan fifteen moves ahead and gleefully watch as you moved towards your downfall. The grin was unsettling because it reminded Harry of a plotting spider, gleefully watching it's prey plod along to its demise.

Harry nodded and wondered if this was going to wrap up soon. He'd like to go see Natalia and Gabrielle. He'd need more food and some time by himself in the Chamber. It would be nice, letting him decompress, feel safe, and have time to process this giant mess.

At some point they had to stop all this bickering, right?

Visiting Natalia was very anticlimactic. Here she was lying in bed, wrapped up in a blanket, sleeping. Her body was unresponsive. They didn't believe she would be awake anytime soon, none of the hostages were expected to wake soon.

He was sitting in a chair, at her beside, holding her hand. He didn't let it go when he saw the door opening.

Ivan Pavlov, Natalia's father, slowly made his way into the room.

Harry sat back, he hadn't seen this man since the dinner at their family home with Natalia.

Harry was sitting near the top of the hospital bed, to the right of it, near Natalia's head. Ivan levitated the other chair to the foot of the bed. When it was where he had wanted it he asked Harry, "Mind if I cast some privacy charms?"

"No, but only if I add my own." Harry didn't trust the man's charms, he wouldn't really trust anyone else's, this is not particular to Ivan. He wasn't going to check if the man's charms really did keep it private when he could ensure it did.

Ivan nodded decisively, "Sensible." He commented.

After both had cast their spells, Ivan sat down heavily. They sat in silence for more than a minute before the elder man spoke. "Do you know why we really supported Grindelwald?" He asked, after a time.

Harry's eyes widened, whatever he had been expecting it was not this question.

"Erm… not really." He recalled them saying it was for returning home, he wouldn't have forgotten that so this would be something more. The thought hadn't really crossed his mind. They'd been Grindelwald supporters, they had done what they had said, he hadn't really questioned why.

"Once, we were not too unlike the Potters." He led with that provocative statement but Harry wanted an explanation before he'd reply to that.

"We were always well to do, every few generations an exceptional talent would appear, like your family."

It wasn't the statement of fact but the man's casual demeanor that was throwing Harry for a loop. This entire encounter seemed odd, so far. Where was his wife and his children? Had they already visited? Had the man known he was already here? Harry doubted the man would act against him in a hospital. Did he blame Harry for his daughter having to be hospitalized? What was this?!

"The Pavlov name, at one time, was one that stood for philanthropy and crusading for purposes that bettered the plight of the poor."

Harry nodded slowly, acknowledging the statement but not seeing the full picture. It was interesting to learn about. But, how it related to his daughter being paralyzed, Harry didn't know.

"Your family has never kept the resources it could have; they tried to set an example for the elite among the wizarding world. They fought tyranny and worked for the betterment of those who needed it. Most recently, your grandparent's aiding the ICW against Grindelwald and your parents against the tyranny of the British Dark Lord."

This was information he was well aware of. It wasn't hidden family history.

Initially, after being emancipated, Harry had been upset to find that there was very limited portraits for his Potter ancestors. The family just didn't believe in sitting for portraits. Each Potter was their own person, they shouldn't be a caricature of those that came before them. Potters were their own people, they stood for what they believed in and were responsible for making themselves into something great. They were to find their own way to add to the Potter legacy.

Now, this isn't to say they didn't leave resources. There was a book of Potter. A book that he had been failing to spend significant time studying. Each Head of House had added to it; he really needed to dedicate more time to it. It was just hard to prioritize it when there were so many other pressing issues, ones that shaped his immediate future and prepared him to survive the tournament. Neglecting those felt wrong, and given his results in the second task, he thought he'd had the correct priorities.

"But that was more than a century ago… You know of our… current reputation." The man wasn't outwardly bothered by his family's less than stellar reputation.

Harry nodded. Viktor's warning, at the Yule Ball, had not been wild exaggeration. It was known that you don't cross the Pavlov family. They'd have no qualms about using less than legal ways to sort out issues. Both Horace and Cyrus had warned him about the family.

"I tell you this because I know what has caused this." He gestured to Natalia's current condition lazily with his wand arm.

Harry fought down the urge to gulp. She was here because she was around Harry. It wasn't even a theory anymore, a Death Eater had forced his participation and had been actively trying to have him killed. Natalia got caught up in a bad situation because she went to the Yule Ball with him.

"I tell you this so that you can learn a lesson, one my family learned the hard way." Harry found Ivan's demeanor to be weird. He was almost being… fatherly, like he was distraught over Natalia's condition and was trying to help the young man she was enamoured with. He could see it from Patrice Delacour, perhaps even Cyrus, because of his oath, but he hadn't seen this coming from Ivan Pavlov.

"We could have fought, we could have kept the Tsar in power. We could have fought the muggle revolution. It would have been bloody, ugly. My forebears, and the Russian magicals generally, did not have the stomach to put down the revolution. Instead of butchering thousands in the streets, they fled. They lost their land, their businesses, history, and great wealth." He said the last half in disgust.

It sounded like a noble thing, there was a revolution, the monarch was removed from power, and instead of repressing the people, instead of stamping it out, they left. It sounded moral.

"Instead of thousands dying, millions lost their lives due to their decision. Millions perished in the Povolzhye famine; one caused by the uprising and the loss of our herbology expertise. Leading into the Grindelwald War, Stalin purged millions, by execution and penal colonies."

The room was already solemn, due to Natalia's condition. However, the air grew heavier as the conversation grew darker.

"Natalia is here because a follower of the last Dark Lord was not put down. She is here because Dumbledore," he growled the name," and your ministry," he spat out the word like it was a curse," decided they didn't want to dirty their hands, at the end of the last war." Harry could hear the anger leaking into his voice.

"My daughter… conflict comes easy, between us. She is strong willed and stubborn… We disagree on much. But she is my daughter." He had a face of fierce determination on as he stared at his unmoving daughter.

"If she comes to harm… a price will be exacted… Karkaroff already paid his.. We are discussing if further demonstration is required."

The casual manner in which he drawled the words gave Harry goosebumps. Harry wasn't sure if that was supposed to be directed at him as well. Indirectly threatened, for sure, but directly, Harry didn't think so.

"You were targeted, what kind of message will you send?" Ivan challenged him, piercing him with a questioning gaze.

"Crouch Jr is dead." Harry replied bluntly. "What more would you have me do?" He questioned with furrowed eyebrows.

Ivan chuckled darkly. "And if we believed this was an attempt solely perpetrated by him, we would not be considering sending a message. We both know he was a pawn, don't play the fool with me, boy." The Pavlov patriarch glowered at him, ever since Harry's previous response.

"Think! What message do you send by sitting by idly while your enemies act against you?" The man's frustration with him gone before he asked the follow-up query.

The question hung between them. Harry didn't respond, he thought about Ivan's words in silence.

"Learn to do what is necessary . My forebears would have been reviled for killing thousands of muggle revolutionaries. And yet, if they'd made that difficult decision, to decisively end their enemies, how many would have been saved?" He kept quiet for a moment, Harry did as well, considering the man's words.

"A terrorist group launched a revolution within these very shores. Those that supported it have murdered in the name of their beliefs and they will do so again. They have attacked and targeted you. What will you do? Will you flee, will you strike back?"

"Learn from us, russians. A revolution was launched within these shores. It took millions of deaths to fix my forebears mistake. Instead of putting down the insurgents, we had to be exiled for decades, we had to betray our morals and work with a Dark Lord. Even after Russia regained its magical population we still had to fight to regain our old positions and neuter the muggle influence in our community." He paused after recounting their shameful actions, ones he seemed abject about.

"You're in a tight spot. Two families to bring back to prominence. You've gathered advisors and have some allies. I know you didn't sign the contract. You should though. We are willing to do what is necessary . My daughter will be happy with you and be a good wife. She can provide enough heirs to secure a family's line. Talk to your advisors."

He stood and walked to the door. With his hand on the handle, he turned to Harry and added one last thing before departing. "We won't wait forever and neither will your enemies."

You can read advance chapters of "Unveiling Destiny: Harry Potter and The Triwizard Revelation" on my Website. Check out https://dravenshadefall-shop.fourthwall.com for exclusive content and early access!

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