"Un deux trois, un deux trois, un deux trois. Non non non! Non! Un! deux! trois! Again!"
Over three hours into his first dance lesson and whatever impressions he'd previously held about his new dance instructor were utterly wrong. It was very clear who she was now and what was her real purpose in life. It was all so very clear now. Only one possible explanation: she was a demon, a demon on a special mission from the Devil himself! She was sent to torture the poor souls she came in contact with under the guise of dance lessons.
Harry stepped forward with his left foot.
His right foot moved forward, to the side, and up into the proper position to the side of his left foot.
His weight shifted, from his left foot to his right, allowing his left foot to slide across beside his right.
Harry repeated the earlier action but opposite. Right foot drops back.
Left foot slides down, across, down.
With his left foot planted, his body weight pivots onto it and his right foot moves into place beside his left.
The same sequence which was starting again, of what Harry was told, is that this box step was the basis for the waltz he would have to perform at the Yule Ball.
She's not even letting him practice with a partner.
He's stepping in a clockwise box motion over and over and over and over and over and over… and over….
His right foot stepped back again.
Harry completed the now familiar movement.
His muscles were killing him.
She'd cast spells to perfect his posture.
His spine forced in the correct alignment.
His chest out.
His arms in position.
His neck protruded.
His hips moving in the correct way.
He was going to murder someone if he heard that two lettered french number again!
Someone or something was going to bear the brunt of this.
Snape targets for his piercing hexes tomorrow sounded great.
Malfoy mixed in with Snape?
Piercing hexes may not be satisfactory enough.
The thought of a reducto to their faces widened his smile.
Confringo would be good to mix in, he mused.
Madame Lacroix used her wand to dispel her family's specialized spells she'd cast on the young man. They had crafted unique magic to assist with their chosen trade. It was part of the reason their academy was the best in the wizarding world. Ballet, as with most art forms, wasn't prominent amongst wizarding culture. Muggles were capable of it and the Lacroix Ballet Academy was the only one creating productions in the wizarding world.
They did not have the large personnel that a true production company would. Lacroix's son was the choreographer for Ballet National de Marseille, a company that operated in the muggle world. The Statue of Secrecy was in full effect for the wizards and witches that worked for the internationally acclaimed dance company, though that didn't stop the company from gaining many of her top students.
Magic helped protect from injuries, it helped with keeping one healthy, provided endurance and helped make exceptional dancers. The top pupils from the Lacroix Ballet Academy went on to star for the most renowned muggle programs around the world over the many decades it had been in operation.
"Complete your cooldown exercises then meet me in my office," Lacroix informed her newest pupil.
Harry had quickly understood the style of teacher she was. She gave commands and you listened. There was no time for fooling around and goofing off. Dance was as serious as it gets for her. Give your best effort, pay attention and learn quickly from your mistakes.
Completing the dynamic stretches didn't take long and a quick spell to cleanse any sweat or smell and he was on his way to her office again. He'd quickly become familiar with the studio, taking the floo nightly and learning for four gruelling hours.
Harry entered the office and sat in the chair that was becoming familiar. Madame Lacroix was a stern taskmaster during their lesson time. Afterwards, she would request him to come and talk with her. The topics varied and Harry felt she was continuing to try and make him see the larger world around him. She wasn't a powerful politician, she wasn't a business titan and yet she had traversed and rubbed shoulder with those who were. She had to be careful not to offend the wrong people, to cultivate positive publicity and balance expectations of heirs that had always been taught they were the best. She had to navigate treacherous waters where families that were affiliated with the academy were not always on the best of terms.
What she saw in Harry or what her motivations for her actions were unclear to the young man.
"Harry, next week when you come, you will begin to dance with a partner." She waited to see if he would comment. "Your progress won't continue at the pace we need it to, otherwise."
Harry nodded in understanding and drank deeply from the chalice he had come to expect to be waiting for him with cold clean water.
"How are your plans to talk with the media coming along?"
Harry tried to hide the grimace his body wanted to react with and wasn't quite successful.
She sighed knowingly.
"I realized that I need to speak with Director Bones first. She told us not to say anything about the investigation into the three dragon's deaths and I kind of blurted it out," Harry was still embarrassed his emotions got the better of him in front of everyone. He was resolved to do better, to be better.
She waited to see if he would add more.
"I sent her a letter and will hopefully have a response when I return tonight or tomorrow. I've asked to meet her in person to apologize and see if there is anything else I cannot publicly talk about." Harry looked at her wondering if the plan for his first step would be enough to sate her for now.
She took a slow drink of her water. Harry suspected she did this deliberately to try and unbalance him. To let the silence unsettle him or make him try and fill the silence by talking. If her motivations were to educate him, it was working. He was getting used to it.
"It is a start, do you have your next set of actions planned? Or any further thoughts on how you will proceed?"
"Nothing concrete. I, uh, kind of uh, hoped, you'd be willing to advise me on what I had planned?"
She gestured for him to continue.
"I thought contacting the American would be a good start," Lacroix did not change her expression with the revelation so Harry continued with his reasoning. "Her articles seemed to be fair and balanced. She seemed more factual and you said she was sent her to cover me. Talking to her and trying to cultivate a good relationship with a candid first interview."
Harry waited to see what she advised. It seemed like a good idea to him…
"And if your first article goes well and she requests follow up exclusives?" She asked still without a discernible opinion on the matter.
"If it went really well, I'd do more as you wanted me to?"
Harry felt like he'd made a mistake from the change in posture she was now displaying. It was rather minor but he was trying to learn how to read people better.
"Don't you think that may upset your home countries press? What about that of other European origins as well? You expect it will be fine that an overseas journalist gets the first ever one on one sit down with the Boy-Who-Lived and then further follow up articles?"
She picked up the boy before he could get down on himself. He should have parents teaching him these lessons and managing his affairs. She hadn't ferreted it out of him who was teaching him magic, now that he'd left Hogwarts. The subtle silent charms he did at his age were proof enough he was getting a good magical education of some sorts. He was two years ahead in that aspect.
"Harry, you are learning and it is okay to make mistakes. Your first plan is not always going to work; you are already quite wise for your age. I made it a condition that you need to fix your press issue. Instead of rushing out and doing interviews you are planning and running those plans by someone with far more experience than you.."
Harry's countenance rose as he heeded her words.
"You already plan to make a wonderful first step: talking to the director of law enforcement in-person shows your character. You could have ignored it or sent off a letter. Rather, you are going to do it in person, which she will take far better. Now you are here asking my opinion to help you refine your plans. So let's do that: think now, given my advice what should you consider doing?"
Harry did as she asked. Using foreign press as his main contact in his first-ever interview had the possibility to cause some problems. Alienating the publications that were more likely to cover him the most in the future wasn't a bright idea. He should try for the opposite instead.
"I should try and build a good relationship with the Daily Prophet first and do follow up interviews with foreign press?"
She smiled at him. "That seems to be a better idea though I cannot give you any kind of definitive answer, I run a ballet academy. I, myself, have a number of press agents, whose job it is to cover my productions, whom I regularly deal with and maintain good relations with. I allow them to ask questions or clarify rumours. You could look into getting an agent that would advise you better and would work with the press on your behalf."
Harry listened attentively trying to soak in any knowledge and experience she was willing to impart. Another idea struck as his thoughts stayed on the problem.
"I think I should ask Director Bones! She would have a lot of press experience with the local newspapers. She'd have to know which reporters were honest!" Harry was excited that he might have the makings of a good plan. Though it did hinge on him having help from someone he had only met once. A woman who could be rather upset with him.
"It may be a good course of action."
Harry focused back on her completely. "Maybe?" He asked wanting to understand why she didn't think it was a good idea.
"Yes, it may be." She took another sip of water from the chalice in her right hand.
Harry wondered why it just might be. Was it the job or working in law enforcement that could make her a bad person to ask? Wouldn't that help her be a good judge of character? Was there something political that he was unaware of?
Lacroix had finished and saw the young man was doing exactly what she wanted. He was thinking and analyzing. So many his age waited for answers, waited to be told, and so rarely learned to think for themselves. Developing the ability to critically think would help him now and in the future.
"This does not apply specifically to just Director Bones. I said 'maybe' because you need to do your best to be aware of people's motivations when they are helping you. You are a celebrity of the highest order in the wizarding world. People will try and take advantage of you, they will try to use you, and they will try and manipulate you."
She was pleased to see Harry continued to listen and learn all that she had been imparting to the bright young man.
"I'm sorry to tell you that you will have very few true friends. Even amongst your real friends, they will still use your fame to their advantages, whether they actually mean to or not."
Lacroix could see him processing that and probably applying it to his current group of friends.
"It is okay to have people around you that are using you, it doesn't make them evil nor does it make them a bad person. What it does is, make them human. Humans typically act in their own best interests, it's a biological imperative. You should be cognizant of those around you and what motives they have for their actions. If you understand why they are acting as they are, you can work it to your advantage. Be careful, don't trust blindly, put the work in to understand others actions."
She could see the night was over now. She'd given him something to chew on for some time. She related her advice to his earlier idea.
"Before you ask Director Bones, you can read previous articles by the reporters from the Daily Prophet and form an opinion of your own to evaluate her response."
Intent, will power, and creativity are interesting to study. You've already had the lesson on belief and I will not repeat it. Three of the four aspects of magic are all controlled by yourself. Magical power on the other hand, though it can be enhanced, is something you are born with. Some are blessed to be powerful and others are not so fortunate.
The majority of your ability comes from within your mind. There has long been a misconception in what makes a powerful wizard. Most of the 'most powerful wizards' are actually the 'most precise wizards'. They are able to exercise a level of control over their inert magical power that is beyond what most wizards or witches expect and achieve. Casting technically difficult spells makes them seem powerful. When two wizards that are equally matched, their precision with their own magic, power becomes the determining factor between them.
Control over your magic, your ability to intend it, to creatively shape it, and to have it follow your direct will is far more important than power. The mind is a wizard's most potent weapon and it must always be protected. The first of the seven ritual sets was not chosen for convenience; the mind was targeted first because it must be. To do any different would be folly and lead to the ruin of your potential.
I thirsted for power and strove for it first. I undertook the most impactful power rituals that I could find and work into a set. They would harness my magical potential to great new heights! Such is the nature of youth. To believe oneself so wise because one has great knowledge. Knowledge requires the tempering of experience and wisdom that oft comes with advanced age.
It did not seem to be such a colossal mistake. My power did increase! Yet, my control diminished every time it grew. By the completion of the ritual set, my ability to wield magic was frayed. Had I continued, trying for a second power ritual set, I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, my magic would have killed me. I had to spirit myself away from all contact. I had to relearn how to wield my magic.
Prior to the rituals, I was like an expert swordsman; I was a finely tuned master whose sword was like an extension of my arm. It felt natural after the years of training I had gone through to forge me into a powerful weapon. Yet I destroyed it all with increasing my magical power so drastically.
It was as if with every ritual I completed, the weight of my sword grew. At first, it was just cumbersome yet still manageable to wield. By the end, it was as if my one-handed sword had become so great and so unruly, that it was now a two-handed greatsword. I kept trying to wield it with a single hand and utterly failed. No precision, no coordination, no balance. Even the tactics would have to change. The control over my magic was decimated.
My heirs will not be plagued by such a foolish course of action. Your mind has been grounded, enhanced, and strengthened first and foremost. The next sets are focused on your ability to rejuvenate your body and your magic. Think of rejuvenation as the support base for the added strength and power you will eventually gain. It is better to overbuild the foundation than to risk having one crack and break apart under pressure.
Studying rituals had so far been annoyingly unspecific. He knew the generalities of what he was doing without knowing any concrete details. His first set of rituals was complete but what exactly had they done? It was one area he wished he could change and not the only one.
There were many aspects of the new dance instructions that Harry wished different. The most glaring issue was the time commitment. Harry woke up early and trained hour after hour each day. Following his supper time was the part of the day where Harry could pursue what he wanted. He'd given that up for dance lessons, of all things. There was merit to them and he knew he had lucked into a rather fortunate opportunity. They may even help with his balance and coordination of movement which may assist in his duelling abilities.
Now that Harry wasn't being so thick-headed, he saw that he could have just gone to the muggle world for another solution, the world he actually knew and understood. The muggle world has a phone book and he could've easily called through the directory to any local dance studio and asked if they had group or private lessons on ballroom dancing. He could've gotten the bare necessities and then ventured up into Hogwarts and just start asking any random girl for a date until one accepted. It was a single evening event. A few quick dance lessons and a girl for his arm and he could have coasted through the night.
There would have been annoying questions about his relationship with whomever he took but what would that really matter? The event was just an elaborate waste of time. Those were his prevalent thoughts on the matter until he started his short discussions with Lacroix. The event was far more than just a simple evening of dinner and dancing. She had expertise in areas beyond just the technical skill of various forms of dance. She had loads of experience revealing information to the press and how to conduct good interviews. She had given him ideas and tips on how to handle them better in one of their chats after a dance lesson.
They also had a chat on the importance of public image. Harry was going to be put on display there and he had a real opportunity to set the greater public's perception of him. Those who had frequently interacted with him at Hogwarts already had conceived perspectives on him. However, the greater public, which the press was reporting to, had very sparse or even legitimate information to base any opinion of him on. Between now and the ball, he could begin to establish who he was to the masses and solidify it with the Yule Ball.
How well he danced, who he was dancing with, his table manners, how he presented himself, whether he was sociable or not, and so much more all mattered. Small details like what his clothing was made of could be used to discredit him. It was important how he presented himself at this event because he would be on display in front of the press the entire evening. There would be some form of interviews at the event and a whole series of articles on the ball. There was no chance the press wouldn't be at this event when the next scheduled one wasn't until late February.
The topics he wanted to investigate were not being worked on due to his lack of time. Even worse, he was adding to them. After figuring out just what the sleeping creature in his lap was, he had to find out what had even happened! How did a model dragon gets turned into an actual tiny fire-breathing dragon? He wanted to know if it was his ritual which had killed the dragons. He needed to understand why he was in so much pain when the instructions hadn't mentioned anything about it.
In contrast, the ritual coming up, on physical rejuvenation, did specify he would experience discomfort and even low to moderate levels of physical pain. Harry first thought Salazar might've been some kind of closet sadist who enjoyed the thought of others in pain… Now he doubted it. He wanted to sneak into the Hogwarts library and see if he could find any information on rituals. If there were accounts of others who had done the Dragon Power ritual and how it went.
Further, Harry wanted to know how or if any of the rituals had changed him. He already knew that all of his physical exercising and dietary changes were indeed having an effect. Dobby had to modify the clothes again, as they were becoming a little too tight. When he looked at himself after showering he could tell he had put on some muscle. He was less slight and scrawny looking. He was by no means bulky or muscular.
The Dragon Power ritual was always on his mind. Being in the fabled Chamber of Secrets also had him thinking more about Parseltongue. So far, he hadn't learned anything about it. He had assumed, in apparent error, that the trait for which the founder was famous for would've been a major focus. It hadn't even been mentioned yet! If he could sneak up to the library, it could be another great topic to study.
Harry continued to run his hand from the head of the cuddly dragon down its body. Never up the body! Patting along its spikes was well and good, never against the spikes. How such a creature could enjoy being pet was just plain ludicrous. It had spikes on its body for goodness sake! It was the epitome of everything a predator could want to be! The little gal's favourite way to spend time was sleeping on Harry while he pet her. The dragon seemed to have a very strong belief that it took only one hand to turn the pages of the books, only one hand to write out notes and only one hand to practice wand movements. At all times while he was studying, in this room, he could and should be petting the dragon.
He'd learned quickly that trying to ignore the little beast was fraught with terrible tribulations. The gremlin could cause untold havoc! It had figured out quickly that the charms protecting against its dragon fire could be overcome. The flame freezing charm was designed to stop mundane fire, not magical fire. Probably due to the small size of the dragon, it could stop a small burst of her dragon fire. A single fireball from Cuddles was fine. Spewing a torrent of continuous fire quickly destroyed or lit on fire the object that caught the dragon's ire.
The Hungarian Horntail made the consequences of Harry's actions clear. Fail to allow her to burrow into a comfortable position and to cuddle on him and she'd burn things. Studying without petting her? That's a burning! Yet the items burned were, so far, never truly important or irreplaceable. Burning a letter he had written, some notes he'd made, his food, clothes and so forth, all items which were of minimal importance. He hoped that was not just a coincidence. If it wasn't happenstance, how intelligent was this dragon? It seemed to be able to recognize what was and was not acceptable fuel for its pyromancy tantrums.
Harry glanced at one of the items that could easily become ash in short order. He smiled at the thought of the little dragon's antics and kept running his hand absently along the length of the horntail. He read it again just to make sure he had time for tonight's rendezvous.
Mr Potter,
Meeting at the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, in the very centre of the Ministry of Magic, would be inadvisable at this time. You indicated any time on the weekend would work for yourself. I would rather invite you to my home on Sunday, November 29th. A 7 pm visit for tea would be best, after my usual mealtime. Two of my staff member will be in attendance. The floo address is 'Amelia's Getaway' and will be open to public floo connection from 6:55 pm until 7:00 pm.
Director Amelia Bones
Department of Magical Law Enforcement
Ministry of Magic
The few hours of studying, eating and practising magic flew by. Harry had toiled longer than normal just to keep himself from worrying over the meeting. He felt it was probably a good sign that they were going to meet at her home. It implied trust. That or she needed him somewhere discreet so she could dispose of him… Two willing alibis even. Nobody would suspect he would be there. Maybe an illegal veritaserum questioning…
Harry put out those kinds of negative thoughts. He would conduct himself better, he would create a friend and ally, and he would be proud of himself for how well he handled the situation this evening. He was the pupil of the legendary Salazar Slytherin and he was going to be a strong and independent man.
Harry had trekked out of the castle by his usual route and made his way to the Shrieking Shack. From there it was a short walk to the Three Broomsticks and he was on his way. He was getting quite accomplished at using the floo. No more tripping and he wasn't so young and nervous he mispronounced names. He was hoping Salazar had some instructions on apparition and portkey creation soon. He knew Hogwarts library didn't have any and he hadn't seen any in the restricted section.
Harry arrived in a room that had logs for walls. The ceiling wasn't all that tall and he'd come out of a large fireplace. He stepped further into the room and blinked a few times to make sure he was where he thought he should be. He hadn't mispronounced the name, he knew that much. He was inside a log cabin that had a large wood-burning fireplace. The floors were of some kind of hardwood and it looked like the furniture was all made by hand. It looked rather well put together and well crafted. It wasn't the uniform, assembly line, kind of chairs and tables that he was used to seeing in the muggle world.
"Mr Potter, glad you can make it."
Harry had been caught staring at the room. She had come up from behind him, though he had not startled.
"Director Bones, thank you for having me to your home." Harry turned and spoke back in greeting.
"Please come have some tea with us." Harry noticed she was less stiff already than when he'd met with her previously. He might have even seen a small smile. Could the tea contain veritaserum?
Harry followed her and found it was a rather cosy home. The fireplace gave it a warm ambience, though it lacked the pervasive and distinct wood-burning smoky smell. Probably due to some form of magic, and it allowed for a wonderful earthy freshness to the air. Harry imagined this is what it would smell like if he ever went off camping and stayed in a remote log cabin. Harry noted some wizarding photos adorning the walls as he followed out of the room he flooed in from, through a hallway and into a comfortable looking sitting room.
Inside the room were two leather armchairs which appeared to be deep and comfortable to sit in. Between the two was a small table with two teacups already on it. The further chair was occupied by a man he thought he recalled seeing at the First Task. The man looked like the kind of person you'd want working for the DMLE. Tawny hair tousled in a thick mane around a fierce faced man.
Beside him was a lady that looked like she could be either twenty-five or forty-five. How that was possible he wasn't really sure. She had light brown hair that dropped down behind her head, how far, he couldn't tell from where he was standing. She had intelligent grey-blue eyes and she took him while giving him a smile. The woman was sitting on a loveseat leaving the couch unoccupied; the couch which sat directly across from the two chairs. The seating in the room was set up in an u shape with the love seat between the two sides. There was a low table in the middle that had an empty teacup and a kettle of tea.
Before moving into the room and sitting, the Director Bones introduced Harry to her other two guests.
"Mr Potter, this Rufus Scrimgeour," she said gesturing to the man in the chair. "He is the Head Auror for the DMLE." She turned her attention to the woman next. "And this is Stacy Parent, our top investigator within the DMLE."
Harry could feel his heart rate rise with proper introductions for just whom she had invited along this evening. There seemed very little chance of coincidence. For a fleeting moment, he worried that they knew about his dragon ritual. Instead of letting fear overtake him, he steeled himself and approached the man first.
"Nice to meet you Head Auror Scrimgeour." He said confidently as he held out his hand for the man to shake. The man reciprocated.
"You as well, Mr Potter," he said gruffly sitting back down after standing to greet Harry.
Director Bones went past him to sit in the second armchair and Harry made his way around the low table to greet Stacy Parent. "Nice to meet you as well, Investigator Parent."
"You as well, Mr Potter." She smiled, kindly, at him again as they shook hands. He stepped past her and sat on the couch on the side closest to Stacy.
"Tea?" Amelia asked looking at him.
"Yes please."
Harry watched as she casually moved her wand and the tea kettle came to life, lifting off the table, perfectly pouring the tea before setting itself back down gently. She used her wand again to float the cup and saucer to just in front of him and set on the table. Milk and sugar soon followed the teacup for his use. Harry quickly made his tea to his satisfaction and sat back, properly, into the couch.
"Mr Potter are you okay if we speak more informally seeing as we are in one of my homes?" The director asked to start things off.
"That is fine with me."
"Good, Harry, you have my permission to call me Amelia tonight and you may do likewise with Rufus and Stacy." Harry glanced at them seeing their nods of approval.
"You asked for the meeting, Harry, is there anything you'd like to discuss first?" Harry noted that while this meeting was to be considered informal, with the use of first names and the setting, all three DMLE personnel were not exhibiting prominent informal body posture, even if Bones wasn't nearly as stiff looking as she was when he first met her.
He'd noticed a tenseness in Rufus's posture and though Stacy was smiling at him, it felt fake. It was just a gut feeling but he would be careful. He didn't know what their agenda was here tonight.
"Yes, I had one thing I wanted to do first and I believed you're busy enough that I would need an appointment to see you. I wanted to apologize directly to you." Harry smirked inwardly seeing the three be caught off guard by the request, not figuring out that this was what he might have wanted, ahead of time. He still wanted to get it over with quickly.
"You advised us in the tent about the death of the three dragons; you told us we were to keep the information to ourselves until you allowed it to be released. I was quite upset with the press question mentioning my parents and revealed it anyways." He made sure to make eye contact with Amelia before the next part of his apology.
"I apologize for not following your directions and I will do better if there is a repeat of similar circumstances in the future." Harry genuinely meant the apology. He didn't have to fake being contrite.
The two adults were looking at Amelia Bones, just as Harry was. Her lips moved to respond but stopped before she spoke. She scrutinized the young man before breaking her short silence. "Thank you, Harry, it was rather… mature of you to do so in person."
Harry wondered if it was possible to admire someone for the way they conducted themselves any more than he just did with Amelia. It shouldn't be possible to admire someone that was getting a bit of a surprising apology. She just had such a presence about her. He'd seen McGonagall operate for years. The Transfiguration Mistress had a presence, as well, yet it felt so different.
Amelia Bones' aura was a mixture of multiple effects. Her very demeanour demanded respect, it was clear she wouldn't tolerate incompetence and it would be perilous to cross her. Yet she was still approachable and someone you would want to turn to if you had a problem, especially here in her home. As if she still had time for the smallest of issues, even if she held such an important position.
Stacy filled in the silence that had lingered briefly pulling Harry away from his thoughts on the auburn-haired witch.
"Would you mind if we asked some questions or do you have any questions for any of us?" Harry had seen detective shows on the television from time to time and wondered if this was a wizarding version of good cop, bad cop. There was the fierce-looking man with a perpetual scowl on his face and the smiling younger woman that seemed personable and easy-going.
"Well, I kind of had a couple questions to ask first if you don't mind. I hadn't originally expected that I'd be meeting with so many people but that could work out better." He smiled back at her.
If this was going to be another informal questioning, he at least wanted to get his answers done first.
"Sure, Harry, what were you hoping to ask Amelia?" Stacy responded, leaning forward
"Well, there are three questions I was hoping to ask. I'll just ask them all at once?" He asked looking between Stacy, Amelia and Rufus.
"That sounds like a good idea Harry," Stacy said as if she really did think it was a good idea.
"Okay, well, first off, I was curious if it was possible to find out if you are investigating the tournament. Specifically how I was entered into the tournament and how someone could have sabotaged the first task."
Harry could see Scrimgeour looking dourer than he already was, Bones hadn't even reacted. Stacy was looking sympathetic and nodded along, he thought she was mentally cataloguing his words.
"Secondly, I was wondering if any of you had insight into the reporters at the Daily Prophet. A uh…"
Harry struggled with the right word. What was Lacroix to him? Potential ally, a friend, a mentor, a business associate?
"… good acquaintance thought Director Bones might be someone that could be able to point me in the direction of a good reporter to do an interview with. One that will be honest and allow for some editorial control."
Harry noticed how keenly Bones was watching him. Her eyes narrow when he paused trying to determine how to describe Madame Lacroix and she looked pensive after he did. Harry didn't catch the reaction of Stacy. Scrimgeour was scowling, though it was easy to tell he was paying close attention to Harry.
"The third and final question I wanted to ask about was if Amelia knows if the action of not taking up Headship of the Potter family by my father during the last war was considered normal, prudent or possibly foolish. I was hoping for insight from someone that was around and an active participant in the war before the vanquishing of Voldemort."
Harry caught the shudder and grimace from Stacy and Rufus when he said You-Know-Who's name. This was the Head Auror and Lead Investigator and they were wincing at his casual usage of the man's made up name! How were they in positions of leadership if they couldn't even be around him saying Voldemort. He looked at them in disgust.
Bones sighed and pinched her nose. She could see the gears turning in the young man's head. The thought was admirable and showed the boy's Gryffindor courage and nobility. It was much the same with her little Susie except she put a stop that line of thought a long time ago. She'd have to do the same now. Dumbledore was many things and she was now seriously doubting a good magical guardian was one of them.
"Harry, we don't usually say his name for a reason. In the war, it was jinxed and our intelligence says they had a list of anyone that said his name. Anyone who dared to speak it publicly normally turned up dead in very short order. Their deaths were always excruciating and the person's family was made an example of. We don't say his name not out of fear of the man but out of a prudent habit. Not every Death Eater was caught and put away. While there haven't been any recent deaths associated with saying the name, for the first year after the war, those who dared to speak his name still turned up dead."
Harry nodded slowly taking it in. Dumbledore had always said it and encouraged him to. What did it matter if he was targeted? Few would dare to cross wands with him. Harry was already at the top of Voldemort's hit list so there was little point in correcting it.
"Should we just call him Tom then or do you normally call him Riddle?"
"Why would we do that Harry?" Stacy asked quickly. She was still upbeat even in confusion Harry noticed.
"Because his name is Tom Riddle?" Harry asked like it was rather obvious.
Scrimgeour spoke up quickly his voice deep and accusing. "How would you know that? Nobody knows his origins and many have investigated it with no luck."
Harry looked between them flabbergasted that nobody knew who Lord Voldemort really was. How could they not know? Didn't anyone attend Hogwarts with him? Dumbledore knew. Did no one else?
Harry looked directly at Amelia. "Permission to pull my wand and cast a spell?" Harry thought about revealing what he knew from his time in the Chamber but he didn't want to even consider mentioning it at all. It was his sanctuary now and the last thing he needed was the DMLE wanting to raid it.
"Permission granted." She replied quickly.
Harry was amused to note all three watched his wand carefully as he cast the same flame writing spell the memory of Tom Riddle had. He slowly spelt out the name of 'I am Lord Voldemort' then rearranged them into 'Tom Marvolo Riddle'.
"I think he came up with the name while he was still a student at Hogwarts, at least, that's what Dumbledore said… he seemed to know all about his history. He even mentioned, to me, that he was Head Boy…" This last bit of information was a calculated move directed at Dumbledore. Everyone assumed they had a close relationship and they all knew Dumbledore was previously his magical guardian. Instead of having the DMLE looking into how he might have come across the info, they would now focus on why Albus Dumbledore knew and more importantly, withheld the knowledge. In light of that, what else could he be hiding?
Dumbledore would never reveal the real story of the Chamber of Secrets because, during his tenure as Headmaster, an ancient basilisk was released into the school and could have wiped out an entire generation of students. Furthermore, he knew the Chamber was real, from fifty years ago, and didn't let the DMLE know. There was also the beautiful benefit of the Headmaster being tied up fending off their investigations. Hopefully, it would distract him away from gaining control of Harry again. He wanted it to provide a smokescreen until his movements to become emancipated were irrevocable.
Harry had thought about trying to ask about Sirius Black and his lack of trial. He didn't trust them enough for that yet. He'd have to admit that he had aided Sirius's escape from the Minister of Magic. He didn't know almost anything about the laws in the magical world but if it was like the muggle world it could be rather ugly for him. Lacroix had mentioned he should look into getting legal representation and he really should… It was probably the best avenue to clear Sirius's name.
Bones cleared her throat bringing everyone's attention back to her.
"As interesting as that knowledge is, and you can rest assured we will look into it," she added a significant look at her two colleagues. "I can assist with your questions."
"Your last question is somewhat complicated to answer. James Potter, like many heirs at the time, did not take full control of the family due to inheritance law."
Harry's blatant confusion showed as she continued.
"If the Head of a family sires any children that are not acknowledged they have the right to inherit if the family would otherwise be extinct. In the war there were all manners of perversions that were inflicted on those that were captured or kidnapped, there was a real worry that James Potter could have been captured and potioned into unwillingly fathering another child. Killing him and the rest of your family would have turned over anything inheritable to the unacknowledged child."
She held up her hand to stop any comment until she completed her explanation. Surprisingly to Harry, it was Rufus that continued on with his low register growling, with very limited body language shared between them. For them to communicate so seamlessly, it hinted at a very strong working relationship.
"Blood feuds and the extinctions of families occurred throughout wizarding history. The past couple centuries have been some of the most peaceful, in regards to blood feuds between families and clans. There is a whole series of laws that were designed to end major blood feuds and then amendments to them over the years."
Harry remembered reading about blood feuds in Salazar's memoirs and he had wondered why he hadn't even really heard the term in the modern wizarding world. The Head Auror continued on with his explanation.
"One such limitation is that no unacknowledged progeny can be involved in the deaths. They must swear it on their magic to inherit the family. It is possible that magic itself would not allow them to inherit if they were raised solely to go against the family's ideals. Regardless, the law was put in place by the Wizengamot to try and protect the sanctity of marriage. They did not want Heads of houses to be conceiving several unacknowledged children. Inheritance disputes were often the cause for the extinction of wizarding families."
There was too much information to properly order his thoughts on it. He now knew that James Potter had taken prudent actions to protect his family legacy. His family was targeted and both he and his wife actively resisting Riddle. His father was taking a step to ensure his family legacy was not stolen. It still seemed odd but he would accept it for now.
Seeing Harry had understood and was focused on the conversation again Amelia asked Stacy to take the first question.
"There has been considerable pressure on the DMLE to find out how there are four participants. The DMLE was, finally, given access to the Goblet. Unfortunately, even the residual magic has long since been obfuscated by the highly magical artefact. The chain of custody is highly compromised and, honestly, I don't expect it to lead to the perpetrator."
Harry could hear the frustration bleeding out of her. It really bothered her that she wouldn't be able to solve it. That was good.
"The dragon's, though, we believe, that they were either an incredibly well-done act of sabotage or the accident they appear to be."
Harry blinked trying to properly look interested, not too interested mind you, and surprised by the revelation. As far as they were concerned he had no knowledge of the dragons before it was announced the morning of the first task.
"Dragon's aren't transported long distances, regularly, because they are required to be sedated during transport. Moving the nests of mother dragons is just not done, and for good reason!" She paused and sipped her tea as if she was washing away the unpleasant memory.
"The stress of their eggs being removed and threatened from their original nesting grounds already wreaked havoc on their systems. The handlers attested that their sleep cycles and eating habits were beyond erratic. Some hadn't eaten for days. They were temperamental and on edge at all times. Normally two bouts of stunners would take them down. Due to the adrenaline flowing, they were having to use three and sometimes four volleys of stunners.
Stacy looked significantly to her boss who gave the briefest of nods before she started telling anything further. "The sleep draughts doses were well beyond the standard doses because they were already so agitated. The dragon handlers had argued to allow their normal sleep schedule but were overruled. There is an ongoing investigation into who, from the ministry, ordered the dragons to be sedated. The excessive doses put them to sleep… permanently. It shut down their heart rate far further than was necessary. That's not even the worst of it…"
Harry sat transfixed to the spot hoping Stacy would continue. He had slid forward on his seat, ever so slightly, and was unconsciously leaning forwards as he gripped his teacup rather strongly.
Stacy did continue on. "What is even more damning is the pheromones found on site. They are used to enrage dragons. The pheromones make the dragon believe their nest is threatened by another and threatened mother dragons… " She didn't need to continue on anyone who had seen even the docile Common Welsh Green could see how ferocious and dangerous they were.
"We believe, based on the amount found, the intent was only to make the first task more lively, more entertaining for the audience, and not for attempted murder."
Once Investigator Parent finished talking, Harry looked between the three and saw the same stoicism. There was no exaggeration or anything. These were just the facts of the investigation.
"The report will be released publicly tomorrow. You won't need to worry about not saying anything this time." Amelia gave him a mock glare.
Harry turned his head back to Stacy.
"Do you know who tried to make the task more dangerous and lively?" She hadn't mentioned it and Harry thought it may not be answered.
Rufus was the one that responded. "The Minister's office seems to have initiated the idea to the Department of Magical Sports and Games. At this time, no single person is set to shoulder the blame. The Minister's office, claims", his dour face showed how little he believed the claim, "it was an idea sent along and not a mandated order."
Harry sighed. Either more stupidity by the ministry or active sabotage. It was clear to him that the investigation was now over.
"Now as to your final question, I can mail you a list of reporters that we have good relations or find out who is covering the tournament and suggest one among them," Amelia answered in reply to the final question they hadn't yet answered.
"Uh, only my owl can find me where I stay. Could I send her to you tomorrow afternoon?"
"Very well then." She didn't look pleased with his response. He wondered if she was hoping to subtly find any info out about where he was staying. He wouldn't blame her if she tried.
Harry could feel the ambience of the room shift. He'd asked his questions and now they were preparing to ask theirs. He could feel his magic coalescing. It wasn't itching to be released, It was just preparing, and getting ready to protect him if required.
Harry quietly sat in the chair at the Lacroix Ballet Academy. He had been reflecting all day on his previous evening. He spent longer with the three than he had anticipated. He was sure they wished he'd said more and been more open than he was. In Harry's mind, he told them more than he wanted. Harry had found out a couple of items that he hadn't realized in his isolated Hogwarts career. Susan Bones was the niece of Amelia Bones and the Bones family was close to the Diggory family. Amos Diggory, whom he met earlier in the summer, had another brother. A brother that died in the last war. A brother that was Amelia's partner and by the way she mentioned him possibly more.
It made sense why Cedric had called her aunty when their two families were obviously still close. Having both Susan and Cedric together in Hufflepuff wouldn't hurt either. They had a lot of questions about where he grew up but that turned out to be a rather mundane trail of questions. He gave them rather plain answers and nothing specific. It wasn't until they asked about rumours that had come out of Hogwarts that things got rather serious. He'd given them the full story on Quirrell and the shade of Riddle that he had seen twice in his first year. That led to frantic questioning and Harry giving up his memory of the two encounters with the Dark Lord.
They didn't ask about the petrifications or the whole Heir of Slytherin affair in his second year. The entire school knew about the attacks. If there wasn't enough evidence already that there was something protecting the Chamber of Secrets, it was pretty well an indisputable fact in his mind now. Harry was quite happy to not bring it up. That led to his third year and Harry was rather circumspect in his retelling of the year. He told them about all of his altercations with dementors, save the real details of the last one. It was at this point Harry decided to gamble a bit.
He kept to the official story of them having an altercation with Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew. He kept to the accepted story and made it obvious he did not believe he was confounded. They didn't ask for a memory of the incident. Memories were inadmissible evidence in legal proceedings.
He thought it went well, the DMLE would now be investigating Voldemort and his lack of demise. They would know more about his background and the three seemed to all be operating under the same understanding. There were people free who should not be and many had eyes and ears inside the Ministry. He truly wondered how much they suspected even before they talked to him. A seed was planted for Sirius's innocence too.
If last night wasn't nerve-racking enough, tonight he was getting a dance partner. At first, he thought it would be his date for the Yule Ball. Then he realized he was assuming again. It was a habit that Lacroix was trying to break Harry of. She'd commented multiple times on him putting words in her mouth or trying to jump to conclusions that she hadn't stated. Tonight, he would not do that. It didn't help his nerves at all.
Harry could see Lacroix and the same girl in the dance studio who was normally there at this time. He had figured it was a short private lesson where the young girl could get extra one-on-one instruction. She looked somewhere between the ages of ten and twelve. He really wasn't sure. He watched as she continued moving gracefully. Harry thought he'd learn more about ballet just by osmosis. He was in a ballet academy, so something ought to rub off or float into his brain. So far he was just as clueless as when he first came here.
He didn't even know the proper name for the outfit the girl had on. He thought dancers wore tights and tutus? He thought he heard something about leos and tards. What 'lion tards' translated to in dance lingo, he still hadn't figured out. It seemed they had their own language which he didn't understand. He supposed it was like someone watching a quidditch team practice when they didn't understand any of the lingo or strategies.
Harry waited patiently for the appropriate time to arrive and was surprised when Lacroix motioned for the girl to come meet him. He'd seen her practising most days and didn't even know her name.
"Harry, this is Hannah Fairway, a pupil of mine that is kindly willing to assist in your instruction."
Madame Lacroix stepped out from in between them allowing Harry to approach and give her a proper greeting, which he did by kissing her hand.
"Hannah, it's my pleasure to introduce Harry Potter."
He saw her cheeks tinged with pink. It eased his nerves somewhat knowing she was nervous like him.
After the greeting, they moved onto the dance floor with the ever impervious dance instructor watching.
The aged instructor looked at him, with a withering glance, and barked out a single word that he knew the full meaning of. "Posture!"
Harry moved his feet to the correct length apart, he lifted his chest, and he stopped his shoulders from slumping.
She circled him, like a hawk scouring for its prey, tapping his chest with her stick. He lifted it slightly higher in response. As if that really mattered, Harry thought, but would never dare to voice. She tapped the underside of his left arm.
"No drooping." She stated and Harry lifted his shoulders, and thus elbows, a little higher. She tapped his stomach to ensure his core muscles were activated properly. Lacroix nodded to Hannah and the girl took her posture.
"Your left in her right." She nodded as their hands clasped together. "Her left on your right arm." Hannah made the appropriate movement. "Now, your right on her left shoulder blade." The two stood in the closed position with their bodies off-centre from each other.
Harry moved his other hand into position. Her stick made contact lowering it and pushing it further around her body. Harry was glad he was practising with a younger, undeveloped, girl. He'd never held a girl or woman like this before. There wasn't any kind of sexual contact, neither of their body parts was in contact with anything that could be deemed as inappropriate. This was a waltz, classical and elegant dancing, after all.
It was the proximity and closeness that was nerve-racking. He imagined it would be far more difficult to learn if he was doing it with someone as gorgeous as Fleur Delacour. He'd be far more distracted by being so close to such radiance. Hannah had the makings of a very beautiful young woman, she just hadn't blossomed yet.
"Walking first, forwards and backwards, heel-toe, heel-toe."
The first evening was a lesson he would never forget. It's so easy to just step forward right? No! Heel-toe isn't just put the heel down first and then the toe. There was a whole art to it… Next was the swing. When he stepped forward it was like he was going forward on a swing. His hips lead and his upper body leaned back. Then he reversed the exaggerated hip swing as he stepped back. He felt he had gotten quite good at it. With a few hours of constantly just stepping forward and backwards, you really have to become proficient at it. Between Lacroix teaching and her charms pushing and forcing his body positioning to the correct places, it was the only concludable outcome.
Harry stepped forward then stepped forward again. He stepped right into Hannah! She had stepped forward, assuming he would be stepping back next, and the two collided, though not too hard. Harry tried to keep from going red in embarrassment as the two collided and he knew it was his fault.
"Non, forward-back, forward-back. Repeat until I say otherwise," Lacroix drilled out at him, obviously annoyed Harry hadn't gotten the instructions clear. He thought it would be the same as the first lesson on movement! Forward forward back back! He didn't grumble, even though he felt like it, the woman was a sadist in her teaching mode and would find a way to punish even grumbled insolence.
They began stepping forward and back together. Hannah was graceful and obviously well beyond such basic movements. Harry was not quite as good as he thought he was. He felt the constricting of the charms when his body began to slump or move out of position. He wasn't quite sure how you would step on each other's toes so easily, as he heard beginners did regularly. Perhaps it was how he was taught. Each component one at a time before adding in new elements. He was quite good at the solo box step waltz.
Their bodies were positioned well, off-centred as Harry had been shown, and there was no risk of interlocking their legs. They practised moving forward and backwards over and over and over and over and over and over! Harry kept working on his body positioning so the charms didn't press against him keeping him in perfect position. The faster he got better, the quicker they would move on.
Mercifully, they began the next basic component. Sidestepping, when he stepped left he lifted the left side of his chest. Going back to his right he did the opposite, lifting the right side of his chest, giving his body a swaying motion. They began the repetitive cycle as Lacroix continued to prod him with her stick correcting posture and guided his movements. He needed to be fluid, not clunky. She continued to correct until he had the movement down, with a partner this time, and until the charms weren't firing to keep him in line.
"Box step, no rise and fall and no turning," Lacroix instructed and so they began their clockwise circling of the box. Lacroix started her counting again. Harry could hear her staccato voice chanting un deux trois already, he heard it in his head many times throughout each day. It plagued him during his physical exercises the most. You'd think running would be more un deux, un deux, un deux. Somehow the dance instructor had turned his rhythmic footfalls of his run into un deux trois, un deux trois. He could hear her voice counting even as he ran on just two feet!
The counting only stopped to correct posture but they were moving well together so it wasn't needed frequently. He'd practised the movements by himself the previous week and was deemed acceptable, in the she-devil's eyes, at the movements. Harry was surprised at how well he was doing, dancing in time, with Hannah. It was almost enjoyable.
"Rise and Fall." Harry was expecting this or the turning to come soon. The charms weren't encroaching upon his movements at all. He noticed Hannah was a very smooth dancer. There were no mistakes that were being corrected on her part. She followed his lead and mirrored his movements with ease. Her eyes constantly sought his as they moved together in unison. From the way her blue eyes lit up, she seemed to be enjoying herself.
Harry focused on adding the rise and falling aspects of the waltz.
Harry kept his feet in the fall position as he stepped forward, low. As he moved to the second position he began his ascent, rising onto his toes.
With his feet apart and at full rise position, him standing tall on his toes, he stayed at full height as left foot moved to meet his right, keeping the proper sway motion with the right side of his chest lifted. He lowered down to the fall position, flat-footed, so it completed, with a smooth motion, at the end of three. After the lesson on how to rise and fall, his calf and shin muscles protested vigorously.
The pattern continued as he stepped back in the fall position, his hips swinging properly. His chest stayed standing tall and his shoulder in their proper position, not slouched in the least. They continued into the second position with the proper sway and rise, and completed the correct rhythm into the third step.
The minutes past moving well together as Lacroix counted and infrequently corrected the movements. Lacroix instructed them to add the quarter-turn near the ending of their session. A quarter-turn to each full count of three with the turn primarily occurring in the second part. Harry felt he was actually dancing rather well for his first time with a partner. It was the basic form of the waltz but he doubted most of the boys his age would know anything beyond the way to hold your partner and step in coordination. The two young people continued dancing as Lacroix counted.
Un deux trois, un deux trois, un deux trois, fin."
You can read advance chapters of "Unveiling Destiny: Harry Potter and The Triwizard Revelation" on my Website. Check out https://dravenshadefall-shop.fourthwall.com for exclusive content and early access!