Tetsu slapped the hand away almost immediately. "How many times I gotta tell ya to stop callin' me that. Call me Tetsu ya bastard." He said, wearing a big grin.
Out of nowhere he moved forward and hugged him tightly, squeezing the air out of Ken's lungs with his huge arms. Even with the weight training he'd been doing, it seemed he was no match for the man's strength.
"O—Okay." Ken wheezed. "It's good to see you again Tetsu."
Despite feeling a little awkward at first, Ken soon felt right at home. Seeing Naomi again reminded him of his own mother, and he was quickly made to feel welcomed in the house.
As tumultuous as his relationship had been with Tetsu during the past few years, one fact remained. The guy had walked into a hostile environment and rescued him when he was captured by Tetsuhiro's thugs.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: