If he'd seen Steve acting like this before the issue with Steph over Christmas, he might not have recognized his friend.
"I don't think you're useless, not in the slightest." Ken responded confidently.
Steve turned his head and looked his friend dead in the eyes, "So why are you refusing my leads? First you take away my catching ability, then you start cherry picking my leads."
"Huh?" Ken was stumped. Just where had this come from?
"What do you mean I took away your catching ability?"
Steve's fist clenched, "Your pitches… I don't even need to move my glove anymore. I used to have to follow your moving fastballs and make an effort to catch them, but now I can just stay still and they'll find their way into my glove."
Ken frowned, "Isn't that a good thing? If a pitcher has no control, then he's essentially worthless. But you're complaining that I'm too accurate?"
Steve scoffed, "You wouldn't understand."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: