A few days later, Ken came to a stop at the top of a hill, his face covered in a sheen of sweat. The summer breeze was hot against his skin, making it even more uncomfortable than usual.
As he began to control his breathing, Ken turned to see a figure halfway down, making his way towards him. A slight hint of amusement crept onto his features as he watched Steve struggle.
"Ganbatte!" He yelled out.
"Shutup!" Steve cursed between ragged breaths.
After a couple of minutes, the guy finally arrived on top of the hill, immediately rolling onto the ground in exhaustion. Despite the constant training for over 3 months, he was still behind Ken in both speed and stamina.
However, Ken couldn't blame the guy. After all, he had the Elixirs to buff his own physical grades, whereas Steve was all natural. When he looked at it this way, it almost seemed like he was using performance enhancing drugs.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: