
Game 1 (2)

With a leap, Ken brought his right leg upwards and kicked off the wall. Due to his height and long limbs, the jump had catapulted him high above the wall.

Once he felt like he'd reached the maximum altitude, he turned his head, only to see the ball much closer than he had anticipated. At some point he must have run off course, causing the ball to be on a direct pathway to his face.


With the reflexes of a cat, he placed the glove in front of his face, only to feel the ball make impact with his nose through the mitt. However, he didn't have time to feel sorry for himself, quickly turning his attention to his descent.

With the ball secured in his glove, Ken did his best to land on his feet without risking injury. Thankfully, he had the Fine motor control skill, allowing him to control every aspect of his body with relative ease.


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