Ken scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, letting out a laugh.
"Ha haha, sorry coach. I'm a little eager for your feedback if you couldn't tell." He admitted, causing the coach to roll his eyes in response.
"Alright whatever. Take a seat."
Not needing a second invitation, Ken pulled up a chair and stared at the Coach expectantly. He knew that the man would have some news for him, which meant he would finally find out what steps to make in order to improve.
Seiji turned around and saw Ken's face not far from his own.
'Too close…'
"Ahem… Well first off, I want to ask you something." He stated with a serious expression.
"Hmm? Sure, anything."
"How is your body feeling?"
Out of all the questions he could have been asked, this was not something he had expected, leading to an awkward pause.
Ken lifted his arms and moved them around, showing that there was nothing wrong with his movements.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: