
Fame Spreading (2)

Like a zombie, Naoki plucked himself off the bed and walked straight towards the kitchen to make a coffee. The large bags under his eyes and stubble on his chin were evidence that he was lacking sleep.

Only after drawing the curtains and drinking his coffee did he start to feel like a human.

"Maybe I'm getting too old for this." He murmured, staring at the remnants inside of his coffee cup.

Every year in summer, he was forced to travel around the country for weeks on end, scouting talent for Osaka Toin. While the pay was good thanks to the exceptional budget the school allocated to the baseball program, he was beginning to get worn out.

After letting out a stretch, he moved towards his jacket which was hanging on one of the chairs. He pat the pockets down and retrieved a packet of cigarettes, tapping the bottom to force one out.



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