Ken made his way to the car, his face a deep shade of red. His father wore an amused expression and his steps were light. Clearly he was happy.
"Ahh come on Kenny, don't be embarrassed. You haven't pitched in a year, you can't expect to be at the same level you were before." Chris said, seeing that his son had his head lowered.
"Y-Yeah… I'm sorry dad, will that come out of your pay?" He asked tentatively.
Ken could still hear the crunch sound of the land line telephone he had hit with one of his wild pitches, causing another wave of embarrassment to assault him.
"HAHAHA don't worry about it." Chris laughed, slapping his son on the back in good spirit.
"I'm just happy there's no lingering injury left." He said after a while. "Next time something like this happens, I want you to tell me right away. You don't want to ruin your future over hiding an injury."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: