
Chapter 24 Mindset Determines the Way Out, Pattern Determines the Outcome_1

This was a race against time.

Fu Qian kicked down the stone columns to trigger the alarms again, proceeding deftly and swiftly.

This time, he arrived in front of Wen Li's room in less than five minutes.

Kicking the door in, blowing up bowls, and rescuing the person all in one breath.

However, this time he didn't kick Wen Li aside to face the javelin-like stone column.

Taking a deep breath, a savage force converged in his right hand, and as the stone column flew towards him, Fu Qian punched out directly.

In the deafening boom that followed, dust filled the air.

The stone column, thicker than a man's embrace, was hammered into thousands of pieces, raining down like hail within the room.

Fu Qian withdrew his right hand and turned to look at the ash-covered people in the room.

Silence fell as everyone witnessed a scene akin to the descent of a god, their ability to think seemingly halted.

Good, that was exactly the effect he wanted!

"May I ask…"

Wen Xiuxian was the first to snap out of it, carefully observing Fu Qian's face as if weighing his words.

"Sir… what's going on here?"

"There's no time to explain."

Fu Qian grunted, adopting the demeanor of a wise man with his hands behind his back, signaling Wen Xiuxian to look at the Stone Giant that had appeared in the courtyard.

"It's urgent, lead the way to the bunker, or your daughter is as good as dead."


Wen Xiuxian's instinct was to deny, but recalling the terrifying scene of Fu Qian's stone-shattering punch, he swallowed his words.

Although he had seen opulent bunkers built by wealthy elites before, when Fu Qian saw the bunker's massive metal door, nearly two meters thick, slowly opening, he realized he had underestimated the extent of their fear of death.

"This is it."

Wen Xiuxian pointed inside the metal door.

"Once activated, this door can only be opened from the inside, it's impossible to open from the outside. The supplies inside are also sufficient to last a very long time, but…"

After recovering from the initial shock, Wen Xiuxian started to hesitate again.

Having a stranger suddenly appear in your house, insisting on ushering you into a bunker without a word of explanation, would make anyone suspicious.

What's more, the stranger was dressed in a standard security uniform, the words "Guwei" on his chest shining brightly.

This had to be a Transcendent of at least Sixth Phase, right? How come I wasn't aware that this security company was so formidable!

"Do we really need to hide in here? Who are these people after all?"

"People capable enough to kill you all, and it's not 'we'."

Fu Qian pointed behind Wen Xiuxian.

"Only Wen Li and I will enter, everyone else leave. Without my command, no one is allowed to approach, or they'll face summary execution."

"Who the hell do you think you are, giving orders like that!"

As Wen Xiuxian stood dumbstruck, unable to speak, a voice roared from behind. Young Master Ye, who had rushed over upon hearing the commotion, could not hold back any longer.

He probably hadn't seen what Fu Qian did just moments earlier; Fu Qian spared him a glance.

Compared to Wen Xiuxian and the others, the group accompanying Young Master Ye looked a lot cleaner.

They must have only just entered the Wen Family Mansion when he smashed the stone column.

"You don't want to die, do you?"

Fu Qian didn't pay him any mind and turned to Wen Li instead.

Miss Wen had her head and face drenched with poison soup and then washed with lime; she looked quite pitiful at the moment.

Even so, her beauty could not be concealed, and she now had an added touch of vulnerability that made her all the more appealing.

No wonder Young Master Ye was quick to protest upon hearing Fu Qian's suggestion.


Wen Li, having had a scare not long ago, also showed a different kind of hesitation in her eyes.

"Can we go somewhere else?"


Confirming that her will to live was strong and that she wasn't on the verge of a mental breakdown, Fu Qian unceremoniously kicked her into the bunker and immediately activated the switch.

"How dare you!"

A roar came from behind; Young Master Ye, completely ignored, lashed out. A fierce gust of wind raced towards Fu Qian's back.


He stomped a deep pit into the alloy floor, using the recoil to meet the oncoming attack head-on.

"Be careful!"

A silhouette launched itself forward, reaching ahead of Young Master Ye, attempting to intercept Fu Qian.

I've been waiting for you!

Master Ji, who had been silently posing as an expert, finally couldn't help himself.

Facing an attack many times more fierce than Young Master Ye's, Fu Qian didn't hesitate to meet it head-on.

Fists and feet collided, and energy surged in all directions.

The power from his recent upgrade sent Master Ji flying several meters away.

It wasn't until then that Young Master Ye's belated attack arrived.

Fu Qian didn't dodge or evade, slapping Young Master Ye's face directly, not only interrupting his attack but even sending him flying.

"He's beyond what we can handle!"

After landing and falling into a frenzy, Young Master Ye was grabbed by Master Ji.

"Hurry and call the Night Watchman!"

The latter quickly spat out two sentences, then vomited a mouthful of blood with a 'wah.'

Undoubtedly, as the top expert present, his judgment was not off the mark.

The metal door slowly closed, no one daring to block it any longer.

Standing behind the door, Fu Qian looked at Young Master Ye, his face a mix of fear, resentment, confusion, and various other emotions, and felt a strange sense of "what the husband just saw."

Imagination indeed is the source of filth; Mr. Fu is entirely about healing and saving people, please refrain from conjecturing with such vulgar plotlines.


With that final noise, the metal door finally shut completely, and the safe room fell silent.

Fu Qian turned around; the space inside was quite spacious, with the Wen Family clearly having invested a lot here.

Wen Li had already gotten up, now leaning against the wall, sitting there.

After his upgrade, he had more control over his strength, sure that his kick hadn't caused her any harm.

As their eyes met, Fu Qian sensed something was off.

This woman had even taken the time to wipe her face in the midst of everything!

"I can feel it, you bear me no ill will,"

Wen Li's voice trembled, but she still spoke while catching her breath.

"Can you tell me why you are doing this?"

"To save your life, I've told you before."

"If it's with good intentions, can't we communicate in a more gentle way?"

"We can't."

Fu Qian's face was expressionless, in cycles you're unaware of, the gentle approach had already been tried.

Of course, that was only relatively gentle.

"Then, may I ask how long we will stay here?"

Wen Li suddenly remembered another question.

Fu Qian raised a finger.

"A week... It's not going to be a month, is it?"

Wen Li's expression was quite resistant.


Fu Qian shook his finger.

"One day."

Just one day?

Wen Li's eyes lit up, clearly surprised by the answer.

"Does that mean the assassins will give up after today?"

"No, it means you have one day to break through."

Fu Qian again gestured with his finger.

"From now, start comprehending!"

"If by this time tomorrow you haven't reached the Sixth Phase, I'll strip you bare and throw you out."

"Crying counts against the time too!"

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