
Chapter 20 How did you get along with people_1

By the time the situation was dealt with, dusk had fallen, and the farce had come to an end.

The tough day at the Wen Family Mansion had finally passed.

In the lingering glow of the sunset, the luxurious abode was now riddled with scars, its battle damage coating at max.

Fortunately, the place was large enough that with some tidying up, it was still habitable, but even so, a couple more events like today's could justify razing it and starting anew.

As the chief troublemaker, Fu Qian had successfully earned everyone's respect (fear) through his violent display today.

"Mr. Fu, you have worked hard today. I have already arranged your accommodation,"

said Wen Li, looking like she was on her last legs, but still mustering the energy to speak.

She was one of the few willing to engage in conversation with Fu Qian.

"It was nothing."

Fu Qian spoke nonchalantly, then saw Young Master Ye shiver.

Young people these days sure have a lot of spirit!

After the extent of the commotion, Fu Qian did not believe in burying the hatchet with a smile.

Offend to death then so be it. Whether Young Master Ye wanted to flay him alive, Fu Qian couldn't care less.

Based on previous events, this young master seemed quite keen on preserving his life.

Fu Qian believed that after the incident with the flying corpse from the fourth floor, Young Master Ye would calm down and not make any small moves until he figured out what Fu Qian was all about.

That was all that was needed.

The best part was that no matter how he investigated, he'd only find out that Fu Qian was a regular bodyguard, which would surely leave him paranoid.

With that time, Wen Li should have enough to level up.

Hopefully, she wouldn't be too disappointing by then.


A night without incident.

When Fu Qian woke up from the luxurious bed, daylight was already shining brightly.

Ever since becoming a Transcendent, Fu Qian found himself constantly in a state of abundant energy, making sleep somewhat unnecessary for him.

But as a sleep enthusiast, he still habitually rested in bed.

The bedroom prepared for his rest, though makeshift, was evidently lavish, not a mere guest room.

It wasn't until Wen Li walked into the adjacent room yawning that Fu Qian finally confirmed he had been led to the master bedroom of the mansion.

It seemed the Wen Family truly were frightened.

A maid had been waiting outside early, calling Fu Qian over for a meal.

As Fu Qian arrived at the dining room, Wen Li was gracefully having breakfast, appearing much more refreshed.

It was unclear if she had taken his advice, but the number of servants today was noticeably smaller.

Listen to advice and eat your fill—Wen Xiuxian was quite pragmatic.

"Good morning, Mr. Fu, feel free to ask the kitchen to prepare whatever you'd like to eat."

Wen Li greeted Fu Qian politely, smiling as she explained why Wen Xiuxian was absent.

"Father has some matters to take care of and left early in the morning."

Rich people have their troubles, too!

Fu Qian mused to himself, settling down to enjoy a few small dishes.

The taste made the trouble worth it!

"Mr. Fu, regarding the security arrangements, do you see any areas that need improvement? I will have them fully cooperate with you,"

Wen Li showed the proper breeding of a well-born lady, only starting to inquire after finishing her breakfast.

"There certainly is a lot of room for improvement, so much so that there's no longer a need to improve."

Fu Qian didn't even lift his head.

He was telling the truth; Wen Family's current security might seem tight, but that was under the assumption the enemy was a regular assassin.

To a non-human that excelled in stealth and infiltration, it was as if riddled with holes.


"So you still recommend that I hide in a safe house?"

Wen Li sighed.

"Due to some reasons, unless it's absolutely necessary, I'd rather not resort to that. I'll discuss it with my father when he returns."

As it turned out, the trouble arrived faster than Wen Xiuxian's return.

Not long after, a servant rushed in with a tense expression to announce that a special guest had arrived, asking specifically for Fu Qian.

Before Wen Li could say anything, the door was pushed open from the outside.

A woman clad in all black with a poker face walked in.

Though her attire was simple, her presence was commanding, like a drawn mace whose path no one dared meet with their gaze.

She marched up to the dining table, her sharp eyes scanning over everyone's faces before they settled on Fu Qian.

"Mr. Fu?"

"That's possible."

"Group Leader Tan, what brings you here today?"

The moment he saw who it was, Wen Li's expression turned particularly ugly. Seeing her target Fu Qian directly, he couldn't help but speak out as the host.

"Just a matter I need to discuss with Mr. Fu here."

The woman with the surname Tan did not even glance at Wen Li while staring down Fu Qian with obvious hostility, gesturing to the side.

"Mr. Fu, please come with me."

The people here are so arrogant, one after another.

Fu Qian could naturally tell that this woman was no ordinary person—definitely a Transcendent, with quite impressive strength.

Could it really be that too much muscle causes one's brain to degenerate?

"Group Leader Tan, what do you mean by this?"

Before Fu Qian could respond, Wen Li, who was beside him, was already panicking.

"Mr. Fu is currently working and it is not convenient for him to leave."

"This is the second time. Is Group Leader Tan targeting the Wen Family on purpose?"

The second time?

Fu Qian realized something.

"The Night Watchman?"


Wen Li nodded slightly, not forgetting to introduce her to Fu Qian.

"This is Ms. Tan Mingxue, the Group Leader of the second group of the city's Night Watchman team. We have had some interactions before."


When the woman entered, Fu Qian had already sensed it vaguely.

Last night, before going to sleep, he had taken the trouble to learn a little about the organization with which he had several encounters.

In this world, the Night Watchman was one of the largest organizations and a particularly special entity, with almost all things related to transcendental powers under its control.

With an exalted status and overwhelming strength, Night Watchman teams spread across various regions, maintaining the order of the entire Transcendent world.

Almost no one wished to oppose them.

In fact, it was because of their existence that ordinary people could survive the struggles of the non-humans and maintain a normal life.

No wonder this lady was so brazen. Anyone backed by such an organization could inadvertently develop the habit of being overbearing.

As for the "interactions" mentioned by Wen Li, they must not have been pleasant experiences.

Fu Qian recalled the incident Wen Li mentioned the day before.

Having hired a powerful bodyguard, they unexpectedly had him taken away by the Night Watchman for being unclean.

The second time must refer to that incident.

How on earth does your family get along with people to deserve such undermining?

While Fu Qian was contemplating, Wen Li had already started to complain.

"Group Leader Tan had a reason for her last visit, and after understanding it, we fully cooperated. Today, you should at least give us a reason, right?"

"A reason?"

Tan Mingxue seemed to hear something amusing.

"Miss Wen is overthinking it; the Night Watchman isn't bored enough to target your family."

"As for Mr. Fu, surely you don't think you can kill someone here and act as if nothing happened?"

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