
Chapter 13: Enlightened (Edited)

After running, Alan returned to his mother's car. After Alice returned to the car, she hugged Alan, and this was filmed by a journalist. She hurriedly asked the driver to drive out of there.

In the car, Alice kept thinking about what happened, and at the same time, she knew that Alan wasn't a fragile boy. But now, after thinking about it, she asked herself, or was it that Alan was just pretending to be alright, but inside, he was still a little boy?

As for Alan, he felt a little guilty seeing how his mother kept frowning and was lost in thought.

He then said, "Sorry."

Alice responded, "Alan, do you not consider me as your mother? I have remarked many times that you aren't casual with me, and you will be careful when speaking to me as if you are afraid of making me sad. I never told you to consider how your situation was, but now I need you to truly understand that I am your mother. From the moment I adopted you, I took the engagement of making you happy and treating you as my son."

She added, "So if you have any problem, something that is bothering you, everyone is doubting you, remember that you have me."

Alan pondered, thinking about his life after being reborn. He became more scheming. He still didn't let go of his past life, and he became careful to the point of even planning his future, which is not like him, who considers himself an Otaku.

And after thinking about what happened now, it seems that he became selfish because he just considered not being harassed by the media. As for himself considering his family for not being harassed, it seems that he was just hypnotizing himself.

He didn't take into consideration how his mother, grandparents, and Amy would feel after they saw him doing this. Like now, his mother must feel guilty as if it was her fault, but in fact, it didn't have anything to do with her.

Alan seems to be suddenly enlightened. He let out a sincere smile and said, "I am sorry, Mom. It seems I have lost myself in the quest for glory and thinking of myself as someone glorious, ignoring your feelings. So thank you very much." After finishing speaking, he took the initiative of giving Alice a hug for the first time.

At the same time, he had a great inspiration for what to choose for their first song after becoming adults, him and Amy, as the song applies to the situation of Amy and himself.

The weekend, two days before the start of the audition.

When Alan saw Amy, he immediately apologized to her, as he did to his mother, and at the same time shared the song that would be their first song, although it is a copy of a song from his past life.

At the same time, they reached an agreement that Alan would be the songwriter of the band because, after listening to the acapella of the song, they knew that Alan would take care of her emotions in the future when writing songs, as he would not let herself feel as if he didn't need her. So she took the initiative of letting the songwriting job to him. She knew she would only drag Alan in this as her strength lies in her great variety of vocals.

Today is the day of the audition. Seeing the members in charge of the protection of children, he knew that he would think of returning to school because if not for this, his mother would be bothered by the organization ensuring the protection of children and questioned by the media.

Nevertheless, he will share his thoughts with his mother after the filming ends.

Now looking at the submitted files of children after being filtered by people from Columbia Pictures, there are still about two hundred files left.

Now about one hundred and twenty among the two hundred children did the audition. He saw many familiar faces during the audition and has already selected many for roles as the 200 children all meet the requirements from the AI data.

After the audition today, he already has selected the role of the children who will play many roles of young people like the revised version of Asta, Yuno, or Mimosa and Noelle.

Now what remains is the selection of adult actors who will play the role of the revised version of Yami, Captain Vengeance, or also Julius, and that would be difficult because these adults are different from children.

Although they have acting skills, the problem is how they will act after being ordered by a child and how they will sign a trilogy contract as the children did because Alan didn't want any unnecessary trouble after the movie became popular.