
Worst Timing

The sun had already set, and the sky had turned a deep shade of blue, casting eerie shadows over the house. Louder growls and footsteps could be heard from outside as zombies seemed to emerge from their hiding places. Fortunately, Kia had predicted this and had finished barricading the doors and windows in case of a break-in.

He rummaged through the kitchen for any food supplies, but most of what was left had gone rotten, and the few that remained were stored in cans.

The lights around the house flickered on and off as Kia sat on a couch, eating what looked like canned soup. The growls from the bedroom continued, but Kia paid them no attention.

There was no point in killing them since they were cuffed, making them not a threat. Besides, he was going to leave here as soon as the sun rose the next morning, so why take the risk of potentially being bitten? He had taken extra precautions by barricading the bedroom door, just in case.

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