
Siege on the Azarin Empire's capital (V)

The siege of Radiance City continued relentlessly through the week. The forces of the Xaos Kingdom kept up their unyielding assault, launching massive explosive boulders, flaming spears, and metallic pillars at the white walls of the Azarin Empire's capital. Each strike consumed more and more of the city's energy.

The Xaos forces would bombard the walls throughout the day, rest for only a few hours during the night, and then resume their barrage with renewed vigor.

Inside the city, Richard and the other generals worked tirelessly to find a solution. Though they hadn't yet discovered a way to stop the barrage, they had made progress in bolstering their forces. With the emperor's support, Richard convinced Pope Jerom to lend some of the Church of Glory's warriors to the war effort. 

It hadn't been easy, requiring delicate negotiations and numerous concessions, but finally, five hundred Paladins and one hundred Priests joined the Azarin Empire's military ranks.

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