

" Tatian was here a few days ago" Angelina spoke up as we sat at her Kitchen counter sipping tea.

" What did she want ?" I demanded a scowl.

" To get the facts right and how to be by your side without Elisera coming to judge her. Angelina supplied.

" This is crazy," I muttered.

" How long are you going to deny it ?" Angelina demanded.

" I better deny it. I can't handle what is happening " I whispered in guilt.

" The two of you have danced around each other for years. You were just caught up in an obsession with Emmet, but your true love lies with your Tatian Esme. That girl fiercely protected you and she has a good soul. She has been hurt in the past and used her attitude to defend herself.

" Hurt?" My eyes widened. " Hurt by whom?"

" Aren't you aware of how Tatian was bullied since you adopted her?" Angelina seemed surprised.

" What ?" My eyes widened in shock.

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