
Chapter 88 - A Chance to Thrive

POV: Third Person.

Sinister Island, Savage Land.

After the fight against Sinister.

"Then this is the whole story."

I was just informed about everything that happened since the beginning of my fight against Sinister to everyone present, Magneto, Xavier, and Ka-zar, were sitting in front of me with their groups behind them, the brotherhood and the X-men ignored the Savage Land group and were looking at each other with anger ready to restart the fight once again.

"I should have realized that Magnus was being controlled." Xavier says looking at his friend.

"The drug I was under the effect of was different from mind control, I simply became susceptible to Sinister's suggestion, so it would be very difficult to notice that, not even my own men noticed."

Magneto says looking at his men who didn't notice that their leader was strange. The brotherhood can do nothing but lower their heads and stay silent.

"I owe you Ka-Zar, my deepest gratitude, if you hadn't freed my students, none of us would probably have arrived in time to prevent the worst." Xavier says looking at Ka-Zar.

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't even be able to get close to this place. I was just paying my debt to you, for giving me the chance to rescue my wife."

Ka-Zar says smiling looking at the beautiful blonde woman behind him.

"Even though the experiment was interrupted, it doesn't mean that it didn't have a small success. I saw with my own eyes what one of Sinister's creatures did, if he really managed to create something as powerful as that, it must be destroyed."

Magneto says looking at Sinister's castle.

"Sinister has a much higher intelligence than ours about mutant genetics, I don't know if he was successful or not, but Nightcrawler has already taken Jean and Scott to be examined by Hank." Xavier says.

"I don't think Doctor Hank will find anything wrong with your two students Xavier. Amora is also rummaging through his personal laboratory for any creation or indication of one, if she finds it, she will destroy it along with the laboratory."

Sinister's lair is infested with traps and secret passages, it would be very difficult for the X-men or the Brotherhood to move around in it, but all of this is useless to a sorceress like Amora. Some of the mutants didn't like this very much, luckily they were smart enough to know that we don't need their permission.

(In the process, she will probably steal Sinister's research data.)

Sinister's information was created from thousands of lives lost in his experiments, I can't resurrect the dead. The best I can do is use this data for a good purpose.

"Now that the demon is dead, and what remains of my people is safe, it's time to go back."

Ka-Zar stands up and says goodbye to us saying that if we come to visit the Savage Land again, they could always look for him, then he crossed the jungle leaving only the mutants and me alone.

"Now that we are only here, we have to go to the main subject."

Magneto speaks, looking at me.

"And what would that be, Magneto?" I ask.

"The technology of Genosha!"

(I knew he wouldn't miss this chance to try something.)

"I was a fool, and I was controlled by Sinister to attack you, but I'm sure that with your technology, I could create a safe place for all mutants."


Xavier shouts, trying to stop Magneto. He probably thought Magneto was going to start a fight with me again, but I don't think he will.

"I'm not being controlled now, Charles, I'm not foolish enough to fight him here. Instead, I would like to make a deal to acquire the technology of Genosha."

"What do you have to offer?"

"Me and my men."

He says, shocking all the mutants here. He's literally saying he'll be under my command.

"You don't need to." I say simply.

"Isn't my loyalty and that of my men not enough for you?" He asks, with shock and a bit of anger in his voice.

"No. Having a man with your powers and intelligence under my command would be of great help, what I mean is that I will give you the technology you want for free."

Ignoring the shock of the whole group, only Magneto managed to stay calm looking at me.

"I highly doubt that anything can be given for free in this world."

"It's not entirely free. To be correct, I have a proposal for you, in fact, it would be better to say a proposal for all mutants."

"I don't think we can decide on behalf of all mutants." Xavier says.

"You two are the two most powerful mutant organizations on Earth, there is no mutant government, so you are the best to decide whether to accept or not."

"He's right Charles. Let him speak." Magneto says.

The two look at me waiting for me to speak, I am now organizing my thoughts for a plan that will probably save thousands of mutant lives, if either of these two accept what I am going to say.

"To be direct, I will give the technology you ask for to protect the mutant race, and make them prosper, but not on Earth." I say without beating around the bush.

"You want to move all mutants to an alien planet!?"

Magneto was the first to understand what I said.

"This is the best way I can think of to ensure that your race is not destroyed."

"You could give us your technology and we could form our own country" Magneto says.

"Even if that happens, it would only become more problems for you. First, nations would not stand by watching another superpower being born, not to mention the large number of anti-mutant groups and other organizations that would try in any way to attack you."

"So, how would your suggestion be different?" Xavier asks.

"The opinion about mutants is not very good, if you disclose that you would be moving to another world, governments would not only do nothing but also help you, they are crazy to end the powder keg that is mutants."

"I do not accept. We must fight for mutant rights here in our homeland."

Xavier speaks firmly, Magneto is silent, contemplating my proposal.

"As you say, the governments of the world will probably help us, but I doubt they will just do that. They will probably force those mutants who don't want to leave to do so just to get rid of them," Xavier continues.

"Yes. That is possible, but even so, this is the best option," I continue selling my idea.

"But it's not the only one!"

"Yes, Xavier, I understand. Fight for mutant rights. Let's say then that you succeed in this in the future, all mutants being treated equally by law and accepted by a large part of humans, even if that happens, there are always exceptions. Look at African-Americans for example, even having achieved their rights, they are still fighting against prejudice that kills hundreds of them every year. What I'm giving to mutants is not just a chance for them to build their own place to live and be safe, I'm giving them a chance to prosper."

I didn't think he could accept my offer right away, I am still the man who killed his brother, as for Magneto.

"What planet are you referring to?"

He asks.

"A planet without a name in our neighboring galaxy, it is almost the same size as Earth, it has a rich flora and fauna similar to Earth. It also does not have any intelligent race, avoiding future conflicts."

"And how are we going to get to this planet?" Magneto continues his series of questions that I calmly answer.

"Genosha has portal technology. Going to this planet will be as simple as taking a step, we will place one of the portals on an isolated island where mutants will have total control, like a mutant embassy, we can provide protection. But only from the Earth portal, in the other world, everything will depend on the mutants."

"And the living conditions?"

"It's easy for us to build a simple city for thousands of people in a few days, supplies will also not be a problem."

"And who would be in charge of this Eden of yours?"

"We will not interfere with the affairs of the mutants, you can decide for yourself who to obey. As I said, I will give mutants a chance to prosper, but I will not be your nanny."

Magneto remains calm and thinking about my words, he certainly has a lot to think about, the other mutants around us show looks of interest and denial.

"I just have one more question. Why are you helping us?"

I couldn't simply tell him that I read about the probable future of mutants, I have lost count of how many times I have seen mutants being massacred and their kingdoms destroyed, this is one of the reasons why I was against the creation of a mutant country on Earth.

"I have had a long life, and there is nothing sadder than seeing an entire race being gradually destroyed, that's why I'm helping."

"I accept!"

Magneto speaks with a strong voice as if he had made the most difficult decision of his life.

(This was faster than I thought it would be.)

"I am already making arrangements, in a few days, everything will be ready and you can then announce to the world the emergence of a new world, don't worry about the other nations, Genosha will help as needed."

"Thank you."

After giving him a communication device, he and his team left, leaving me alone with Xavier and his students.

"Here, Xavier."

I threw him a communicator just like the one I gave to Magneto.

"Why? I didn't accept your proposal." He asks.

"In the future, you will probably need help, not for you, but for your students. I just hope that your hatred for the man who killed your brother doesn't prevent you from doing the right thing."

Xavier looks at me with a blank expression on his face.

"You killed my only family."

Xavier's voice was cold and emotionless.

"He was a wild fool who would use his powers to cause pain to many innocents."

"He was my brother."

"That doesn't change what he is."

This conversation is going nowhere, so I get up from my chair and look at Logan, who is standing with his arms crossed watching all the events.

"If you want to know who you were, Logan, you should look for Sergeant William Stryker."

Before he can respond, I disappear from in front of them, becoming invisible. I head towards the castle to find Amora, and then finally return home.

POV: Third Person

Unknown Location

A Few Hours After the Fight Against Sinister

In a plain bathed by moonlight, a "ball of flesh" is left alone. The lifeless thing then suddenly began to squirm and vibrate as if it had come to life. It began to stretch and take the form of a human with two legs and two arms. A few minutes later, Sinister re-emerges, fully restored to his perfect form, wearing his beautiful black armor.

"Just wait, next time I won't be so kind with my plans."

He says calmly, looking at the night sky of the savage land.

"I don't think you'll get the chance!"

A second voice echoes throughout the plain, startling Sinister.

"Who is it?"

The night sky distorts and transforms into a golden painted screen, the ground shrinks until it is a few kilometers, where Sinister is in the center.

"Have you forgotten me?"

Then a gigantic being appears, holding the entire terrain, with Sinister in his hand.


Sinister exclaims, startled.

"You really thought your little trick of playing dead would work?"

Baldur says, smiling at Sinister.

"Where am I?"

"In my dimension, I brought you here when you did your trick. Here I can create almost anything. And I can also destroy in the same way."


"Goodbye, Mr. Sinister."

Baldur, in his gigantic form, squeezes his hand around Sinister, destroying his body at a subatomic level, making it impossible for him to regenerate again.

"Really a persistent cockroach, if I didn't have a little knowledge about souls, I would probably also be fooled."

Then Baldur opens a door out of his dimension, where he returns to his kingdom to rest.

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