

Alfred: Conor! When did you get here?

Conor : Today.

Alexa: It is you again.

Alfred: Do you know him?

Alexa: He came to chat a little with me when I was seated all bored in a corner and I did not get his name.

Alfred: Conor, they do not leave beautiful women hanging ,at least introduce yourself to her properly.

Conor: Well, sorry about the last time we met, my name is George Conor and am a child hood friend to Alfred White.

Alexa: My name is Alexandria , a childhood friend to Diana Lands.

Conor: Nice meeting you again! Oh yes! I had the News, where is she?

Alfred: Whom are we talking about Conor?

Conor: Our wife?

Alfred remembers he has not introduced Diana to Conor so he tells Diana to meet his child hood friend Conor but Diana is displeased with his actions because amidst being among them, he forgets to recognize her presence so she says;

Diana: It took you sometime to notice I was right here in the same place with all of you but like they say the most important people get the best food, I guess this is why I am the last person to be introduced to you Conor.

Conor: It is my pleasure to meet the most reknown and respected dangerous daughter of a billionaire.

Diana: I shall take that as a compliment then.

With the sarcasm used in each of the two people's interactions leaves the on lookers who are Alexa and Alfred laughing softly as this combination they have here is what they need to make a party to be a blast.

Brief description of George Conor

George Conor is a loving, hardworking, patient person, filled with sarcastic humor which makes him unique and also a straight forward person . Because of these unique traits of his is the reason why he turned out to be one of Alfred's close friends after meeting at the Kings School of Morals . Kings School of Morals is a modern school known for the high end people and the reason for it's existence is to train those rich children with no sense of purpose and poor character ,life skills to make them exceptional beings who are of great importance and outstanding character.

While the young adults are familiarising another gentleman all dressed in a blue tuxedo and a short textured quiff and midfade hair cut taps on Alfred's shoulder which makes him turn towards the person who has knocked on him.

Alfred: Finally you made your way through.

Daniel: You do not say, being famous is good but also very tiresome and demanding. Can you imagine I have been all tied up with dealing with these rich tycoons and all getting hooked up so as to be like your wife, just know you are at the peak of your life.

Alfred: Are you interested in being me, because if you are I can just switch positions with you.

Daniel: No ,my friend am still enjoying to be a bachelor.

Alfred: Hahhahhaah , you are funny my friend, you are not enjoying to be a bachelor but to change women like clothes, enjoy my friend.

Daniel: In just a few days you are speaking like you have been in a relationship for the longest time.

Alfred: No, not in a relationship but I have some manners which you clearly don't have .

Daniel: No, no my friend it wouldn't have been you saying that about yourself because we all know that you are a devil in sheep skin.

Alfred: mmmmm let us not go there.

Daniel: Sorry I did not introduce myself to the entire remaining team, my name is Daniel Sulphur a very close friend to Alfred.

George Conor: I know you ,why are you introducing yourself to me then?

Daniel: Well the introduction goes for everyone except you ofcourse.

Alexa : Hello, my name is Alexa.

Diana: Diana.

Daniel: Nice meeting both of you beautiful ladies, I should say I found my speck this time.

George: Which of the two exactly?

Daniel: Both of them because one compliments the other .

Alfred: On top of the harem you have you still want to add these ones as well, I will surely give you Diana she will definitely put you in your place.

Diana: Mannerless, I would definitely leave him a cripple.

Daniel: The ice queen is something else I like her already, but as a sister in law nothing else which leaves me with the lawful wife to parade my charm.

Alfred: Respect people and the function we are at, this is my WIFE'S friend.

George; RIGHT, I second you.

Daniel: Why don't you let the lady in question speak for herself it seems as though she has bodyguards around her.

By the way George even you too, is there something I do not know about?

George: You are so petty always making small things to take a big toll.

Alexa: Have somefruit cocktail Daniel, I really have enjoyed your personality.

Daniel: Thanks. See ,Alexa approves of my charm.

Diana: You are not serious, after he has made you a topic of his childish discussion you welcome him.

Alexa: I just enjoy being around people who like making themselves look like fools in front of others.

Everyone is shocked by Alexa's response inclusive of Diana because she knows Alexa as a calm and humble being but her come back towards Daniel is remarkable and with that said all the others end up laughing at Daniel what is more is that Conor acts like a football referee in this situation and he says" Diana has one point and Daniel is still on ZERO " . All the rest of the new found friends as they are end up laughing again and in another corner, Jasleen tells her husband to see how the children are seemingly happy in each other's company and tells him maybe it is not as bad as I thought. It is true opposites tend to have a magnet pulling them to each other like now, and the husband says I hope to live with in this moment without a worry for what is to happen in the future.

Brief description about Daniel.

Daniel is a cocky, flirty , charming and a carefree person and that is why you see that the largest percentage of people around him are actually women and the most top trait that is so appealing is he is secretive and knows to value a friendship because he believes once brothers, always brothers,a good motto to always trust your brothers.

Jemimah is searching for the apple of her eye and once she sees her she is relieved because in their world that they live in everything is possible however when she sees her daughter happily laughing she can not help but be glad that atleast she can see the child like side of her daughter with laughing of no boundaries and that has been brought about by her son inlaw .How she is sure he is the one is because of the men standing near her daughter and Alexa and knows she has not met them before but judging by the way they are comfortable around each other she has this feeling that there is nothing to worry about.


Hello readers enjoy the story , and keep immersing yourselves in those characters,it is such a beautiful experience.Thanks.

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