
To Embarrass Me

For a split second, Roselia almost forgot Cruden was an Alpha. And not just any Alpha, but THE Alpha. 

The couple entered the city, where people from various paths alike walked and interacted with each other. Unlike a pack town, metropolitans like this one brimmed with vampires, werewolves, and humans with little hints of animosity and concealed discrimination. From afar, the races mingled, but beneath the surface, vampires sneered at werewolves and humans flinched when a werewolf brushed them. 

To no one's surprise, one in every belonged to Tiberias Pack. They were one of the largest packs in the world, boasting power, strength, and control in every of life from politicians to athletes to everyday employees. 

Cecil's father once talked about how the Tiberias had every connection necessarily in their pockets, just begging to be used. 

'They're monsters,' Cecil warned Roselia. 'No wolf can torture like Tiberias men do.'


The second Cruden stepped out of the car, everyone on the sidewalk stopped for him. They paused and hurriedly bowed with a fist over their heart in loyalty and greeting. Even the people who weren't from Tiberias Pack halted, lowering their gaze in respect. 

Roselia could see their knees tremble and cold sweat dribble. A few droplets landed on the pavement, their entire forms quivering as if Cruden threatened their lives. The tension was thick, clutching her by the throat and immobilizing her.

"You'll like this neighborhood. There's less skyscrapers and more brownstones," Cruden's voice snapped her back to reality. His presence alone could stop the green lights. Not a single car dared to drive in his presence.

Roselia gulped when Cruden offered his hand to her once more. She took it, tripping out of the car in the process. Her pupils trembled. She was frightened by how many eyes were on her and the large crowd being formed around them. With a scrambled mind of eerie blankness, she abruptly forgot all of her Alpha daughter training. 

"A table for two." 

The host glanced around the filled restaurant, where every table was occupied. People in elegant attires waited patiently by the door, seated and frozen, hurriedly bowing at his presence. All conversation ceased to exist. The silence was deafening.

"Alpha Tiberias!" All of the patrons rose from their chairs, eager to offer their spot for them.

Roselia could barely breathe. She tried to concentrate on a poker face, but she paled by his side. She hated when people looked at her, as if analyzing her from head to toe. Judging her. Questioning her. Wondering why a treacherous woman like her was with him. Her mind began to spin.

"In a private area. Now," Cruden warned, just as the head manager rushed to the front.

"R-right away, Alpha Tiberias, p-please follow me." The shaking man said that, but he was a step behind Cruden. Even so, he was quick to lead the directions.

"Breathe," Cruden whispered into Roselia's ear, causing her to jolt and jump. He slid his palm upon her hip, squeezing in reassurance as she tried to calm her speeding heart. She bobbed her head, but her lungs tightened and she couldn't even utter a single word. 

Roselia stumbled and he held her grounded. "I…" she was beginning to see black dots, her mind spinning.

How many years had it been since Roselia showed her face to the public? Since she was surrounded by this many people? It was overwhelming. Her ankle buckled and she nearly fell face down. Cruden didn't let her. His grip tightened, steadying her and she gripped onto his suit jacket in terror.

"Relax," Cruden reassured her, as the manager led them to a private garden in the back where a willow tree stood proud. Long branches swayed against the breeze, pushing air back into Roselia.

When they were all alone, Roselia sucked in air.

"I'm sorry," Roselia finally squeezed out, realizing what a fool she was making of herself.

"Not your fault." Cruden helped her into her seat. She plopped down, gripping onto the ivory-white table to steady herself.

A waiter came instantly, bowing deeply at the Alpha's presence. In his apron pockets were a phone and multiple pens. "I am honored to serve you today, Alpha Tiberias."

"You are in fantastic hands, Alpha," the manager beamed, despite the clear sheen of sweat on his forehead and his soaked armpits. "Lennon here is our best—"

"Leave us."

Lennon quickly placed the black and beige menu down, then, the two scurried out with their tails tucked between their legs. 

Now, it was just the two of them, once more.

Finally, Roselia could breathe again. She shut her eyes, but was finding it difficult.

"Feel the iciness of the white metal table," Cruden's reassuring voice filled her. 

Roselia did as she was told.

"Hear the willow branches rustle. Relish the soft breeze of spring under the shade of the willow branches. Inhale the scent of the freshly mowed grass, little petal."

Roselia nodded, as her pulse lulled and she inhaled.

"Taste the sweetness of this sugar cube."

Roselia was surprised as she felt him push something through her lips. She bit down as the sugar attacked all of her senses. She cringed at the overwhelming sweetness, just for something cold to touch her mouth once more.


Roselia opened her eyes in time to obey his words and drink from the iced lemon water. Immediately, she was taken back to reality, grounded in this moment and with him beside her. Shielding her from the sun. Guiding her through her panic. He was all that she could see. All that she could focus.

He was her husband.

"I didn't mean to embarrass you," Roselia whispered, her attention finally drifting to their surroundings. They were in a lovely garden surrounded by well-maintained flowers as if this was an expensive backyard. Just beyond the fences, she could see other brownstones and people on rooftops. Their silhouettes were tiny, but she focused on them anyway as a form of distraction.

"Don't be foolish," Cruden coldly said. "It'd take a lot more than that to embarrass me."

Roselia blinked, taking him in. 

Sapphire eyes. Straight shoulders. Strict suit. Hair as golden as the light peaking through the willow branches. For a brief moment, his ruthlessness and heart of ice melted away. The leaves rustled behind him, her erratic breathing slowing under his radiance. For a second, he was just Cruden. He was just the man comforting her. He wasn't a bloodthirsty Alpha coated in blood slithering out of the darkness.

"Next time you have a panic attack, you must fulfill all of your five senses," Cruden's voice was a gentle caress on her goosebump skin. A contrast to his commanding tone that others were accustomed to. 

Roselia blinked.

"Recall your touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste in the exact moment, and you'll return to reality," Cruden stated.

Roselia didn't realize she had unshed tears until she blinked, and a lone droplet slid down her cheek. Hot. Bitter. He wiped it away, ruffling the top of her head. She was distracted by his warm palm which seemed to pat her with reassurance. Where did he learn this coping mechanism from? 

"Noah used to have panic attacks all the time as a child," Cruden said, almost reading her face. "And now, look at him, he's a spoiled brat who needs some senses smacked into him."

Roselia giggled. Curt and quick. Even so, his jaw unclenched, and he inhaled sharply. His eyes widened at her reaction.

Today was the first time she laughed because of him. 

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