
Chapter 19: A Lucky Bloke

March 5th, 1976

The Elder Wand swirled over the large piece of parchment, revealing thin lines of black ink. Harry closed his eyes and pushed his magic and intent into the almost finished product. Soon it would be done!

"Homonocolum Totalum."

He gave the map a short jab with his wand, right in its center, and watched as the lines spread out from the point of impact. The ground floor appeared, followed by the Great Hall, the courtyard, and greenhouses. He watched in delight as the lines spread out even further, reaching all the way to Hagrid's Hut, the Whomping Willow, the edge to the Black Lake, the Forbidden Forest, and even the village of Hogsmeade.

Harry grinned: The ground floor and level zero were finally completed. Time to work on the lower levels, including the dungeons. He flipped the page over once and repeated his action. The result was more than satisfactory. Slughorn's office, the potions classroom, and the Slytherin common room all appeared on the previously blank piece of parchment.

Harry repeated the movement once more for the further dungeons and storage rooms deep with the castle's foundation. That should be the entire area he was able to plot below the ground floor. Naturally, the Chamber of Secrets lay even lower, but with only Harry being able to go down there, there was not really a point in plotting it. He folded the map back together and placed it on the desk in front of him. The other floors, all the way to the top of the Astronomy Tower would follow tomorrow. For now, he needed a break.

It was March already, meaning Harry had been back in the 1970s for over two months... His multitude of interferences, be it the exposure of Rookwood or killing Malfoy, had all changed the timeline in unpredictable ways. And so did his encounter from four nights ago.

Going after the Gaunt's Ring had been the only logical step Harry could think of. The other Horcruxes were in unknown positions or even in close proximity to the Dark Lord himself. Since the Ring had been created so early, Harry had concluded that it should have been hidden for a few decades as well. He had been correct. Voldemort must have hidden the Ring before taking his leave from Britain, perhaps during the time he worked at Borgin & Burke's.

Still, the mission had not turned out ideally. While the Horcrux had been destroyed successfully, Voldemort had somehow been alerted of his presence and arrived before Harry was able to apparate away. He had been extremely lucky that he managed to slip under his Invisibility cloak just in time before the Dark Lord entered the shack. It was certainly not the way he had envisioned his first encounter with the Dark Lord. Harry had not expected to even see the man for the next two years, since Voldemort was mainly operating from the underground and shadows.

Regardless, it happened. Since Voldemort discovered that someone had intended to destroy his Horcrux, Harry had decided to use the situation to his advantage as best as possible. Speaking Parseltongue to the man would ensure that Voldemort will be occupied for quite some time to figure out who could have potentially breached his barriers.

Undoubtedly the Dark Lord's first instinct would have been to suspect Dumbledore of the discovery of his secret. The headmaster knew him the longest and might be brilliant enough to penetrate his defenses. However, a Parselmouth would add a completely new character to the game. One, that would undoubtedly concern Voldemort greatly. After all, the man truly considered himself to be the last living descendant of Salazar Slytherin.

It was rather ironic... Harry honestly wished he could have remained at the Shack to witness Voldemort's entire reaction. Although, he could imagine how things would have turned out. In his original timeline, Voldemort had reacted to the destruction of his Horcruxes most unpleasantly...

However, all in all, the night had not been a total disaster. One more Horcrux was down, leaving Harry with three remaining fractions of the Dark Lord's soul. In addition, Harry thought that the dinner with the McKinnons went quite well, all things considered. If Lord McKinnon wished to strengthen the standing of his House via political alliances, then allowing Harry to court his daughter would be the most logical choice. Especially since the man seemed really keen to improve his relations with the Blacks and Potters.

Nevertheless, Harry had not yet heard anything from the McKinnons. Unfortunately, with the return of Lestrange to Hogwarts, Marlene and he had been unable to speak to each other over the last few days. The seventh-year Slytherin never let the blonde Ravenclaw out of his sight and she was always followed by one of his minions. Harry would simply have to wait until the McKinnons contacted him with a decision.

Hopefully, it would be soon. Watching Marlene being paraded around the school on the arm of Lestrange, usually resulted in Harry almost cursing the git into bloody pieces. Luckily Sirius and James always intervened just in time and either diverted him or quickly pulled him away from the scene... Harry, therefore, spent a lot of time in the Room of Requirements, either working on the map or getting accustomed to the Peverell family magic.

Harry was undoubtedly better equipped to fight Death Eaters and the Dark Lord in his current physical and mental state, compared to when he had been a seventeen-year-old child. Back then, Voldemort and even the majority of Death Eaters wielded magic he had never even encountered, let alone read about before.

That would be different this time around. Though Harry would not dare to compare himself to the likes of Dumbledore, Voldemort, or Grindelwald, he knew he had just as much potential as any of them. The only thing he was lacking was the knowledge and experience that came with age. Thus, Harry would perfect anything that might help him minimize the difference in skill. Starting from his daily workouts, magical and physical, coupled with diversifying his knowledge of ancient sorcery and powerful destructive spells.

Because one thing was certain: The Prophecy might not have been spoken by Sybill Trelawney in this timeline. Yet, Harry somehow knew that it had to be him that would bring an end to the Dark Lord once more. The only question was what 'The Power he knows not' referred to this time around. Originally, Dumbledore had assumed it would be love. However, as of right now, two new powers made a lot more sense to Harry. It must be either his knowledge of the future or the strange magic that was gifted to him after reconnecting with his Magiae Familiae through the ritual.

In the end, it did not really matter which one he would use to put the Dark Lord six feet under once more. It was more important that certain people get to live the life they deserved. Even if they will never know how heavily their fate had been impacted by Harry.

March 7th, 1976

Dear Daughter,

After much consideration, I have decided to end your courtship with Rabastan Lestrange in favor of a more advantageous prospect for the family. The necessary documents have already been dispatched to Lord Lestrange by the time this letter finds you. When you read these words, the courtship arrangement between our Houses has been declared invalid already.

I predict you must be ecstatic to hear that your latest suitor's line of argument persuaded me to start the negotiations with House Peverell immediately. Nevertheless, until there is an official agreement between our families, you will act as one might expect from the daughter of one of Britain's most prominent pureblood families. You will not bring shame to our House by a lack of etiquette, and I expect you to behave yourself accordingly.

Attached you will find a letter, which you will deliver to Mr. Peverell in person. Should he accept the invitation, I will meet the two of you in a private room at the Three Broomsticks during the next Hogsmeade weekend on March 10th. Since Mr. Peverell undoubtedly lacks experience in negotiating courting agreements, I will allow him to bring an advisor of his choice.

Do not forget to inform me about Peverell's decision, including whether he accepts or not.

I will see you next weekend, Marlene.

Your father,

Lord Alfred McKinnon

Head of the House McKinnon

Marlene read the letter two more times, just to make sure that she did not imagine things. He grinned grew wider and wider as she finished it the last time. Then, she looked up, her eyes beaming like never before and flashing brilliant white teeth.

"Are you o..."

Florence was unable to finish the sentence because suddenly she was hugged by her best friend like never before. Marlene was literally squeezing the air out of her lungs, while a very girlish, excited, high shriek escaped the blonde's lips.

"Mar, I can't breathe!" Florence squeaked.

Marlene loosened her grip for a few seconds, allowed Florence to take a deep breath, and then squeezed once more, all the while giggling madly. She knew that the entire table was probably staring at her, but right now she could not care less.

Harry! Suddenly, she remembered who she should tell about this immediately. Had he arrived yet? Marlene broke the hug and spun around to look at the Gryffindor table, but Harry was still not there.

"What the hell is going on Marlene?" Florence frowned: "Do I need to take you to Pomfrey for a calming drought?"

"No, Silly... My father canceled the courtship with Lestrange!" Marlene whispered excitingly and held out the letter for her. She waited impatiently while her best friend's eyes roamed over the sentences. Then, Florence discharged a similar high shriek and hugged Marlene back: "I am so happy for you, Mar! This is amazing. Harry and you can finally be a couple!"

"I know!" Marlene cheered. She picked up her silver goblet and tried to glimpse her reflection in it: "How do I look, Flo? I am going to tell him as soon as he enters the Great Hall and hand over the letter!"

The brunette rolled her eyes: "You look as fabulous as always, Mar. I am sure Peverell will snog you senseless."

"He can't!" Marlene yelped in surprise: "We have to follow pureblood etiquette, remember!"

"Then I guess he will wait until you two are alone and snog you senseless..." Florence laughed: "If it all goes according to plan, the two of you will be dating by next week. Let's just hope he did not accept the courtship agreement with Black in the meantime. You did let the poor bloke wait for a long time after all..." Florence finished with a teasing grin.

"Don't even joke about stuff like that, Florence Fawley!" Marlene withered and bit her lower lip: "Harry would never do that to me."

"Well, then go and tell your Prince Charming about it, because he just entered the Great Hall." Florence chuckled while looking over her shoulder.

Marlene spun her blonde head around so quickly that her long braid whipped over her best friend's face. Indeed, there he was. Harry walked into the Great Hall with his usual grin on his lips, followed by Black, Potter, and the other Marauders. His green eyes instantly found her's and he flashed her a small smile and a wink, just as he had for the past few weeks.

Marlene gathered all her Gryffindor courage, placed her long braid over one shoulder, and stood up from the Ravenclaw table. Harry's eyes widened slightly when he noticed her standing up and walking straight towards him. She also caught him shooting a quick glance over to the Slytherin table, where Rabastan Lestrange would undoubtedly throw the biggest tater tantrum the Great Hall had seen in years.

"Ms. McKinnon..." Harry greeted her formally and inclined his head: "You look rather lovely this morning. How may I help you?"

Marlene was about to answer when a shout boomed through the Great Hall: "MCKINNON! How dare you!"

Marlene sighed and turned towards the table in green, where a very angry pureblood walked towards her, followed by a dozen upper-year students.

"Detention, Mr. Lestrange!" McGonagall's boomed over the excitement and chatter in the Great Hall: "I have told you before not to shout in the Great Hall!"

Lestrange ignored the deputy headmistress and approached Marlene with rapid steps. His right hand jerked towards the wand in his robes. Within a split second, Harry stood protectively in front of and blocked the young man's path.

"It is rather improper to shout at a young Lady like that, don't you think so, Lestrange?" Harry looked as calmly as ever, but Marlene knew that he would flick his wand in his palm within a split second if it was necessary.

Lestrange tried to step around him, but Harry repositioned himself and blocked his path once more. By now, Dumbledore, Slughorn, McGonagall, and Flitwick had almost joined the small group. The Transfiguration Professor's lips were impossibly thin: "You will all return to your House Tables immediately unless you tell us what is going on here?"

"I have forbidden her to talk to him!" Lestrange yelled with his finger pointing straight at Marlene. "She repeatedly ignored my instructions and following pureblood decorum, I will make use of my right to punish her as I see fit."

"I am afraid I won't let that happen." Harry smiled coldly, still standing protectively in front of her. Marlene was close enough to him that she could feel the magic buzz in the air around him, waiting to be unleashed.

"And neither will the school." Professor Dumbledore interfered: "Your primitive and obsolete traditions might, very much to my disgust, still be applicable in the outside world. However, at Hogwarts, I will not allow you to get physical with another student."

"You are interfering with the matters of Ancient Houses!" Rabastan yelled: "She is to be my wife! I own her!"

"Actually, Mr. Lestrange... No, you don't!" Marlene decided it was finally time to speak up: "My father has canceled the contract with Lord Lestrange. Our courting agreement is no longer active. In other words, you no longer have a say over me and I can talk to whoever I want..." Marlene added with a cold smirk and took a step closer to Harry.

Lestrange's eyes almost bulged out of their sockets as they flickered between Harry and her. This was definitely the angriest she had ever seen him. Marlene gulped heavily, but she knew Harry would never let him harm her

"You fucking whore!" Lestrange spat. His hand jerked to his wand when suddenly a bright flash connected with him and dropped to the floor.

"Horace, please escort Mr. Lestrange to your office," Dumbledore spoke very calmly as he placed his wand back into his robes. However, his eyes rested on the unconscious form of Lestrange with utter disgust. The headmaster's magical aura was almost palpable, and it radiated power: "I will contact Lord Lestrange and allow him to pick up his son from school. Mr. Lestrange will be suspended for a month for his actions today."

Slughorn merely nodded solemnly and levitated the unconscious boy with his wand out of the Great Hall.

"I suggest you all head back to your tables, now." Dumbledore added, more towards the group of Slytherins than to Harry, his friends, and Marlene: "Perhaps some of you have forgotten that this is a place for education, not for duels and brawls."

The Slytherins knew that it was not worth getting expelled over an incident like this and reluctantly returned to finish their breakfast. Harry waited until the last of them had turned around before addressing Marlene with a soft smile: "It's true then? Your father canceled the contract?

Marlene nodded and beamed up at him. A wide smile appeared on his face and fire danced in his emerald green eyes after hearing the confirmation from her. Marlene would love nothing more than to show her feelings right here and now and demonstrate her claim on Harry, but her father's words kept her in line. Soon...

"I have a letter from my father for you." Marlene blushed slightly as she pulled it out of her cleavage, where she must have stored it in the heat of the moment: "He invites you and a person of your choice to meet him at the Three Broomsticks during the next Hogsmeade weekend to negotiate the courtship."

He watched in amusement as she pulled the envelope from between her breasts. Marlene caught his eyes lingering on them for a tad longer after the envelope was already removed . It was nice to see that he was not completely immune to her charm and physical appearance. After all, Harry was a hormonal boy...

He cleared his throat at being caught staring and shot her a teasing smile: "Well then there is only one thing left to do, isn't there?"

At her skeptical look, Harry continued: "Marlene McKinnon, would you like to be my date for the next Hogsmeade weekend?"

March 12th, 1976

"So... Where would you like to go first?" Harry asked her while gently pulling her closer by the waist. Marlene snuggled up to his side and sighed contently. The date was off to a great start.

"I need some new quills from Scrivenshaft's." The blonde mused: "And I could also refill my chocolate stock at the Honeydukes."

"I did not know you had a sweet tooth," Harry chuckled.

"Hopefully we will be able to get to know each other a bit better after tonight." Marlene expressed: "Not just on a physical level, Harry." She added with a grin.

"I didn't know you were complaining..." Harry teased and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I just finally want to get to know the real you." Marlene smiled: "Not the prankster, who outperforms everyone in his classes... Not the dueling prodigy and certainly not Britain's most eligible Bachelor... Just the real you, you know?"

Luckily, Marlene did not see his frown, the wrinkles on his forehead, or the painful expression on his face as she mentions her desire. With her head leaned against his shoulder, she sighed once more and looked out of the window at the beautiful landscape the carriage crossed on its way to the village.

"I know." Harry replied as he pulled her closer once more, enjoying the heat of her body. "I promise I will try..."

"That's all I am asking of you." Marlene nodded and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, before turning her head back outside.

His heart sank and Harry knew exactly why. So far, he had been able to avoid lying to Marlene as best as possible. But how long could he continue doing so? She wanted to get to know him, which was perfectly reasonable. Yet, what was Harry supposed to tell her?

His original plan had been to reveal his identity only to the Potters after the war was over and Voldemort was defeated. Even then, it would still be a risk, since the Unspeakables would undoubtedly have questions for him, if they ever caught a whiff of it.

Harry knew already that he genuinely liked the girl cuddling up next to him. He could easily see an actual relationship with her, unlike with any of the previous girls he met. However, he did not even want to imagine how someone like Marlene would react to finding out the truth about him. The boy she had been dating for years was a time-traveler from the future, who made it his mission to save her life and change the fate of her family. But he could begin sharing a few things with her already, couldn't he?

They rode down the remaining path to the village, enjoying each other's company and holding a pleasant conversation when Harry decided it was time to pop the question: "How much do you know about Occlumency, Marlene?"

She looked up at him, her big blue eyes slightly narrowed: "My aunt introduced me to some basic exercises for it last summer. It used to be a skill taught to all pureblood children since it is very valuable in business and politics. However, the Ministry has declared learning it illegal. At least here in Britain. Why did you ask?"

Harry sighed: "As you have undoubtedly gathered already, I have secrets, Marlene... Lots of secrets and my life depends on how well I can protect them. At the same time, I still want to get to know you and share things about me..."

"So, you need me to be able to keep those secrets..." Marlene finished for him: "I did not know Occlumency could be used to hide secrets. I thought it was just a mental tool to keep emotions in check and concentrate more effectively."

"If that was all there was to it, why do you think the Ministry made it illegal to learn?" Harry grinned: "You are right of course. However, Occlumency is also the magical defense of the mind against external penetration. It's an obscure branch of magic, but a highly useful one. Those gifted in the mind arts are able to develop something called Occlumency shields over time. Those shields are like a mental barrier that will enable a practitioner of the mind arts to hide specific memories, thoughts, and feelings."

"Hide it?" Marlene frowned: "But from whom? From someone trying to read my mind?"

Harry chuckled at her expression and remembered Snape's teaching: "The mind is not a book, to be opened at will and examined at leisure. Thoughts are not etched on the inside of skulls, to be perused by any invader. The mind is a complex and many-layered thing... It is true, however, that those who have mastered Legilimency, which is the counter skill to Occlumency, are able, under certain conditions, to delve into the minds of their victims and to interpret their findings correctly."

"Do you know of anyone who has that skill?" Marlene asked, slightly shaken by the thought.

"The headmaster is very experienced in the mind arts, especially in passive Legilimency. Similar to Voldemort, Dumbledore will always know whether you lie to him or not unless you are a practitioner yourself. I am certain that a few of the other professors know at least Occlumency. In addition, there is one student, who currently dabbles into Legilimency, but he has not made much progress yet." Harry explained.

"Can you teach me how to protect myself?" Marlene asked with a frown while she climbed out of the carriage. They finally arrived in Hogsmeade and headed for the first stop on their list: "You are right, it's a useful skill and in addition, I will be able to keep your secrets."

"I was hoping you would say that." Harry smiled as he offered her his arm. He was glad that it had been so easy to convince her.

"How will you teach me?" Marlene asked curiously. She linked their arms and walked towards the Honeydukes.

"Unfortunately, there is only one way to teach you." Harry sighed: "I will have to penetrate your mind and teach you how to stop the attacks. I won't lie and tell you that it's a nice experience, however, it's the only way. It also requires a lot of trust. You'd need to allow yourself to be vulnerable."

Marlene hummed her understanding and bit her lip: "So you have some experience in Legilimency already?" She inquired: "Is that how you will enter my mind?"

"I have a very rudimentary understanding of it." Harry confirmed: "Therefore this will be a very good lesson for me as well. You don't have to decide on it now, though. Let's have some fun on our first real date instead of drooling about the mind arts."

Marlene laughed at that and entered the first shop: "You are right, Harry. This day will get serious enough already later on..."

Two hours later, Marlene and Harry headed towards the Three Broomsticks to meet with Lord McKinnon and finally set up a courting agreement. Madam Rosmerta had expected them already and led them upstairs into the same room, Harry had overheard a conversation about Sirius Black in his third year during his original timeline.

Lord McKinnon was already waiting for them. The man pushed his chair back and stood up for a greeting: "Thank you for agreeing to this meeting, Mr. Peverell." Lord McKinnon greeted him with a firm handshake after kissing his daughter's cheek: "However, I would have expected you to bring counsel?"

"I actually did, my Lord." Harry pushed Marlene's chair back in after she took a seat: "My advisor should be here any moment."

Just then, a strong firm voice sounded through the door out of the hallway behind it: "Yes, yes... I know where they will be waiting. No offense, but it's not like you have an abundance of meeting rooms. Now, do me a favor and get us something to drink, will you?"

The door opened and the imposing figure of Lord Arcturus Black entered the room. His gray eyes sharpened as they took in the three other occupants.

"Lord McKinnon." Arcturus nodded, walked over to the man, and shook his head: "And this must be your daughter." He addressed the blonde.

"Indeed, may I introduce my youngest child and daughter, Marlene Elizabeth McKinnon." Lord McKinnon gestured towards Marlene.

"My Lord, it's an honor to meet you." Marlene gave a small curtsey.

"So, this is the girl, this fool..." Arcturus addressed Harry: "... declined to court my youngest granddaughter for?"

Marlene blushed slightly under the sharp gaze Lord Black was inspecting her with.

"Well, he certainly has an eye for beauty." Arcturus nodded approvingly: "It is nice to finally meet you, my Lady. Though allow me to say that you are way out of this git's league..."

"You know..." Harry interfered with a groan: "...I specifically remember asking if you could advise me, sir. Not diminish my chances as a courting prospect."

"Oh, shut up, Peverell, and learn to take a joke." Lord Black chuckled: "Now, let's get started. I have other business to attend to today."

"Indeed, I suggest we begin with the general terms and conditions." McKinnon nodded and skimmed through several pieces of parchment.

Half an hour later, Harry was immensely glad to have taken Arcturus as an advisor. Having designed and negotiated courting agreements for his sister, children, and grandchildren, the man was an expert in this branch of pureblood politics. There were so many clauses that regulated the way Marlene and Harry were supposed to treat one another, that Harry lost the overview after the first ten already. Arcturus and Lord McKinnon negotiated and haggled every tiniest detail.

Harry and Marlene just let the two men have their fun while Marlene did her best to describe what was going on. There were a few awkward instances, for example when they discussed the issue of Marlene's virtue before marriage. Lord McKinnon insisted on adding a clause that would forbid the teenagers from having any physical intimacy at all during their courting period.

Arcturus, instead, argued that they should allow Mother Magic to judge the state of their relationship and whether the intimacy is initiated of their own free will. Should either Harry or Marlene force themselves on each other, they would break the contract and suffer consequences ranging from death to being a squib.

Harry had gulped audibly. Neither of the options sounded amazing, but he would prefer whatever Arcturus suggested over having no physical intimacy at all. It would literally be torture to have a bombshell girl like Marlene as your girlfriend and not be able to do anything.

After almost two hours, they were finally done and Lord McKinnon added the last clause they had agreed upon: "Very well, Lord Black, Mr. Peverell, the contract is finalized now. To give you an overview. This courting agreement is limited in time for twelve months. Afterward, it can either be extended or, if both parties agree, a betrothal contract can be drawn up. You should both be aware that since you sign with your blood and your magic, non-consensual physical intimacy, as well as infidelity, can be punished heavily. Do you have any questions?"

Harry nodded and spoke up: "If Marlene and I did some spell practice and a stray curse accidentally hit her, would the contract recognize that as me physically attacking her?"

"No, Peverell." Arcturus explained: "The magic within these pages will recognize whether it was your intent to actually hurt her or not."

"Okay, thank you." Harry nodded his understanding.

"Well then..." Lord McKinnon spoke up once more: "...The two of you need to sign it with this quill. Lord Black and I will sign soon after as witnesses for the corresponding parties."

He handed Harry a very sharp quill that showed a frightening resemblance to Umbridge's torture tool. Harry felt the magic inside it as he picked it up. He pulled himself together and squeezed Marlene's hand softly under the table as he signed on the specified spot. His full name was drawn in crimson red ink and he felt a small discomfort on top of his hand. Harry handed the quill over to Marlene, who also signed the contract with her full name. Next Arcturus and finally Lord McKinnon signed. Then, Lord Black taped the roll of parchment with his wand and copied it once.

Harry flashed Marlene a brilliant smile: "Well, then, with the formalities done, I can finally do this..."

He snapped his finger and a single red rose materialized out of thin air in his outstretched hand: "Marlene McKinnon, you would make me the luckiest bloke in this world if you say yes to being my girlfriend."

She fought down her blush as she accepted the flower and took in its sweet scent: "Yes, Harry... Nothing would make me happier."

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