
Divide And Conquer


Before they could react, X materialized behind Olivia, his chains whipping towards her. Olivia spun, her feather swords blocking the attack just in time.

The force of the impact sent her skidding back, her wings flaring to maintain balance. Ezra lunged at X, but before he could strike, X vanished again, reappearing on the opposite side of the battlefield.

Malachi emerged from the shadows, his tentacles thrashing wildly. He sprayed a jet of corrosive ink towards Gen, who dodged and retaliated with a powerful swing of her axe. Malachi teleported away, the ink splattering harmlessly against the ground.

"They're using hit-and-run tactics," Olivia noted, her eyes narrowing. "We need to outmaneuver them."

Ezra nodded, already formulating a plan. "We'll have to force them into a corner. Gen, use your ropes to limit their movement. Olivia, cover me while I try to disrupt their teleportation."

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