
It was not a normal gang war...

I saw one of my man behind the him. I pushed black. He was being thrown to the side. I hide behind the wall when firing started. Same was done by black.

That was not a single man. There are more. More that where hide in the underground place. Which have large pillar. I was hiding behind one of the pillar. That the blind shot. I wore my earplugs which was connect to all my agents. "They were firing blindly that means they are not professionals. Take place and be ready,when I will say you all can start firing." I took my gun and check it properly. It was perfectly loaded.

I looked to the side. And saw black was staring at me. We both were standing to side wise pillar. I looked at him. I don't care about him. But, I don't want him to be dead. He had the information which I wanted. I give him signals not to move from his place. But, as he was not Andre he didn't understand it.

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