
Envy and Jealousy

"Uncle, Scott doesn't want to do bad things. However, Scott has never done anything wrong and doesn't want to be misunderstood."

"Misunderstandings will surely be resolved. Oh, by the way, are you hungry? There are various flavors of nutritious liquid in the kitchen refrigerator. Just take whatever you want. Also, if you want any other food, just let me know."

Scott nodded, concealing all the hidden brightness in his eyes.


The news of Lora's unconsciousness couldn't be suppressed, and many people came to know about it.

Many people wanted to visit Lora, but Marcus prevented them, citing that Lora needed rest.

No matter how they speculated, apart from Lora's relatives, no one could see her.

As for the internal affairs of Peaceful City, it remained quiet, thanks to the rules set by Lora and her team, carefully selecting the people in the base.

Those who would cause trouble would never have a chance to enter.

In the blink of an eye, three years had passed.

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