
Are You Lora's Son?

The deity in question was said to have been seen only by the original members of the Hall Family.

Initially, the living conditions on this planet were extremely harsh, and it was that person who brought the ancient Earth survivors here and established a base.

This deity, who created this place, was also the first human to undergo plant-based transformation.

After being worshipped for so many years, his awakening must be incredibly powerful!

Liam felt as if she had been pulled out of icy water, drenched in cold sweat, her heart overwhelmed with endless regret.

But no amount of regret would change the situation.

When it comes to competing with an imposter like Lora, Liam still has confidence.

But if it's against that deity...

Sidney's voice carried a hint of desolation, especially given the current situation.

He let out a sigh and said, "Liam, come back." "Okay."


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