
Lynn Gets Angry

Mary remembered that the child was the offspring of the Ninth Prince of the Peaceful City, and was designated as the successor to the Deep Sea Base's leadership.

Moreover, the child was the only grandchild of the First City District's leader.

If anything happened to the child under Lynn's care, she would undoubtedly be held responsible.

However, she could simply claim that the mechas had gone out of control on their own, absolving herself of any blame.

Therefore, when a group of mechas rushed towards Lynn and the child, Mary, like everyone else, displayed a look of great shock.

"Oh my, what's wrong with these mechas?"

"Captain, please run!"

"It's terrifying!"

Lynn was a highly-ranked orc, so even without the mechas, escaping was not a problem for her.

However, the child trapped inside the small mecha toy would definitely not be able to escape.

This was precisely Mary's calculation.

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