
Too Shy to Hold Hands?

In the surveillance room of the military training base, the professors remained silent.

No one had expected that Lora Sharp's team would boldly split into two groups: one to hunt Star Beasts and continue earning points, and the other to hold back the Crown Prince's Group.

The prince himself was a different story; his strength remained unfathomable, and one must not be deceived by his youthful appearance.

However, it was Lora Sharp...

How could this girl hunt Star Beasts so swiftly?

Annie Kim had started off excitedly, rarely experiencing such exhilaration.

After all, she had always been compared unfavorably to her cousin by her family, which greatly dampened her enthusiasm.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have chosen to perform poorly.

But now, following Lora Sharp was truly thrilling and exciting.

Even her entire being felt invigorated!

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