
The Decisive Role of Jiang Yexun

In the last two days, they indeed received several reports. They just hadn't expected the traffickers to be hidden within this area. Upon entering the alley, they eased their pace. But what they assumed were light footsteps failed to deceive Jiang Yexun.

Spotting him emerging from behind the cover of scattered items, the police officers were somewhat astonished. However, his gaze had already fallen upon the young girl walking towards him. After carefully confirming that Su Xiaoxiao was unharmed, Jiang Yexun quietly informed the officers, "They are still inside, not coming out."

The officers nodded, stealthily approaching the door and gently pushing it. Upon confirming it was securely locked, they pressed their ears against it to listen. Hearing no sound, they signaled for one of them to climb the wall to take a look.

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