"Who is it?" Zhouzhou asked curiously, leaning forward to get a better look.
She strained her little head and finally saw the photo in Ye Lingfeng's hand, letting out a puzzled "huh?" sound. After glancing back and forth between the photo and Ye Lingfeng, she asked, "Daddy, this uncle has so much merit... even more than you!"
Ye Lingfeng pursed his lips, his grip tightening around the photo.
Noticing the change in his father's expression, Zhouzhou asked, "Daddy, who is this uncle?"
It took a while before Ye Lingfeng spoke up. "He was the former leader of the Dragon Group. He was like a mentor to me."
When Ye Lingfeng first entered the Fourth Bureau, it was this man who had guided him.
Qin Xu's expression also became serious.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: