
Demons 2: We are winning... but where are they?

A primal roar echoed across the savanna, a rallying cry that sent shivers down even the hardiest demon's spine. Alyssa, a towering tiger-woman clad in gleaming obsidian armor, led the charge of her Beastmen army. Her three sisters, tigresses each with unique stripes and a fierce glint in their eyes, flanked her. Together, they were a whirlwind of claws, fangs, and sheer ferocity, tearing through the demonic hordes like a hurricane through a field of reeds.

On the dwarven front, the rhythmic boom of cannons echoed through the caverns. Golems, hulking automatons of steel and stone, stood stoic as automated turrets lining the defensive towers unleashed a torrent of fire and enchanted projectiles. The demonic horde, once a raging tide, found itself decimated by the relentless rain of dwarven firepower.

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