
The Orkalorian [Warhammer 40k Isekai Ork OC SI]

Auteur: VonLeporace
Anime et bandes dessinées
Actuel · 68.5K Affichage
  • 13 Shc
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  • NO.200+

Have you ever been in a bad situation? Yes? Well, it sure doesn't compare to the situation I'm in! Imagine, I wake up trapped in the body of an ork in the middle of an Ork WWWAAAGGGHHH! On an Eldar craftworld with a giant Ork Warboss staring me in the face, almost get trampled, burned and shot, only to crash land on a hostile planet, full of Orks, and Tyranids. As if that weren't enough, I have to take care of a baby Eldar, one of the few sources of comfort I have on this planet. Without a warband to be a part of, I need to survive in the galaxy while ensuring the baby's safety. Get ready galaxy, because the story of the ork sniper is about to become real and I will do it while getting filthy rich in the process.

10 étiquettes
Chapter 1Chapter 1 – The Fall of Kirian-Niekt

My breathing is quickening, and my heart is racing. What is happening?

"FOR KIRIAN-NIEKT!" A serious but harmonious voice shouted.


Was that an explosion? Is my city under attack?

"Stop runn'n an fight me yer git!" A guttural voice shouted back.

Nevertheless, what the hell was that? That voice was not human.

"Wot are yer do'n on da floor? Get up or I will tear off yer arms an legs an use yer as a shield!" The guttural voice screamed again.

"OUCH!" I screamed in pain and opened my eyes when someone kicked me.

"What the hell was that…" I yelled as I stood up, but my voice trailed off at the sight of the thing in front of me.

It was a large, green creature, with huge and irregular teeth, wearing armor made of scrap iron. 

The thing held a large metallic claw in its left hand, and an extremely modified gun in its right, with a pole with a war banner on the back of the armor, a yellow moon surrounded by black flames.

The symbol of the Bad Moons, if that is the symbol of an ork clan, then that means the thing in front of me is an ork and by the size of it, must be a veteran warboss.

"Are yer gunna stand 'der an' watch me or are yer gunna grab yer shoota an' start shooting?!?" The Warboss demanded.

I got up quickly and grabbed the gun that was at my feet with shaking hands, doing my best to hide my fear and nervousness as sweat ran down my face.

"Hm… Ya're not deaf. So wot are ya do'n stand'n 'der?!? We've got a lot uv pointy ears ta squash! WWWAAAGGGHHH!" The warboss screamed as he fired his weapon in the air, followed by a chorus of similar screams.


Suddenly, I heard footsteps and the ground shook. Looking back, I saw a horde of orks coming after me and firing their weapons.

"AAAARRRGGGHHHH!" I screamed as I ran in the opposite direction.

"HAHAHA! I like yer spirit, but ya need ta practice yer scream! It is not 'AAARRRGGGHHH!' but 'WWWAAAGGGHHH! '' The Warboss yelled, firing his gun and running past me, disappearing around a corner further on.

The horde stood behind me, countless orks armed with junk armor and carrying improvised weapons. 

So I ran through the streets with the horde following me until I reached a particularly small street were made a sharp turn to the right, entering an alley and leaning against the wall, hiding myself in the shadows.

"WWWAAAGGGHHH!" The horde passed through the alley entrance until circular projectiles came down the street and sliced the orks.

"Come, Farseer Avandra is calling all the troops!" A tall and slender person wearing armor shouted, passing in front of the alley, accompanied by other people in armor.

One of them stopped in front of the alley and stared inside, I recoiled even deeper into the shadows as the armored person stepped inside.

"What are you doing? Farseer Avandra needs reinforcements!" One of the armored people screamed.

The armored person in front of the alley ran towards the voice, a few seconds passed and the sound of steps disappeared.

What the hell was that? Those were Guardian Eldar! How is this possible? I left the alley and looked around but did not see anyone. 

Looking down, I saw the dead orks on the street with shurikens stuck in their bodies. In disgust, I tried to walk past the dead orks without stepping on their bodies, but something caught my eye as I did so.

I saw something moving in a building beside me on a material similar to glass, it was the reflection of someone, but it was not my reflection, for an ork stared back at me. 

No! No! No! This cannot be happening! However, the reflection mimicked my movements.

I wore metal shoulder pads, metal and leather breastplate, goggles on my forehead, a yellow shirt, fingerless leather gloves, brown pants and gray boots with metal plates. 

I also carried a Big Shoota hung on my shoulder and a holstered Slugga on my waist.

Do not panic! Do not panic! Try to orient yourself! 

I walked down the street and heard screams and explosions in the distance. At the end of the street, I had a high view of where I stood, and my heart almost stopped with what I saw.

I stood in a Craftworld with wraithbone streets and buildings all over the place. Looking up, I saw the space with several Ork and Eldar ships firing at each other fighting. 

I am in one of the worst possible places to be. What should I do now?


I saw an explosion in the distance. Looking at the streets below, I saw a sea of green rushing towards the biggest building in the center of Craftworld. This place will not last long; I need to get out of here.


Nevertheless, I did not have that chance, as another horde of orks came towards me and forced me to run to save my life.

"Let's go! 'Da boss iz kall'n us!"

"End 'da point ears!"

The orks screamed as we ran. Until something forced us to stop, three rows of Dire Avengers with their weapons pointed at us, the first row lying down, another kneeling and the last one standing.

I looked around in search of something that would get me out of this situation, and saw what appeared to be a house.

"FIRE!" The leader of the Dire Avengers ordered.

I immediately ran towards the house and threw myself against the door, tearing it apart. I heard the screams of the fight outside, but I also heard another scream coming from the inside of the house.


Looking to where the scream came from, I saw a family of Eldar hiding under a table.

"Get out of here, you savage!" The male Eldar screamed as he tried to cut me with a knife.

With the fear of having my life threatened, my survival instinct kicked in and I used my weapon as a bat and hit the Eldar, making him fly away towards the wall.

"Saimesh!" The female Eldar screamed as she watched her husband fall unconscious.

"I'm very sorry!" I said to the Eldar as I approached, trying to calm her down, but the Eldar used her body to protect her child as a result.

Fortunately, I had to leave right away as the Dire Avengers entered the house.

"I'm sorry!" I screamed one last time as I ran deeper into the house, past a kitchen and hurled myself against a sliding door, the material shattering on impact.

I ran across the backyard with the Dire Avengers gunfire passing inches from me, jumped over the backyard fence, but my eyes widened when I saw a hill below.

"AAAHHH!" I screamed as I rolled down the hill.

Until I hit something, interrupting my fall. When I opened my eyes, I faced the helmet of a Dire Avenger.

"Get off me, disgusting creature!" The Dire Avenger screamed, drawing a combat knife-like weapon.

I got up quickly, moving away from the Eldar, but almost threw up when flames covered his body.

"AAAHHH!" The Eldar screamed, as he burned alive.

"HAHAHA! Ya like 'dat, pointy ear?!?" An ork holding a Burna and smoking a cigar shouted.

Looking around, I saw that I had collided with a group of Dire Avengers; my fall must have broken their formation.

"Gud job ya git! Dose knife ears were giv'n us trouble!" The ork with the Burna said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

Now, with their formation broken, the orks killed the Dire Avengers.

"Let's go now! We kan't let 'da boss have all 'da fun!" The ork screamed as he pushed me. 

Once again, they forced me to run away from a horde of orks to avoid a crushing end.

As we ran, I noticed we approached the big building in the center of the Craftworld. The ground shook again and I felt the ork with the Burna grabbing my shoulder.

"Kareful not ta be krushed!" The ork yelled as he pointed at the things that passed in the street in front of us.

It was a Gorkanaut and a Morkanaut; the two approached the large building with the Eldar firing all their heavy weapons toward the two war walkers. 

Cobra and Falcon tanks fired their canons, but the armored bellies of the Gorkanaut and Morkanaut endured the onslaught. 

Eventually, the Gorkanaut exploded due to the damage, but the Morkanaut still advanced. As it approached the defenses, the belly of the ork war engine opened, releasing a horde of orks onto the defenses.

With the distraction caused by the orks, the Morkanaut fired his Mega-Kannon, tearing apart a Cobra thank. Moreover, using its claw, the Morkanaut grabbed a Falcon thank and threw it towards the large building in front of us.

An Eldar managed to kill the ork that attacked him and took control of a Bright Lance, firing the cannon towards the Morkanaut, and piercing its head with a bright ray, destroying the war engine.

For a moment, it looked like the Eldar had won, but the street shook again and a Mega Dread came running towards the Eldar defenses, firing its mighty cannon as it ran.

Suddenly, a Wraithlord came from behind the large building and the two machines met, exchanging blows in the middle of the courtyard in front of the large building.

"Now!" The ork with the burna screamed as he pushed me.

We crossed the courtyard, the orks shooting everyone in sight. The orks further back fired rockets upwards, hitting what remained of the Eldar defenses when the projectiles fell.

We passed under the legs of the war machines, every step of these things creating a small earthquake followed by a rumbling noise.

Looking up, I saw the Mega Dread slashing the Wraithlord with its saw, only for the Wraithlord to trust its sword through the joint of the Mega Dread's arm, yanking it off as the saw fell right behind us.

Then the Wraithlord finished off the Mega Dread with his sword and started to turn towards us, ready to fire its weapon, but the firing of an approaching Kill Busta pushed it away.

"Let's go!" The ork with the burna screamed as he pulled me into the building.

"Wait!" I screamed.

"WWWAAAGGGHHH!" The ork screamed as he broke down the door. In addition, what I saw was complete chaos.

Dire Avengers, Striking Scorpions, Howling Banshees fighting all kinds of orks, and in the center of the great hall, I saw the Warboss with two Nobz fighting a Farseer and her Warlocks.

Moreover, behind them was some kind of small ship, probably an escape pod.

"Tired uv hiding, pointy ear?" The warboss shouted at the Farseer.

"Your foul breath offends me, pathetic creature. I am Farseer Avandra from Kirian-Niekt's Craftworld. Your taint will be removed, I swear on my name!" The Farseer screamed as she blocked the Warboss' Power Klaw strike.

"HAHAHA! Brave words for someone 'oo iz gunna die!" The warboss screamed as he fired his gun, but the Farseer used her psychic powers to create a barrier, blocking the bullets.

Seeing this, the ork Warboss advanced and the two clashed again, the Warboss's Power Klaw against the Witchblade covered in the Farseer's psychic energy.

"WWWAAAGGGHHH!" I snapped out of my stupor thanks to the scream of the ork with the burna. 

He ran into the middle of the fight while I decided to do the opposite and ran to the corner of the hall, hiding behind a pillar.

Everything seemed fine, I could hide here until I found a way to escape, but I heard a noise, it sounded like a howl. Looking to my left, I saw a Howling Banshee approaching quickly.

Seeing this, I backed across the hall, but the Banshee moved forward. In a panic, I pointed my gun at her and pulled the trigger. I felt something different, an incomparable joy, my heart pulsed with happiness, and my blood raced through my veins.

"WWWAAAGGGHHH!" I screamed as I fired.

However, the Banshee dodged all the shots and kicked me in the chest with both feet, throwing me in the middle of the hall and jumping towards me with a blade on each hand right after, but I put my weapon in front of me, blocking the blow.

"Get off me yer pointy ear!" I yelled with anger in my voice.

"Your blood will decorate this hall, filthy creature!" The Banshee screamed as she pinned me to the ground with her blades.

We disputed strength; I tried to take the Banshee off me as she tried to cut me with her blades.



My gun went off at some point and the hall fell silent.

Looking where the scream came from, I saw the Farseer with a red stain on the back of her clothes. 

The warboss upon seeing the Farseer injury grabbed the Eldar with one hand and pierced her stomach with his Power Klaw.

"I won, pointy ear." The Warboss said bragged in Farseer's face.

"Not while I live!" The Farseer screamed, psychic energy flowing through her body.

A huge psychic blast incinerated the Warboss and most of the orks in the room, but I stood far enough away to avoid the blunt of the explosion and flew far until I hit something.


The last thing I saw was the Farseer reaching a bloodied hand as a door closed in front of me.

Strangely, the large building seemed to get smaller and smaller until it disappeared. Then Craftworld shrank in size and all I saw was the vastness of space.

Soon everything went dark.



What happened?


Why does my head hurt so much?


In addition, who the hell was crying?

I opened my eyes, got up and looked around. I was in some kind of white room with a control panel on the other side. 

Looking down at my hands, I saw that the worst had happened and I was an ork. Damn it! I need to get out of here before the Eldar find me!


I jumped at the sound of crying and saw some kind of cocoon floating in the room. Touching the cocoon, its top opened and what I saw made my mouth hit the floor.

A baby Eldar stared back at me with tearful eyes.

"Oh, Zog!" I screamed.

As if it understood that I had said a bad word, baby Eldar cried harder.



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