
A Storm Approaches

Left alone in her workshop, Mercedes the merchant had many plans to attend to–from doing the bidding of her master to providing weaponry to the demi-human uprising in the city. To this end, her eyes scoured every news pamphlet handed to her by young children while she toured the streets as well as the direct letters from the revolutionaries trying to uplift the demi-humans and the beastmen. 

Everything reads the same, give us this and we'll reward you, give us that and we'll reward you. On the one hand, the ruling class and also the brains of everything mechanical in the city–the humans, offered great value in helping them through the newsletters and dare she hand over the opposition, she could've been easily rewarded beyond measure. Yet, that wouldn't sate her patron, for on the other hand were the demis and beasts, forever treated as cheap labour while the humans drew the fruits of their work.


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