
Tired Grows The Bone(18+ Harem Scene)

Basking in illusion and surrounded by the most beautiful of women, the dark mage lays with his arms weighed by their bodies and their fingers running across his chest, belly, and groin. Tired from everything that had happened, the girls were in a desperate search for respite and that feeling of release came to them as they lay in his arms and surrendered their bodies. 

"These past few weeks…" Whispering into Raven's ears while gently biting at his cheek, Mel let out a chuckle followed by a sigh. "Fuck it all."

"At least we're not really sisters," added Aria, laughing at the thought while hand ran all over Raven's skin. The spark from their touch, the sizzling sensation running under their skins, had them blurting words like a drunk, all the while, their heads were rushing with small ripples of ecstasy.


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